Signs you’ve caught “something” while on vacation. It could be a venereal disease

Adequate protection during sex, watching your body and responding to any disturbing symptoms – this is the recipe for preventing STDs. But what if we have had unprotected sex and see suspicious symptoms? We advise what are the most common symptoms of venereal diseases and how to respond to them.

  1. Disturbing vaginal discharge and itching can be distinguished among the most common symptoms accompanying STDs
  2. Sexually transmitted infections should be treated as soon as possible, as neglect can lead to serious complications
  3. In the prevention of venereal diseases, it is important to properly protect yourself during intercourse, so it is worth reaching for condoms
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

What are venereal diseases and what are their types?

Venereal disease is the name of an infection that is sexually transmitted, that is, during sexual contact. Among the most common diseases of this type can be distinguished:

  1. chlamydia
  2. genital wart
  3. gonorrhea,
  4. genital herpes,
  5. syphilis
  6. trichomoniasis,
  7. HIV.

At the same time, it is estimated that chlamydia is asymptomatic in as many as 70 percent. women, so it is so important to prevent diseases, so as not to miss their development and the emergence of serious complications. It is worth being aware of what symptoms to look for, and also to have regular tests if we happen to have unprotected sex.

Don’t wait – get tested!

Intimate e-packet is testing for sexually transmitted diseases. It is important to perform tests as soon as possible at the first disturbing symptoms or when an infection is suspected.

The most common symptoms of venereal diseases

Some STIs don’t show obvious symptoms at first, but be very vigilant when they do appear.

The first thing that should worry the patient is suspicious vaginal discharge. It is worth remembering that the presence of vaginal discharge is completely normal, but if it has a strange color, texture or smell, you should look at it under a magnifying glass.

It is completely normal and healthy to discharge vaginal discharge. However, when it changes color, texture, or smell, it could be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection. Fish-smelling discharge may be the result of bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. Green or yellow discharge, as well as a foamy discharge, may also indicate trichomoniasis. The presence of green or yellow discharge also indicates gonorrhea.

Also, unusual bleeding and pain during sex or after intercourse are common symptoms of venereal diseases. Such symptoms may indicate chlamydia or gonorrhea. Irregular bleeding can also be caused by problems with the cervix, vaginal damage, and vaginal dryness. In rare cases, vaginal cancer or cervical cancer can also cause such symptoms.

Bleeding between periods or very heavy periods should also be carefully monitored. They can be caused by various infections or hormonal contraception, but sometimes also indicate chlamydia or gonorrhea.

Another symptom of STDs is pain or burning when urinating. Such symptoms accompany chlamydia, genital herpes, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea.

Disturbing symptoms also include soreness or itching around the vagina, and small, fleshy growths around the genitals or thighs. These growths are usually painless, but in some cases they may itch and bleed. Pain and itching often accompany trichomoniasis, but can also be caused by herpes, scabies, or the appearance of pubic lice.

Genital herpes causes small blisters that tend to burst. Cracking leads to open wounds around the genitals, rectum, thighs or buttocks, which can be painful especially when urinating and during intercourse.

Pubic lice leave black powder on your underwear and blue stains or bloodstains on the skin.

A worrying symptom should also be fever, rash on the body and sore throat – such a combination may indicate seroconversion disease that occurs in the early stages of HIV.

In turn, syphilis in the early stage shows symptoms in the form of a painless wound on the genitals. This is followed by a rash, flu-like symptoms, and patchy hair loss.

Venereal diseases – prevention and treatment

Among the recommendations for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases is, first of all, avoiding unprotected sex.

At you can buy condoms that guarantee safe intercourse:

  1. Durex Extra Safe Condoms,
  2. SKYN Original Unimil Condoms,
  3. SKYN Selection + SKYN Senses condom set – 35 pcs.

However, in the case of unprotected sex, it is worth taking the test, especially when we are not sure that our partner does not have any venereal disease.. It is worth remembering that sexually transmitted diseases can cause many serious complications, some of which may be asymptomatic for many years.

An important motivation to perform the test is to observe any of the symptoms listed above, but it is worth doing the preventive examination to make sure that you are safe.

Performing this type of test may be embarrassing for the patient, so it is a good idea to use mail-order testing. At Medonet Market you can buy:

  1. Venereal disease test kit,
  2. INSTI HIV – HIV Shipping Screening Test,
  3. Diagnostics of chlamydiosis – mail-order tests for women and men,
  4. Shipping test for intimate diseases – candidiasis, trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis,
  5. Viola chlamydia quick test,
  6. Trichomoniasis dispatch test.

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