Silver carp – benefits and harms to the body, calorie content and value

Silver carp - benefits and harms to the body, calorie content and value

Although some consider the silver carp to be an unpopular fish, many anglers don’t mind catching this fish, which can weigh up to 40 kg, with a length of up to 1 meter.

The silver carp grows quickly, due to the fact that it always has enough food, in the form of plankton and algae. It is specially bred at paid rates or other water bodies so that the silver carp cleans the water area from algae. If when growing a carp it needs to be fed, then the silver carp does not need to be fed, it will always find food for itself: something, and there is always enough vegetation in reservoirs.

Silver carp properties

Silver carp - benefits and harms to the body, calorie content and value

According to many experts, silver carp is a very useful fish that contains a set of all the necessary elements that contribute to the normal functioning of the human body. These include various trace elements, a set of vitamins, including unsaturated fatty acids.

In this regard, silver carp is a dietary fish that is easily absorbed by the body and easily digested without creating a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Silver carp contains up to 20% unsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the likelihood of diseases such as atherosclerosis or cancer. In addition, silver carp is recommended for consumption by people suffering from poor functioning of the heart, blood vessels, stomach, etc.

The most popular is the silver carp fillet weighing more than 2 kg, as it is more tender and juicier. At the same time, the silver carp is distinguished by the presence of a minimum number of bones.

Useful Properties

Silver carp - benefits and harms to the body, calorie content and value

It makes sense to talk about the beneficial properties of silver carp in more detail. When eating silver carp meat:

  • Reduces the likelihood of malignant neoplasms.
  • The irritability of a person is minimized, due to the beneficial effect on the activity of the central nervous system. In addition, dead cells are restored.
  • Vessels are strengthened, which reduces the risk of strokes.
  • Pressure normalizes, therefore, it is strongly recommended for use by people with high blood pressure.
  • The level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, which reduces the likelihood of blood clots.
  • The amount of sugar in the blood decreases, so it is recommended for diabetics to eat.
  • The quality of nails and hair improves, and teeth are strengthened.
  • Immunity increases, which creates conditions for confrontation with various colds.
  • The general well-being of a person improves.
  • Sleep is normalized: you can forget about sleepless nights.

Doctors recommend silver carp for eating and here’s why:

  • The protein is completely absorbed within 2 hours.
  • There are few calories in silver carp meat, so gaining excess weight is unrealistic.
  • presence of fish oil.

Apparently, the benefits of silver carp are obvious, therefore, it is advisable to eat it daily. This is an excellent product with a unique preventive effect.

Useful properties of silver carp caviar

Silver carp - benefits and harms to the body, calorie content and value

Silver carp caviar is quite transparent in appearance and contains both vitamins and microelements, as well as many other useful elements. The energy value of the product is 138 kcal per 100 g of the product. At the same time, caviar contains proteins – 8,9 g, fats – 7,2 g, carbohydrates – 13,1 g. In addition, caviar contains zinc, iron, phosphorus, sulfur and Omega-3 polysaturated fats.

The only contraindication to its use is the possibility of allergic reactions; in other cases, silver carp caviar has no contraindications. It is desirable to use it even for cancer patients, which contributes to the normalization of the activity of the nervous system and leads to a decrease in shortness of breath, etc.

Silver carp in cooking

Silver carp - benefits and harms to the body, calorie content and value

It is used mainly when it weighs more than 2 kg. At this weight, it has few bones and is not only pleasant to eat, but also pleasant to cook. It has a large head, which is suitable for making rich fish soup. The broth is thick and clear. Silver carp is best consumed either boiled or baked, as it, in this case, does not lose its beneficial properties.

Silver carp can be smoked, but it is often not desirable to eat it in this form, since it is of little use, regardless of the method of smoking: either hot or cold.

Despite this, silver carp is very useful, because it replenishes the human body with useful substances, strengthening the immune system.

Silver carp harm

Silver carp - benefits and harms to the body, calorie content and value

The silver carp is absolutely harmless to any category of people, like children, adults or the elderly. Moreover, you can use this fish in any quantities – it does not have a daily dose of consumption. The only caveat is smoked silver carp, which, in excessive doses, can harm human health.


As mentioned above, there are practically no contraindications. But the main obstacle to its use can be personal intolerance to seafood and, in particular, to silver carp. This must always be taken into account and known so as not to put your body on the brink of danger.

Energy value

Silver carp - benefits and harms to the body, calorie content and value

The energy value of silver carp meat is:

  • Proteins – 19,6 g (79 kcal).
  • Fat – 0,8 g (9 kcal).
  • Carbohydrates – 0,3 g (1 kcal).
  • Vitamin E1 – 2,66 mg.
  • Nicotinic acid – 2,9 mg.
  • Vitamin V1 – 0,05 mg.
  • Vitamin A – 35 mg.
  • Vitamin V2 – 0,12 mg.
  • Calcium – 30,0 mg.
  • Phosphorus – 214,0 mg.
  • Sulfur – 211,0 mg.
  • Sodium – 79,0 mg.

Caloric content and nutritional value

Silver carp - benefits and harms to the body, calorie content and value

There is a whole set of vitamins in silver carp meat, which is typical for any seafood.

For example:

  • The presence of vitamin A.
  • The presence of vitamin PP.
  • The presence of vitamin E.
  • The presence of vitamin B.

100 grams of fish contains 87 kcal. Therefore, silver carp is not in vain related to the dietary type of products. If the silver carp is boiled, then its calorie content will decrease to 75,3 kcal.

How is silver carp stored

The best place to store silver carp is the freezer. Before you send the fish to the freezer, it is better to cut and gut it. After that, the fish carcass can be stored either whole, or cut immediately into portioned pieces, which will simplify its further preparation. Before cooking, it is enough to take the required number of pieces and cook, and the rest can be further in the freezer. But this does not mean that fish can be stored in this form for a long time, especially since its useful properties begin to be lost over time.

The ideal option is to buy fresh silver carp and cook it to replenish your body with the necessary substances.

How is silver carp prepared

Silver carp - benefits and harms to the body, calorie content and value

Silver carp is prepared depending on personal preferences. For example:

  • It’s easier to weld.
  • From it you can prepare the filler.
  • It’s not hard to fry.
  • You can bake without problems.
  • Make a balyk out of it.
  • Cook a delicious ear.
  • Prepare minced meat.

The main challenge is to get a carcass weighing more than 2 kg, as it has virtually no bones and is easier to cook, not to mention the taste.

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