Silvia Congost: «Writing helps to organize and give light to what we carry inside»
The psychologist Silvia Congost, an expert in self-esteem and emotional dependence, shows in “The voice of my wings” her other way of talking about love, heartbreak, loneliness and gratitude

Words that want to be written often come to Silvia Congost’s mind. And when this happens, he has no choice but to stop what he is doing and write down those phrases, ideas or verses that, over time, are transformed into texts that he shapes (prose, poetry, poetic prose …) depending on of what “your inner state asks of you.”
For this psychologist, an expert in Self esteem, emotional dependence y toxic relationships deed it is not a mere hobby. He claims that writing has “healed” him, has “liberated” him and has “put light in his darkness” helping him to connect with “his truth.” So much so that she ensures that writing is already a necessity for her. She is the author of books on psychology and personal development such as “Automatic self-esteem”, “When loving too much is depending”, “If it hurts, it’s not love” or the most recent “Alone”, but in her latest work, “The voice of my wings”, it changes the register showing its «most vulnerable self» through poems y poetic prose It is structured in five main themes: love, heartbreak, loneliness, freedom and gratitude.
He began to flirt with writing in childhood, as it was a voracious reader, and soon he felt the urge to put his own words on paper. However, he is aware that many people still do not know the benefits that writing can bring either because they don’t seem capable or because they haven’t even tried. «Sometimes it is difficult for us to write because we have the feeling, or rather the limiting belief, that we do not know how to write or put on paper what we are feeling. But if you can speak, you can write. And if you are able to connect with your emotions, you are able to transmit them by writing », he argues.
One of the most interesting benefits of the act of writing is, he explains, that «Helps to organize and illuminate what we carry inside»In other words, writing can shed light on our lived experiences, on the process we are going through or on our feelings and emotions. And not only that, but also writing allows us to take all that out of us so that we can unload that “weight” that it sometimes supposes. «Once outside we can see those emotions, analyze them, order them and reflect on their meaning. We can place them where it does not hurt or even that analysis or that reflection can help us make decisions to create changes in our lives. Writing allows us to transcend these difficulties in order to continue growing », emphasizes Congost.
Write more from the pain
Some people write whatever their emotional stateHowever, others find it easier to express themselves through this formula when they connect within them with sadder or gray emotions. This is due, according to Silvia Congost, to the fact that it is more common connect with our sensitive part when we live hard experiences, changes, heartbreak, sadness or that make us suffer. This is precisely what she says happens to her because she sees in the act of writing a liberating activity that allows her to put on paper what she feels or what hurts by giving it a “name.” And that helps you connect with what you feel and bring it out. “When we write because the body and the soul ask us to, we must take advantage of that experience and get down to work because writing allows us to channel pain and any other feeling,” he proposes.
Where do I start if I want to write?
Before a blank page, the potential writer experiences a kind of internal monologue similar to this: “But if I don’t know how to write … If in reality what I think has neither head nor tail … Nobody cares what I have to say … What a shame if someone reads it one day, they are my things …”. The point is that the figure of the writer or the act of writing is often so idealized that we do not always consider ourselves worthy of enjoying the happiness of “putting words together” meaningfully and correctly. But what we are talking about here is to write under the influence of these four objectives or desires: to put order and turn on the light that it gives to our interior, to give “first and last names” to our emotions, to become aware of what a certain arouses us. feeling and bring out what we carry inside. Ultimately, it is about write to understand, know and love us. That is why one of the formulas that may be interesting for those who begin to write is the format of “daily”. Thus, writing each night some of the reflections of the day (what we liked, what we are grateful for, what we have done differently, what has made us feel bad or what has been a success …) can be a good resource for Discover the benefits of writing. “Getting used to connecting daily with that inner part of us and putting on paper that which sometimes costs us so much can be a good way to start our relationship with the art of writing,” suggests the psychologist.
It can also be useful to soak up the reading of works that propose that inner discovery. In the case of “The voice of my wings”, the author proposes to read the collection of poems based on how we are at that moment, as this will help us to connect more with one of the themes in which she has structured her work (love, heartbreak, loneliness , freedom and gratitude), but without losing sight that what he wants to contribute in his work is tools to connect with emotions and not so that we sink into them.