Brick house is considered one of the most reliable. They build houses from ceramic and silicate bricks. Both have their supporters and detractors. What is good about silicate brick, what are its disadvantages, what types are there, standard sizes – all this is in the article.
Composition and method of production
In the GOST 379-2015 standard, sand-lime bricks and blocks are defined as products made from a mixture of siliceous materials and lime or components containing lime. The use of coloring pigments and light aggregates is also allowed. The production method is pressing. So most of the sand-lime brick is sand (about 90%), the rest is lime and pigments. Rarely, aggregate is used to reduce the mass of the finishing material. The moistened mixture is pressed, then steamed in a pressurized autoclave.
As you can see, there is nothing harmful in this material. Some are alarmed by lime, some of which may remain in a free state. After all, silicate brick is only processed with steam (at a pressure of 10-12 atmospheres and a temperature of about 200 ° C). Theoretically, some lime may remain unreacted (not quenched).
In general, it is certainly possible. But unslaked lime will react with water, which can soak into the sand-lime brick. In this case, it will be extinguished. If during the reaction the material freezes, we will observe the so-called “shootings”. When, after freezing, part of the wall falls off, as if cut off. If we see such a phenomenon, it means that a technology violation has been committed. Because many high-quality silicate houses stand for decades, withstand more than one winter and spring without visible changes. In general, high-quality silicate brick can be used for laying exterior and interior walls. This is exactly what the GOST says.
Pros and cons of silicate brick
Let’s start with the biggest pros. Sand-lime brick has a very good geometry, high dimensional accuracy. This greatly facilitates laying. The second point: good quality material looks very decent. The most common is white. Even if you use it, and take a dark solution, it already looks good. The addition of pigment and fillers allows a wide range of colors to be obtained. There are also types with a decorative surface.
A significant plus is high strength and low price. A good silicate ordinary brick is about 50-60% cheaper than similarth ceramic. If we compare finishing silicate and clinker, the difference will be even more significant. In general, a worthy option for both the construction of walls and partitions, and for decoration.
Let’s look at the disadvantages that silicate brick has:
- High water absorption. GOSTs for silicate and ceramic bricks determine only the lower limit of water absorption. Moreover, it is the same: the absorption of moisture by silicate and ceramics should be at least 6%. There is no upper border. In fact, for silicate products, this figure is in the range of 8-16%. In ceramics, the situation is at least no better. In fact, 10-18% is not so much. Moreover, silicate tolerates wetting without much damage, and absorbs and releases moisture equally easily. Otherwise, all garages, which are mostly built from this material, would have a very deplorable appearance. And they look very good, although in silicate brick garages the material is used in very harsh conditions.
Any plant indicates complete information for each type of product - Heavy. If we talk about full-bodied silicate brick, then the standard one has a weight of about 4 kg ± 300 g (depending on density). When compared with ceramics of the same size, this is 3,4-3,8 kg. A little less, but not critical.
- It plasters worse. This is objective, but it can be dealt with. First, you need to choose the right plaster, taking into account the fact that it will be covered with silicate, which contains, albeit slaked, but lime. The second is that smooth walls really “hold” plaster worse. This is leveled by the use of plaster mesh.
In general, the ideal building material has not yet been invented. Everyone has their drawbacks and silicate is no exception. But he’s not that bad. The best thing is that the technology is simple. If you stick to it, the quality is guaranteed. A good silicate brick does not lose strength over time. Look at houses built decades ago – they don’t have efflorescence. Yes, the walls have become gray, but they do not crumble and do not collapse. Yes, it is “not too warm”, but according to modern standards, ceramic bricks also require insulation. So that’s not an argument either. In general, the situation is ambiguous. As usual, it is important to choose quality material, and this is perhaps the most difficult.
Types and size of silicate brick according to the state standard
The dimensions and properties of sand-lime bricks and stones are described in two standards. GOST 379-95 and GOST 379-2015. The latter contains additional information on silicate blocks, colorants and light fillers that have come into use in recent times. According to the standard, there are the following sizes of silicate bricks:
- Single. It has dimensions of 250*120*65 mm. In the marking it is indicated by the letter “O”.
- Thickened or one and a half. Differs in greater thickness, has dimensions of 250 * 120 * 88 mm. Marked with the letter “U”.
- Silicate brick EURO. It has dimensions of 250*85*65 mm or 250*60*60 mm. This is a finishing material, ordinary we do not produce in this format. In the marking, they usually write EURO SL and then the parameters.
- silica stone. It has twice the thickness compared to a single one. That is, it has dimensions of 250 * 120 * 138 mm. Often called a double silicate brick, but this is not a GOST name.
- Silicate block (in the SB marking) and enlarged silicate block (indicated by the SBU). A product with a poke width of more than 130 mm. The sizes of silicate blocks are given in the tables. They are used for the construction of partitions, there are no finishing blocks. Their end parts (pokes) may have formed tongue-and-groove edges. This allows you to increase the thermal insulation characteristics of the masonry, since a direct freezing seam is excluded.
That is, according to the standard, the width and length of the silicate brick is the same. Width – 120 mm, and length 250 mm. Only the thickness changes. Moreover, the deviation from the nominal dimensions is allowed only within ± 2 mm.
Varieties: finishing and masonry
Silicate brick and stones can be front and ordinary. Private – ordinary, for laying walls and partitions. In the marking it is indicated by the letter “R”. The front silicate brick (marked with the letter “L”) has one or more smooth or decorative sides. It may also be called finishing or decorative. There are such types of facial stone:
- Smooth Surface:
- White.
