Simeons Diet with Anat Stern

In the fifties of the twentieth century, the English endocrinologist Albert Simeons proposed an innovative method of losing weight in 40 days. His diet was supplemented by a revolutionary drug that accelerated fat burning and contributed to weight loss. The successor to Dr. Simeons was Anat Stern, who herself has lost a lot of weight by this method, and is now the main diet consultant.

Development Stories

The diet has been developed by a doctor for five years. Over the next fifteen years, Albert Simeons was engaged in clinical studies of his methodology. The first on whom the doctor experienced a diet were his young patients from wealthy families. In addition to a specially developed diet menu, Simeons introduced to patients a special preparation based on placental hormone HCG – human chorionogonotropic hormone.

However, the widespread, despite the good results, the original diet of the doctor has not received. The reason for this was the high cost of the drug hCG, which was an indispensable condition for losing weight. In addition, many physicians of the time negatively perceived Simeons ’know-how, accusing him of unethical use of such a drug.

After several decades, an English woman named Anat Shtern, after 10 years of unsuccessful struggle with excess weight, ventured to try the forgotten method of Albert Simeons. Having experienced a diet on himself, Anat got a great result – minus 40 kg! After that, she decided to write a book about the activities of the author of the revolutionary methodology. Moreover, she proposed an alternative to hCG, making this diet available to all who want to lose weight. This alternative drug has become a homeopathic analogue drug.

The essence of diet

The essence of the diet of Simeons with Anat Shtern is to observe a strictly regulated menu that affects fat metabolism in general and the burning of “bad” fat in particular. The theory of weight loss of Dr. Simeons is based on the fact that there are three types of fat in the human body. The first of these is the fat pad between the internal organs. The second type of fat is the energy depot. The third type is “bad” fat, which is deposited on the stomach, thighs, arms, and serves as a reserve “just in case”. In conditions of fasting women during pregnancy, this fat begins to be spent on the needs of the fetus.

According to Simeons, the human hormone-hormone-hormone (hCG) contributes to the burning of “bad” fat. This hormone is produced by the embryo shell in early pregnancy. If you introduce HCG in the body losing weight during a diet, that is, in conditions of artificial starvation, it is the “bad” fat that will be burned. In addition, this hormone increases the body’s resistance to stress, which is a diet, and also enhances the production of adrenal hormones, thereby speeding up the metabolism.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

The diet of Dr. Simeons has many advantages over other methods of losing weight. You can lose 0,2-0,5 kg of weight per day per day on this diet, and for 40 days you can lose up to 15 kg. In this case, weight loss occurs due to the burning of “bad” fats, and muscle mass remains unchanged.

Thanks to the intake of hCG, the low calorie diet does not cause hunger in losing weight. A great advantage of this diet over other similar ones is that slimming does not necessarily require sports.

Developed by an endocrinologist, this diet is not only an effective method of losing weight, but also a good method that normalizes the metabolism in the body. The diet is proven to improve the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, arthritis, arterial hypertension. Losing weight by the method of Simeons, you can get rid of obesity of internal organs, which often accompanies overweight.

Severe restriction of caloric intake may exacerbate existing chronic pathologies. Therefore, before you start losing weight by the method of Simeons, you should consult with your doctor and, if necessary, undergo additional examinations.

Principles of the technique

Dr. Simeons divided the diet into four successive stages:

  1. Preparatory.
  2. Main.
  3. Fixative.
  4. Final.

The preparatory phase is designed to cleanse the body of toxins and prepare for a sharp restriction of the diet. To cleanse for 2-3 days, you need to eat fruits, vegetables, herbs, drink freshly squeezed juices. They are rich in fiber, and therefore contribute to the acceleration of intestinal motility.

The main stage consists of three successive stages. The first of them is aimed at blunting the desire to eat high-calorie meals. This stage lasts 2-3 of the day. These days you need to eat very high in calories, but you should take the drug hCG. Such eating behavior allows you to prepare the body for a strict diet.

The second step lasts from three weeks to 40 days. Its duration depends on the initial weight of losing weight and the weight that he wants to get rid of. Food at this stage is limited to 500 kcal per day. The diet should consist only of products included in the list of allowed. Reception hCG is required.

The third stage is designed for disaccustoming from reception of hCG. Its duration is three days. Diet during these days remains the same strict, but taking hCG is not required.

