Signs that you have an alcohol problem

Frequent drinking of alcohol causes the body to get used to ethanol – it takes more and more to get the same state of intoxication. Usually the addicted person is unaware of the alcohol problem. Despite your well-being, it is worth paying attention to the circumstances and reasons for overusing this substance. What are the first symptoms of an alcohol problem? How is alcohol addiction going? Who is affected and how to treat them?

  1. Alcohol is a very dangerous substance that can cause serious health effects if consumed too often
  2. The problem with alcohol is very common, including increasingly in young people
  3. The first symptoms of an alcohol problem can go unnoticed for years, gradually devastating you
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Alcohol problem – what is it?

The problem with alcohol is otherwise known as alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, or alcohol use disorder. When it lasts a long time, it is said to be alcoholism. It is not about the occasional consumption of alcoholic beverages, but about the uncontrolled urge to drink, which becomes a daily habit. The addicted person will eventually do anything to drink. He abandons his duties, and family and professional life are relegated to the background.

Alcohol problem – who is it?

The problem with alcohol often arises from the easy availability of spirits, depression or the desire to easily escape from worries. It affects people of all ages and social statuses poor and wealthy. Increasingly, the increase in the consumption of ethanol-based drinks is also observed in adolescents, especially minors. Tempted by the vision of having fun, they are not aware of the consequences and first symptoms of addiction.

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Alcohol Disease – How to Know the First Symptoms?

The first symptoms of alcoholism they are diagnosed by many symptoms; unfortunately, they can often be a sign of other diseases, which is why they are often neglected. Belong to them:

  1. irritability to everything around you (friends, family, surroundings, trivial situations and words),
  2. social life is based only on drinking together – going outside the house only to bars, clubs and restaurants where alcoholic drinks are available, avoiding spending time with abstainers,
  3. frequent consumption of beer, drinks or vodka before going out with friends, i.e. before,
  4. abandoning low-percentage drinks, such as beer, and gradually changing your preferences to wine, drinks, moonshine or vodka – this is a sign of a changed perception of the definition of alcohol, in which the real alcohol will be only high-percentage drinks, 
  5. persuading others to drink alcohol and being impulsive towards friends who want to remain moderate,
  6. Worrying that the refrigerator or the bar is running out of alcohol and buying it in stock
  7. short-term memory lapses, temporary disturbances of consciousness and mood swings that appear the next day after the drink-filled party,
  8. avoiding duties and explaining about drinking alcohol with various excuses, e.g. running away from stress or the need to relax.

The rest of the text below the video.

You also need to be aware of that symptoms of alcoholism they may be of varying severity in patients. Not all symptoms may appear in everyone who has alcohol problem. Some people will notice more of them than others. Moreover, their order of appearance is random.

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Alcohol dependence – symptoms

In people with long-term alcohol abuse, the following occurs:

  1. increased tolerance of the body to alcohol,
  2. social isolation,
  3. constant denial of the sick person about their alleged alcohol problem,
  4. withdrawal and psychomotor symptoms,
  5. abstinence seizures,
  6. no control over the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed,
  7. constant relapse after shorter or longer breaks,
  8. craving for alcohol,
  9. makeover,
  10. depressive disorders,
  11. chronic disturbances of consciousness and problems with memory.

If someone you know has any of these symptoms, it is a sign of a serious alcohol problem. This person needs immediate help from a psychologist and specialist doctor.

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Symptoms of physical dependence on alcohol

Human metabolism, regularly exposed to alcohol, becomes less sensitive to it. The next time you drink a drink, it takes much more alcohol to get intoxicated. The body is constantly demanding more and more alcoholic beverages consumed. If the supply of ethanol to the body is interrupted, a withdrawal syndrome occurs. It is also a sign of an alcohol problem. Symptoms of physical dependence on alcohol include:

  1. headaches and dizziness,
  2. nausea,
  3. vomiting,
  4. hallucinations
  5. problems with falling asleep and waking up early,
  6. trembling hands, tongue, eyelids,
  7. accelerated heartbeat
  8. high blood pressure.

