Silver (E174)

E174 is an additive that is part of food and non-food products. It gives a special metallic shade to pastries, jewelry, details of various designs. There is an opinion that all food additives are dangerous and can cause serious harm to the human body. Is this really so, what you need to know about E174 and how to apply the dye?

What do you need to know about nutritional supplements?

Food additives are substances added to foods during the manufacturing process. They are needed to improve various indicators of food – shelf life, visual appeal, aroma, texture and taste. Control over the use of food additives is carried out at the state level. Each country has a special list of recommendations and rules that manufacturers follow. To bridge the gap, imports are labeled with product information in their native language. For example, in America, the full names of additives are used for designation, and in the European Union, the prefix “E” is used.

International standards that regulate the use of food additives and impurities are introduced by a committee of experts from JECFA (International Agricultural Organization) and the Codex Alimentarius. Standards undergo additional checks and only after that come into force.

In order to distinguish food additives, a special Codex Alimentarius numbering system has been developed in the European Union. It has been operating since 1953 to the present day.

According to this classification, each additive is assigned an individual number that begins with the code “E”. The first digit in the number indicates that the additive belongs to a certain group. The E-1 code indicates belonging to dyes. E174 is a synthetic silver dye that belongs to the group of metallic colors.

Food colorings

This is a group of synthetic or natural substances. They are used to color food in various shades of the color palette. Initially, all dyes were of organic origin. Juices of vegetables and fruits, extracts or infusions from leaves, roots or pericarp of flowers, crushed flowers, etc. were used for staining.

Some shades (for example, metallic ones) simply do not have vegetable analogues. To give a food product a silver tint is possible only with the help of synthetic food coloring.

In the modern gastronomic industry, the vast majority of additives are of synthetic origin. This is due to the rapid development of science. It turned out to be much easier, faster and cheaper to create an artificial dye than to extract it from plant products.

General characteristics of E174

E174 (silver) – silver dye. It has not only a coloring, but also a disinfecting effect. Silver is rarely used in the food industry due to its high cost and minimal distribution. The main scope of the additive is the jewelry industry. Also, the dye is used in the manufacture of various decorative elements, children’s toys, interior items, large construction projects that need to be given a silver tint.

E174 belongs to the category of conditionally safe additives. The substance is resistant to various acids and aggressive environments. Scientists have proven that the supplement can be used even in surgery. E174 makes it possible to introduce silver into the human body without a threat to health and tremendous stress for all internal systems. Moreover, the metal blocks purulent and inflammatory processes, which helps the patient to quickly rehabilitate after surgery.

Silver enters the human body with water. Due to its antibacterial properties, the substance is often used to disinfect liquids.

It should be noted that the concentration of silver in the liquid is colossally small and cannot significantly affect the health of a living organism.

Dye composition

Silver is a heavy metal that is mined from clay deposits in the earth’s crust. The substance has a low reactivity, so the dye does not dissolve in hydrochloric / sulfuric acids. Dissolution is possible only in the presence of free oxygen in hydrochloric acid or in an oxidizing environment. The dye does not dissolve in pure alcohol, and when the substances come into contact, a specific chloride film is formed.

Features of the application of E174

Silver dye is used for the same purposes as aluminum. The substance gives the product a silvery tint with a glossy sheen. In addition to decorative design, E174 can also be useful in the alcohol industry.

The main advantage of metal is its disinfectant effect. The substance can be used to purify fluids and even treat certain diseases.

Silver is an excellent catalyst for the production of edible oils, so it can be used in the production of strong spirits (vodka/liquor) and grape wines.

The effect of dyes on the human body

The permissible concentration of silver ions in the body is 7 milligrams per day. Regular use of the substance in large quantities can cause skin pigmentation. The dermis acquires a bluish-metallic hue, an unhealthy appearance and increased sensitivity. The condition can be corrected by a long and intensive therapeutic course.

Also, an excess of silver is fraught with a deterioration in the functionality of the kidneys, nervous system, and other organs of the human body. Diseases can be accompanied by a severe headache, lethargy, general fatigue of the body and a sharp decrease in efficiency. Local pain, confusion and mental impairment are possible.

E174 is forbidden to be added to food for babies, since exceeding the dosage of silver can adversely affect the health of the child.

Food additives extend the shelf life of products, make them tastier and more attractive. They also ensure the quality of goods at some stages of production – from processing to packaging and storage. Food additives are often suspected of causing a sharp increase in cases of allergies, asthma and other diseases in the XNUMXst century, but there is no clear scientific evidence for this.

In the independent media, stories often appear that denounce the use of preservatives. Some journalists claim that “E” is the main cause of disease, which misleads the public. All preservatives that are marked with the code “E” have been carefully tested for safety and compliance with the standards of different countries. Even if we assume that preservatives are toxic, then the concentrations in which they are used cannot definitely harm a person.

Exceeding the dose is calculated in milligrams or tenths of a gram per kilogram of body. Dangerous dyes never enter food in such quantities, so the risk of side effects is minimal.

Each person is individual, and the reaction of his body to a particular food supplement can be specific. This is important to consider when studying the effect of E174 and other preservatives on the body. Government food control authorities will simply not allow a dangerous product to enter the market. To date, there is not a single industrial product that does not contain safe E-additives. Some of them can be found in organic vegetable vegetables and fruits (most synthetic components have a vegetable counterpart). Therefore, do not give up your usual diet and enjoy the benefits of modern civilization.

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