Simple exercises for beautiful posture

Correct posture is important for more than just spine health. People who keep their backs straight will look slimmer and younger and feel more confident. Maintain a beautiful posture with simple exercises that you can do in between, on the go.

All internal organs with good posture are located correctly – digestion and general well-being improves. Correct posture improves mood, and what’s more, people who keep their backs straight look slimmer and younger than those who hunch back. Even their clothes fit better on them.

Exercises that strengthen the back and correct posture are not at all difficult, even funny, and you can do them in between times, whenever you think about it.

“Book of Goals”

Take a large book with a hard but not glossy cover, place it on your head, and try to stand with your balance so that the book does not fall over. If this is not difficult for you, start walking with a book on your head, you can even try slightly dance… When this exercise becomes too easy for you, grab a few books.

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  • Exercises for beautiful posture

    “Puppet on strings”

    Walking, for example, down the street, imagine that a thread is tied to your crown, for which someone pulls you straight up, and two more threads are attached to your shoulders, slightly pulling them back. The chest will be straightened, the back will be stretched, the neck will look longer, and the gait will become lighter.

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  • “Gull”

    Standing straight, raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level. On the count of “one-two-three” take them back as far as possible, on the count of “four” return them to their original position.

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  • Hanging on the horizontal bar

    If you have a children’s sports complex at home with a horizontal bar or a crossbar on which you can hang, grabbing it with your hands, “hang” on it periodically for 1-2 minutes. It relieves tension in the back muscles and helps the spine to straighten. It is especially useful to hang like this after a day at the computer, or after a workout.

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  • Fidget

    It is not joke. Sitting down somewhere – both on a soft sofa and on a wooden bench, listen carefully to yourself: what sensations does the body experience? Fidget in place, try different sitting positions, and find a comfortable position. But staying in the same position for too long is also not very useful: you feel that you are tired – that means you have to fidget again.

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  • Are you not sure if you need these exercises, because you are convinced that you can keep your back straight even without them? Learn how to check if your posture is correct.

    Why straighten up?

    “Poor posture is, first of all, weak muscles, and not only the back muscles, as is commonly believed, but practically all the main muscle groups,” says a professor at the Academy of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgafta, specialist in the field of prevention and treatment of diseases of the spine M.V. Devyatova. This means that posture problems can be solved by trying to move more and by doing special exercises that strengthen the back muscles.

    How to check your posture?

    Stand in front of the mirror, stripping down to your underwear, and assume the position in which you usually stand. See how symmetrically the shoulders and hips are. With correct posture, there should be no distortions. Then go to the wall and lean your back against it. Try to feel (or better – ask someone to help you and see) which points of your body touch the vertical surface. With correct posture, the back of the head, the middle thoracic spine (it is located between the shoulder blades), buttocks and heels should touch the wall. This is important: when checking, do not try to reach up or straighten your shoulders, stand in the position that you are used to. This will help you determine if you have back problems.

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