Silk cannot be called just a fertilizer, it is an immunomodulator and a plant growth accelerator. It helps to cope with stress caused by adverse climatic conditions, helps to resist diseases, significantly speeds up the harvest, improves the quality of fruits. And with all this, it is a 100% natural eco-friendly substance.
Fertilizer description
Silk is a unique preparation based on the bark and needles of Siberian fir. It contains triterpene acids extracted directly from plants and not artificially synthesized. Nothing equal in strength of action has been created in the world, despite the abundance of drugs that enhance the immune system of plants.
Scientific research institutes and Siberian timber companies jointly developed the drug, resulting in a concentrate produced in various forms: tablets, powder, emulsion. It is very easy to apply, and after 10-15 days you can see the results. It quickly dissolves in water, smells intensely of pine needles, and does not lose its qualities for a long time. The effect of coniferous fir extract on plant immunity is noticeable by strengthening its protective functions.
The instruction says that the drug is of low toxicity, since it contains acids, then you need to work with it carefully, avoid contact with the mucous membrane.
Video “All the necessary information about the silk tool”
This video talks about the creation and properties of the silk preparation.
Useful Properties
In addition to increasing the percentage of seed germination, Silk has an impact on the rate of germination, gives energy for rapid growth. The fruit ripening time is reduced by an average of a week, the quality of the fruit improves, and the overall yield increases by at least 30%. The crop retains its qualities better during long-term storage. Silk makes plants stronger, they react less to adverse weather conditions, and better resist diseases. For example, such common ailments as late blight, powdery mildew, peronosporosis, all kinds of rot are much less common in areas where this drug is used.
After using Silk, not only the quality of fruits improves (the content of oils, starch and sugars increases), but the content of nitrates in vegetables and fruits also decreases. Potatoes after using Silk showed a significant weight gain and an increased starch content, the root crops were perfectly preserved until spring. Tomatoes ripened two weeks earlier, they practically did not hurt. Cucumbers that have received fertilizer form more female flowers, the ovaries form a week earlier.
Instructions for use
Planting material is treated with fertilizer, and then growing greens are sprayed with a solution. The concentration of the solution for each culture is reported by the instruction. The solution for soaking is prepared as follows: the required amount of the drug (it depends on the form of release) is poured into 200 ml of hot water, left for 10-15 minutes until completely dissolved. Seeds are soaked for 2 hours, or sprayed abundantly with the same solution, and then wait until completely dry.
Spraying the greenery of growing plants should be done on a dry fine day, preferably in the morning or evening, avoiding the sunniest hours. 100 g of dry preparation or 50 g of emulsion are diluted in a concentration specific to the treatment of each culture, and a different number of treatments is carried out for all cultures. So, cucumbers require the most processing. The first time the sprouts are sprayed after the formation of 2-4 true leaves, the second time – at the very beginning of flowering, the third time – when flowering becomes massive, and the last, fourth time is produced in a week. Dilute a sachet of the drug in 5 liters of water, and this amount should be enough for 150 square meters of cucumber plantings.
Most crops are processed 3 times. For potatoes, the drug package is dissolved in 1,5 liters of water, and 50 square meters are sprayed. m plantings for the first time after the start of flowering, the second – when flowering becomes massive and the third – in a week. The same frequency of processing is assumed for beans, but you need to dissolve 3 liters of water and process an area of 100 square meters. m. For tomatoes, fertilizer is diluted in the same way as for potatoes, sprayed when the first, second and third brushes bloom. Most plants require just this concentration of the substance.
For cabbage, a bag of concentrate is diluted with 1,5 liters of water, treated with 50 square meters. m landings. The first spraying is carried out after the formation of 6-7 leaves, and repeated when a lot of head ovaries appear. Onions are treated with Silk’s solution in 0,3 liters of water (calculated for 15 sq. M) when mass shooting begins, and repeated after a week. Silk goes well with other immunostimulants (Epin, Zircon, etc.), moreover, it is when used in tandem with something that the maximum effect is achieved.
Video “What is the best way to feed plants”
This video talks about how you can feed tomatoes, cucumbers and flowers. These tips can be applied to most fruit plants and flowers.