- Body dyed (body dyed). The pigment is added to the mass before molding. On chips it has the same color as on the surface. The marking contains the letters “Ob”.
- Covered with paint, glaze or polymers.
With good quality, the appearance is more than …
- Textured or decorative with a relief side. It is designated in the marking with the letter “D”. It can have only a front decorative surface, or a front and a bonder.
- Chipped. With a “torn” surface on the spoon, which is formed when the stone is split. Designated with the letter “K”.
- Rusticated. With a surface “under a natural stone”. In the marking it is designated “Ru”.
One or two faces of any type of facing brick may be coated with a hydrophobic compound. This impregnation reduces water absorption, increases the service life and improves the appearance of the material. The letter “G” is added to the marking. Another finishing silicate brick can be with rounded edges or chamfered.
Full and empty
There are two types of silicate brick: with and without voids. Solid brick in the marking is designated as “Po”, hollow – “Pu”. The number, size and location of voids is determined by the manufacturer. The voids may or may not pass through. There are two requirements for them:
- located should be perpendicular to the brick bed;
- the thickness of the outer walls must be at least 10 mm.
Neither the shape nor the location of the voids on the surface are standardized. Therefore, at each plant, the weight of hollow bricks may differ. Moreover, the marking and all other indicators will be the same.
The main characteristics of building materials for the construction of walls are strength, thermal conductivity and water permeability. In terms of strength, silicate brick can be of seven grades: M100, M125, M150, M175, M200, M250, M300. By this designation, you can determine what load a brick can withstand. The number indicates the number of kilograms of load per square centimeter.
For example, silicate brick with strength grade M125 – can withstand a load of 125 kg / cm², M200 – 200 kg / cm². In fact, already with the M200 brand, silicate brick or block is not easy to find. And all the rest exist, for the most part, only theoretically. If they are, then the price is such that no one will buy them.
According to GOST, silicate brick must have a water absorption of at least 6%. The upper limit is not defined, and the accompanying documents indicate the result that was obtained during laboratory tests of the batch at the plant.
The standard also defines frost resistance grades: F25, F35, F50, F75, F100. This characteristic shows how many defrosting / freezing cycles the material takes out. If silicate brick is used for internal partitions, frost resistance does not matter, but for finishing or for laying walls, this parameter is very important.
Another characteristic prescribed in the standard is density. The marking indicates the medium density class. If you look at the table, you can see that the maximum limit just coincides with the class number. This can be used for decryption. A standard deviation is allowed for each class of 50 kg/m³, but no more.
The accompanying documents for the batch must also indicate the thermal conductivity and soundproofing characteristics. These characteristics of sand-lime bricks are not standardized and must be indicated according to the test results of each batch.
Marking and its decoding
In the marking of silicate brick, the name of the material is first indicated. For silicate, this is the letter “C”. Next comes the standard size – “O” – single, “U” – thickened (one and a half). Then the type is ordinary (P) or front (L), then there are designations for the presence of voids (Poll-bodied and Pu hollow) and the type of front surface. Let’s look at a few decryption examples.
- SORPO-M200/F75/1,8 stands for: C – silicate brick; O – single (dimensions 250 * 120 * 65 mm); Po – full-bodied; grade M200, frost resistance 75 cycles, average density 1800 kg/m³.
- SULPu-M100/F50/1,6 we read as: C – silicate brick, U – thickened (dimensions 250 * 120 * 88 mm); L – front, Pu – hollow; strength M100, freeze-thaw cycles 50; with an average density of 1600 kg/m³.
- SULPuRuG-M100/F50/1,4 -C – silicate, U – thickened (one and a half sizes 250 * 120 * 88 mm); L – front (facing); Pu – hollow, Ru – rusticated; G – with hydrophobic treatment. Strength class M100, frost resistance 50 cycles, density class 1,4, specific gravity – about 1400 kg / ³.
Double brick – this is not in the standard. What we usually call it this way is designated as a silicate block. Before the marking is the letter “B” which means the word “block”, and then all the same numbers and letters with the same meanings. With the exception that the block is only an ordinary one – it is not produced as a finishing material. For example, block SBUPo-M200/F150/2,2. This is deciphered as a silicate block, U – enlarged, Po – full-bodied. The rest of the parameters are clear.
In general, the marking contains all the necessary data. The exception is weight. But it depends on the density, presence and size of voids. So this parameter should be looked at specifically for each plant, and for each position.
appearance requirements
The standard also prescribes the requirements for the appearance of front and ordinary silicate bricks. Finishing front brick, painted in mass, must comply with the standard. Small – up to 5 mm – inclusions of unpainted mass are allowed. Other possible disadvantages are summarized in the table. Basically, there may be a chipped edge and fuzzy edges. The size of the chips and their number is normalized.
Some roughness or edge breakdown is allowed by the standard; in an ordinary brick there may be small cracks – up to 4 cm long. Cracks may not be any. A crack of any size that goes along the entire spoon or most of it is unacceptable. It is acceptable if a brick cracked along the width of the bed. But the size of the crack cannot be longer than 40 mm.
In an ordinary silicate brick of any size and type, inclusions of clay, lime, sand or any other foreign inclusions are unacceptable. They should not be on the surface or at a break if there are half or damaged elements. At the same time, there may be such inclusions on the “rough” sides of the facing silicate. But the size of the inclusions is not more than 5 mm and there should not be more than 3 pieces per brick / block.