Silymarin – composition, indications, dosage, contraindications

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Silymarin is used in medicine in the course of liver treatment, because it has strong detoxifying, choleretic, choleretic, antiatheromatic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Silymarin consists of a number of chemical compounds obtained from milk thistle seeds. These are such substances as: silybyin and its isomer isosilibin, silycristin and silidianin.

Manufacturer of the drug: different manufacturers depending on the preparation.

Form, dose, packaging: hard capsules; 50 mg; pack of 30

The active substance: sylimaryna.

Silymarin – indications for use

Silymarin it is used in the case of liver damage, which is most often caused by irritating factors, e.g. toxins. This applies primarily to people who consume large amounts of alcohol, but also to those who are poisoned with toluene, plant protection products, and toxins produced by the toadstool. Sylimaryna it is helpful when using large amounts of drugs that have a first-pass effect (they pass through the liver and burden it). Sylimaryna because it is a drug that stabilizes the cell membrane of hepatocytes (the building blocks of the liver). Sylimaryna it also inhibits the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the blood vessels (protection against myocardial infarction), lowers the LDL cholesterol fraction, prevents the development of tumors by lowering the risk of metastasis, supports the reconstruction of the liver in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. Sylimaryna it is effective in preventing the formation of gallstones.

Silymarin – dosage

Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age usually take 3 tablets 2 times a day after eating, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. The drug requires systematic use, for a period of 2-4 weeks, up to a 6-month treatment. When used silymarin do not exceed the maximum doses of 400 mg per day (based on silibin). Preparations containing silymarin should be eaten after a meal and washed down with plenty of water.

Sylymarin capsules can be found in FOR THE LIVER – herbal set from Herbapol in Krakow. The set also includes Fix tea for the liver and Gallbladder capsules. You can also buy Silymarin alone for a healthy liver in the form of capsules.

Silymarin – contraindications to use

Taking preparations containing silymarin jest contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to the active substance or any of the excipients. This also applies to hypersensitivity to other plant substances derived from the complex plant (Compositae). Not recommended application of the drug in children under 12 years of age. Due to the lack of safety data, it should not be used use preparation during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Silymarin – warnings

While in use silymarin you should not expose your body to substances that are toxic to the liver at the same time. This means that we should not consume alcohol during the therapy. Taking otherwise silymarin turns out to be pointless because it won’t work as it should.

Silymarin – interactions with other drugs

Application data are not available silymarin with other medications.

Silymarin – side effects

Taking high doses silymarin may cause a laxative effect.

The source of silymarin is milk thistle, which is also made into oil. Bioherba milk thistle oil can be purchased at a favorable price on the Medonet Market. This product is also part of the Bioherb Senior Set with Angel’s Kiss tea and a care and regenerating cream.

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