The third stage is the way out of the diet. It lasts three weeks. At this stage, the result of weight loss is consolidated by gradually increasing the calorie intake to 1500-1800 kcal per day. Prohibited foods at this stage include sugar and light carbohydrates (flour, sweet, potatoes).

The final (fourth) stage lasts 21 day. At this stage, it is necessary to gradually introduce carbohydrates: in the first week, one carbohydrate product is injected per day, in the second – two products, in the third – three. In this way, the ability of the digestive system to digest any food is restored.

Allowed and prohibited products

Eat at the second stage of the diet Simeons can only authorized products. Permitted products include:

  • chicken fillet, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat fish and seafood and other protein products – not more than 150 g per day;
  • fruits and berries (apples, strawberries, orange, grapefruit) – no more than 150 g per day;
  • vegetables and greens (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, spinach, asparagus, celery, onions) – no more than 150 g per day;
  • flour products (unleavened rice cakes, Italian grissini sticks) – no more than 40 g per day;
  • tea, coffee without sugar.

Food can be seasoned with spices that do not contain fat. Salt should be limited as much as possible.

The products whose use is prohibited include sausages, smoked meats, dairy products (except for low-fat cottage cheese), eggs, starchy vegetables, sweet fruits and berries, flour, sweets, pickles, sauces, canned goods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Sample menu

Meals that are mandatory for use on this diet is not. The diet is not strictly regulated, but it is limited to calories (no more than 500 kcal) and a list of permitted foods. To avoid breakdown during the diet, you need to make a menu for the week and strictly adhere to it. To compile it, you should follow certain recommendations:

  • for breakfast, you can drink a cup of tea or coffee with a teaspoon of skim milk, without sugar;
  • lunch and dinner should consist of protein and vegetables (at 50% of the daily value);
  • meat must be alternated with cottage cheese, fish or seafood;
  • as a snack you can eat fruits, berries, dried bread.

A sample menu for the week might look like this:


Breakfast: black tea.

Lunch and dinner: boiled veal 50 g, one tomato, lettuce.

Snack: apple.


Breakfast: natural coffee.

Lunch and dinner: boiled chicken 50 g, one cucumber, greens.

Snack: orange.


Breakfast: green tea.

Lunch and dinner: boiled fish 50 g, lettuce leaves.

Snack: pear.


Breakfast: natural coffee with a spoonful of milk.

Lunch and dinner: boiled fish 50 g, cabbage broccoli 2 inflorescences, greens.

Snack: grapefruit.


Breakfast: black tea.

Lunch and dinner: boiled mussels 50 g, 2 radishes.

Snack: 6 pieces of strawberries.


Breakfast: natural coffee with a spoonful of milk.

Lunch and dinner: boiled shrimp 50 g, 2 white cabbage leaf, greens.

Snack: 2 kiwi.


Breakfast: black tea.

Lunch and dinner: low-fat cottage cheese 50 g, tomato.

Snack: persimmon.

The next weight loss with the Simeons diet can only be carried out after 3 a month after leaving it. However, if you follow all the recommendations on how to get out of the diet, you will not need to lose weight again, because the result will be fixed for a long time.

Reviews about diet

Reviews of most thinned with the help of the diet Simeons indicate its high efficiency.

Olga, 38 years: “Diet helped me lose weight on 9 kg. The weight has been holding for more than six months, although I eat all the food I want. ”

Alesya, 29 years: “We lost weight on this diet at the same time as my husband. He lost 11 kg, and I lost 16 kg! Easy and efficient. We hold the weight for the fifth month. Now my sister is on a diet. ”

Inga, 34 of the year: “I lost weight by this technique two years ago. I lost weight then on 8 kg, but a year later the weight returned. Tried to lose weight with this diet without HCG. Has limited the caloric content of food to 500 kcal, but could not withstand. After 3 of the day fell through. Yes, it is impossible to keep a diet without HCG. ”

If you follow all the recommendations using the Simeons diet, you can lose weight and keep the result for a long time. But with all the advantages of this method of losing weight, there are downsides. The introduction of hormones into the human body without good reason can provoke endocrinological disorders. Therefore, doctors strongly oppose the use of natural hCG during this diet. Instead, in the process of losing weight according to the method of Simeons, it is recommended to use his homeopathic analogue.

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