Simple exercises for legs and buttocks

Eight original exercises from will help to put in order the most “relaxed” parts of the body – stomach, buttocks, thighs and legs.

Exercises for legs and buttocks

Exercise № 1 – “Flying Eagle”

Helps to strengthen: muscles of the buttocks and thighs, legs, as well as abs.

Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart (right in front of left), hands are kept on the belt. We squat low, and then “push” ourselves upward, while bending the right knee and stretching our arms: left – forward, right – back (as shown in the photo). We try to stay in this position for at least 5 seconds. Squat again. Repeat the exercise 10 times, changing legs.

Beautiful legs and buttocks – exercises available to everyone

Exercise number 2 – “Swivel chair”

Helps to strengthen: muscles of the thighs, legs and arms, oblique abdominal muscles.

Starting position – sit on the floor, hands – on the belt, knees bent, feet do not lift off the floor. Raise the legs so that they, together with the body, form an approximately 45-degree angle. We spread our arms to the sides, and then – at the same time – we move our arms to the right, and legs bent at the knees – to the left (as shown in the photo). Trying not to touch the floor with our feet, we change the position: we take our hands (lifting over the head) to the left, our legs to the right. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

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Exercise number 3 – “Striking the board”

Helps to strengthen: muscles of the buttocks and thighs, abs, legs and arms, oblique abdominal muscles.

Get on all fours. Then move to the side and straighten your left leg (try to keep it straight!), While simultaneously reaching to the toes with your left hand. Try to stay in this position (see photo) for at least 5 seconds. Return to the starting position, pause briefly and repeat the exercise with the other leg. Repeat it 10 times.

Exercise number 4 – “Winged legs”

Helps to strengthen: muscles of the back and hips, shoulders and arms, legs.

Get on all fours, keep your back straight. Bend your left knee so that your heel is at the level of your buttocks. Slowly straighten and pull back your right leg. Remain in this position for at least 5 seconds. After that, return to the starting position, first the left and then the right legs. Do 10 reps. During the exercise, watch your back – it should remain straight.

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Exercise number 5 – “Rainbow”

Helps to strengthen: muscles of the buttocks, back and hips, shoulders, abs, lower legs.

Starting position – we stand on all fours, toes are bent. At the same time, we unbend the arms and legs – so that your new pose resembles the letter “L” (as shown in the photo). After that, bend your left leg at the knee, trying to bring the heel closer to the buttocks. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 10 times, remembering to change your legs.

Exercise number 6 – “Triangle”

Helps to strengthen: oblique abdominal muscles, abs, arms, shoulders, hips.

Starting position – sitting on the floor, bend at the knees and fold your legs, as shown in the photo. Leaning forward, lightly lean on your right arm bent at the elbow (the arm together with the shoulders should resemble an inverted triangle), at the same time pulling to the side and then raising your left arm up to the stop (see photo). Straighten your back and return your arms to the starting position (at the waist). Repeat the exercise 10 times, changing hands.

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Exercise number 7 – “Reach the sky”

Will help strengthen: oblique abdominal muscles, back, abs, buttocks and thighs, lower legs.

Starting position – standing on the floor, spread our legs as wide as possible. Bending your knees slightly, squat down, touching the floor with both hands. Then, at the same time, we take our left hand, first to the side, and then up and stand on tiptoe (as shown in the photo). The body, therefore, should have three points of support – the legs and the right arm. We return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 10 times, changing hands.

Exercise number 8 – “Charging the butterfly”

Helps to strengthen: the muscles of the back, abs, buttocks and thighs, as well as the chest.

Starting position – standing straight, put your left foot slightly forward. Slowly begin to squat so that the angle of both legs bent at the knees is approximately 90 degrees. Keeping your arms out to the sides, tilt your torso forward and then join your arms behind your back (as shown in the photo). Try to hold this position for at least 5 seconds, then return to the original position. Repeat the exercise 10 times, changing legs.

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