Silver carp fishing, tackle for silver carp fishing, bait

Silver carp fishing, tackle for silver carp fishing, bait

What could be better than getting incredible pleasure from catching silver carp, and as a result, a luxurious trophy for the fisherman in the form of a large fish. In order to cope with such a task, you will definitely need: a snack, a feeder, as well as carp sticks that can withstand a fairly large load. To lure a good fish, you need to use bait in the form of boiled peas. In order for the bait to turn out to be correct, it is worth cooking this cereal until it is completely boiled, or rather, to the state of mashed potatoes. Consider in more detail about catching silver carp.

How to catch silver carp

Silver carp fishing, tackle for silver carp fishing, bait

Silver carp can be attributed to the category of fish that live in flocks and which do not breed in our country, given the climatic conditions. As food, the fish uses microscopic algae, or in another way they are also called phytoplankton. In order to catch a good catch, you need to go fishing in June, August and the very beginning of September. The catch of silver carp is not affected by weather conditions, but only by a sharp jump in pressure. Given my many years of experience as a fisherman, I will tell you in detail all the features and nuances of catching this fish.

Which place to choose for catching silver carp?

To catch a silver carp, you need to find the reservoirs in which the silver carp was inhabited about 10 years ago. At the same time, take into account the circumstance in which, in the selected reservoir, natural nutrition is fully present. In this case, you will not receive any catch and trophy. This can be visually determined by the water, or rather its color. There should be no green tint in the water. Catching a silver carp is a process that is unpredictable in terms of result, since it is impossible to predict in advance whether there will be a bite or not. As an avid fisherman, I advise you to combine catching silver carp with catching other fish, so as not to be left without a catch.

What equipment is needed when catching silver carp?

For good fishing, you should always have a snack, feeder, carp “sticks” with you that can withstand a heavy load. As a professional fisherman, I recommend using a two-section carp “stick” Shimano BEASTMASTER AX Specimen 13 350 Long Range DOUBLE LEG for catching silver carp, the length of which is almost 4 meters, and the test is 160 grams. In addition, I recommend the Okuma Distance Carp Pro 60 traction spinning reel, which is equipped with PowerPRO line, with a diameter of 0,30 mm. Keep in mind that while fishing, long-distance casting may be necessary. In this case, the installation of a “shock leader” will be required.

We turn to the most important thing, namely, to equipment for catching silver carp.

Silver carp fishing, tackle for silver carp fishing, bait

The main component of the equipment is a shipped feeder or spring, with an anti-twist. The universal weight of the feeder should be no more than 70 grams. For a leash, it is best to use a fishing line with a diameter of 0,25 mm and a length of up to 30 cm, but no more. The hook “KOSADAKA” OTAKU 3303 Gold Size No. 6 will be ideal with a wire thickness of 0,56 mm.

A little advice: the use of a braided leash did not justify itself, there were no bites, so you should not waste your time on it.

How to lure silver carp while fishing?

Silver carp fishing, tackle for silver carp fishing, bait

The most favorite bait of silver carp is well-boiled peas. In my practice, I used only this cereal. In order to properly prepare the bait, it is necessary to cook the peas until completely boiled, or rather, until mashed potatoes are formed. So that the resulting mass does not drain from the feeder, it is worth using breadcrumbs for this purpose. So that the bait does not deteriorate during fishing, given the fact that the groats deteriorate quickly, it is necessary to store it in a cool place. With proper storage of the bait, fishing will definitely not do without a catch.

For silver carp bait, I recommend using large foam plastic, preferably white and up to 8 mm in diameter. In this case, the floating properties of the foam are very important, which should be enough to tear the hook and leader off the bottom by a few centimeters. If such a situation is missed, then you should not deploy the cage.

What time to catch silver carp

The best bite of silver carp is in the morning and lunchtime. In my experience, this statement is correct. But, at night, it was not possible to catch a trophy from a reservoir. It is necessary to correctly cast, given that the tackle should lie on a clean bottom. The largest representatives of the silver carp are quite shy, so it is recommended to cast as far from the shore as possible. The maximum bait on the silver carp lasts approximately several hours. This circumstance forces, after a certain time, to recharge and throw it again. In fishing for silver carp, the main thing is to gain experience, and then, it will be a common thing for you.