In more severe cases, there is delirium. Severe epileptic seizures may also occur.

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Stages of alcoholism

Alcoholism has four stages. Each of them has characteristic symptoms that gradually worsen. The following phase is distinguished:

  1. introductory (pre-alcoholic),
  2. warning,
  3. critical,
  4. chronic.

The introductory phase of the alcohol problem

First, there is the introductory phase, otherwise known as the pre-alcohol phase. It may take a long time, even from several months to several years. Often the sick person is unaware of developing addiction. Occasionally she reaches for beer, drinks and glasses of vodka to relax. Moreover, he sees no problem with it. On the contrary, having fun and relaxing with alcohol is a reason for this person to feel pleasure. These unconscious activities lead to the fact that it takes much more alcohol to get drunk.

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The warning phase of an alcohol problem

The warning phase of an alcohol problem is the second stage of alcohol dependence. Alcohol tolerance causes the patient to slowly become addicted to it. Percentages become a kind of narcotic substance for a person. Avoiding talking about the amount of alcohol you have drunk is part of the daily routine.

In addition, during this phase, the following is observed:

  1. first memory lapses,
  2. more alcohol consumed,
  3. greater courage and openness in a usually hidden person,
  4. consumption of alcoholic beverages alone or in hiding,
  5. remorse and constant justification of the decisions made.

The critical phase of the alcohol problem

The critical phase of an alcohol problem is the third stage of alcohol dependence. It is during it that a person loses control over his actions. He no longer has control over the amount of alcohol consumed and does not count it. Even so, she denies the problem to herself and her family. Daily duties and interpersonal relationships are neglected by this person. She isolates herself socially, focusing only on drinking alcohol.

  1. The worst alcohol for the liver

The chronic phase of the alcohol problem

The last stage of alcohol dependence is the chronic phase. During it, the outward appearance, mental and physical health are already very neglected. The alcoholic goes out of his way to have access to alcohol. If left unattended, it also reaches for other non-drinking alcoholic beverages, such as denatured alcohol. Appear to him:

  1. seizures 
  2. mental disorders,
  3. medicines,
  4. weakening of the initially high tolerance to alcohol,
  5. severe somatic diseases.

This phase sometimes ends with the death of the addicted person.

Alcohol problem and health

Excessive amounts of alcohol consumed have health consequences. Some of them are related to the external appearance. It is a state of malnutrition that manifests itself as a significant amount of thinness and difficulties in moving (imbalance). A person with an alcohol problem notes:

  1. deterioration of vision,
  2. somnolence,
  3. a slow reaction to surrounding stimuli,
  4. digestive system ailments (constipation, diarrhea),
  5. damage to the nervous system (weakening of perceived sensory stimuli).

After a long time, a person suffering from alcohol addiction develops irreversible damage and cirrhosis of the liver.

Treatment of an alcohol problem

If you notice typical symptoms of alcoholism in yourself or your loved ones, act as soon as possible. Alcoholism begins innocently, but the effects of chronic drinking have serious consequences for mental and physical health. It is worth knowing that treatment of an alcohol problem should be implemented at its early stages.

AlcoTEST, i.e. testing the alcohol content in the exhaled air, can be purchased at Medonet Market.

Self-medication does not bring the expected results. This practice does more harm than good to the body. Therefore, the treatment of alcoholism should always take place under the supervision of doctors in specialized medical institutions.

YANGO kudzu extract, available in a package containing 90 capsules, can help to alleviate the discomfort associated with the alcohol withdrawal process.

A specialist in addiction treatment takes the patient through the entire process of drug addiction treatment in small steps, so that he does not return to bad habits. After treatment, the person undergoing drug addiction treatment can attend support groups along with other people with similar problems. It is extremely important to support relatives throughout the entire process of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy of the sick person.

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