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The fourth wave of the pandemic is approaching inexorably. Medical authorities say that we will see a sharp increase in the incidence in September. Meanwhile, many Poles disregard the disease, perhaps because it is not visible “with the naked eye”, like plague, cholera or smallpox.

  1. According to experts, the fourth wave of the pandemic may occur in early fall. It will be accelerated by the beginning of the school year and the return of Poles from summer holidays
  2. Poles downplay the risk of the fourth wave, which results, among others, in poor vaccination statistics. At the moment, about 50 percent are vaccinated. population in Poland
  3. Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski appeals to Poles for a sensible approach to the pandemic and the use of prophylaxis. Believes the pandemic to be an “invisible enemy”, kills quietly and is unobtrusive
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, an expert of the Supreme Medical Council for combating COVID-19, warns against downplaying the pandemic. In his opinion, it is «invisible enemy, inconspicuous mass infections, no spectacular symptoms (except in severe cases), quiet dying in hospitals ». He wrote about it on Twitter, adding that “a pandemic is a test of imagination”. If we fail, we run the risk of waking up in a worse reality.

“A pandemic is a test of imagination”

The expert encourages prophylaxis, which is primarily vaccinations, but also wearing masks and maintaining social distance, even despite vaccination or the status of a convalescent. He also addresses those in power: «Let’s prepare hospitals, let’s test and vaccinate ».

  1. We compared the number of infections in July and August. The fourth wave is gaining momentum

Experts predict that the fourth wave will accelerate significantly in early fall. Perhaps it will be the end of September or the beginning of October. Two factors will contribute to this: the return of children and youth to school and the return of Poles from holidays. The first one will most likely increase the level of virus transmission, the second – it may cause us to bring new mutations from our vacation. The effects are easy to predict.

– I expect that the incidence will increase one month after the schools are opened. It will be the end of September, October, maybe even the end of October – said Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, who recently was a guest of the “Onet Rano” program.

  1. The latest data on coronavirus in Poland – August 30, 2021.

Coronavirus – the invisible enemy

According to Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, in the current situation, the worst thing is that at the moment the pandemic is developing slowly, almost invisibly. Yesterday’s data from the Ministry of Health shows the number of 204 new infections, a week earlier there were 185 new cases, and on Sunday, August 15 – 148. Today, 151 new infections were detected. So the number of sick people increases, but the increase is insignificant. Few deaths, but many vacancies in hospitals. It may seem that the worst is over.

Social life is booming, and most Poles have forgotten about the coronavirus, as shown by deteriorating vaccination statistics. Currently, the vaccination rate of Poles is less than 50%, although there are regions – mainly in eastern Poland – where this percentage is much lower. This worsens the country’s situation during a potential fourth wave. – The higher the level of immunization of the society, the more normality in our lives – Prof. Iwona Paradowska-Stankiewicz, national consultant in the field of epidemiology.

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Also read:

  1. Epidemiologist: the higher the vaccination rate, the more normal our lives are
  2. COVID-19 symptoms – what are the most common symptoms now?
  3. “It is already certain that the fourth wave will come.” Where will it hit the hardest? The doctor says straight

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