How to catch silver carp on the bottom?

Silver carp fishing, tackle for silver carp fishing, bait

You won’t believe it, but my very first tackle at the initial stage of professional fishing for this type of fish was the “silver carp stick”. I saw this method on the video, so I decided to try it and put it into practice. The design of the gear provides absolutely all the nuances of the structure of the silver carp’s oral cavity, as well as the features of its nutrition.

Technoplankton acts as a bait, bait and nozzle. It is a product specially designed for catching different types of fish, including silver carp. In shape, it resembles a “barrel”, in which there is a compressed bait, and along the axis there is a small hole for fastening.

For catching silver carp, you should choose light-colored technoplankton. When buying a package, pay attention to what kind of fish it is intended for: carp, grass carp, catfish, silver carp. My choice was only for the fish we were considering. Keep in mind that technoplankton tends to get wet, especially in stagnant water, in 30-40 minutes. If fishing takes place on a river, then soaking occurs much faster.

What tackle to use for catching silver carp on top?

Silver carp fishing, tackle for silver carp fishing, bait

If you notice that the silver carp floats on top in order to feed, then the nozzle should be fed so that it can float, exclusively on the surface of the water. For this purpose, use a water-filled ball or Sbirulino float, as well as a leader of invisible fishing line up to 0,3 mm thick and 1,5 m long. is private.

In my opinion, it is better in this version to use bread crumb, a crust of bread, and, if possible, canned corn. I do not recommend rolling the bread crumb into a ball when attaching to the hook. Apply a simple method – lightly press the bread with your fingers, this will be enough. This is due to the fact that on the hook the bread should take on a soft, softened and fluffy appearance.

If you use bread as a nozzle for fishing on top, then I recommend:

  • use soft French loaves, which should be pierced several times during planting. The first puncture should be from the side of the pulp, then raise the hook up and turn it so that the sting of the hook is turned down to the crust and only then repeat the puncture. In this version, the crust is much better fixed on the hook when casting.
  • keep in mind that the size of the crust should be medium, not small. This is due to the fact that while the silver carp gets to the bait, small fish, such as rudd, crucian carp, and roach, gnaw at the crust.

Considering many years of experience as a fisherman, I can safely say that catching silver carps on float gear on top was very rare and caused a lot of trouble. The finished catch of silver carp in this way was only 2 kilograms, but it was not possible to get a catch as a large fish until the moment when I found another solution, using a floating nozzle with bait for this.

How to catch a silver carp with a float rod?

Silver carp fishing, tackle for silver carp fishing, bait

I managed to catch the very first silver carp, thanks to the universal carp tackle for long-distance casting. In this option, it is necessary to take into account the correctly chosen float, which must be transparent. Ordinary floats scare away silver carp. Remember that you need to make more depth, although the fish can be no deeper than 15 cm from the surface.

If all kinds of sticks or reeds are present in the reservoir of your choice, it is worth using balsa floats. But, there is one nuance that must be taken into account. The float with the antenna must not be placed vertically. The silver carp will be alert if the float you have chosen will stand out among the various branches that are located in a horizontal position, and thus, it will frighten away our object. I recommend fixing it so that it is in horizontal visibility.

I always use several float options for catching silver carp

  • A float that has an elongated shape, made of foam and loaded from below with a couple of pellets. The uppermost part of it is painted in a bright color shade, but the bottom is protective. It may not necessarily be the color of the water. Since the fish looks at the food from below from the reservoir, and all objects seem to be blue, so I choose the bottom of the float of a bluish tint. It will not be superfluous to use gray and white floats.
  • Universal floats where the antenna is slightly visible and where the line must be passed through the cambric on the antenna. It is worth loading so that they do not get up, but are on the surface of the water.

These tips and tricks will help novice fishermen in catching a worthy trophy in the form of silver carp fish.

Video “Catching silver carp”

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