Silicone cushions

Silicone cushions

Sleep is an integral part of every person’s life. Well-being, vigor and mood depend on its quality and duration. Getting the most of your health benefits requires a comfortable sleeping environment, and the pillow you sleep on plays a big role in this.

Currently, pillows are produced with fillers from a wide variety of materials: down, wool, buckwheat husks, as well as holofiber, synthetic winterizer and silicone pillows. The advantages of synthetic materials are their low cost, lightness and ease of use.

Silicone filler is a hollow siliconized polyester fiber that becomes especially soft as a result of processing. Silicone cushions quickly regain their shape, allow air to pass through and are easy to wash.

When choosing a pillow with silicone filling, touch each piece, remember it in your hands and shake it. Nothing should fall out of the pillow, and there should not be any third-party elements inside.

The best quality is silicone in the form of balls. This structure allows the material not to roll over time and last longer.

Silicone pillows, unlike feather pillows, do not have a removable cover; you can shake out the silicone only by tearing the fabric, so all the seams are hidden. If you chose a pillow with a face seam, it is most likely that the product is not original.

There are no large silicone pillows, the maximum size found in boutiques is 60 by 40 cm. A large size for such pillows is rather a disadvantage, silicone has orthopedic properties, it knows how to “remember” the shape of the body, and therefore it is often recommended for those who suffer from headaches , migraines and osteochondrosis. The larger the pillow, the harder it is to keep in shape.

An important quality of silicone pillows is that they must quickly return to their original shape after the wearer stands up.

Smell your pillow. Silicone does not tend to retain odors, so ideally, the pillow should be completely odorless. If from it comes the aroma of chemical components or formaldehyde familiar to many, do not buy the product, otherwise, instead of a comfortable sleep, you will get insomnia, a headache from intoxication, and harm to health.

As great as a pillow is, it needs to be looked after. So, the pillow should be washed regularly in warm, slightly soapy water. In principle, it is quite possible to use a washing machine, but do not put other things in the drum.

Silicone does not live long, after a couple of years it will begin to crumble and crumble, so be prepared to replace the accessory. To slightly extend the lifespan, use removable linen covers, do not expose to direct sunlight or expose to high temperatures.

Silicone fillers, unlike their counterparts made from natural materials, never cause allergic reactions, therefore they are especially recommended for use in children. Choosing silicone pillows, you will get a comfortable and high-quality item without large material costs.

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