Signs that you are drinking too much coffee

And what to do with it.

Sometimes it seems like caffeine is the only reason for a successful and productive day. If you can’t start your day without a cup of coffee, you are not alone. Drinking 400 mg of caffeine (or four cups of coffee) a day is completely safe and healthy. It helps reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. But exceeding this figure can cause problems.

According to pharmacist Lindsay Elmore, exceeding 400 mg of caffeine per day leads to the following symptoms: “You may have a fast or irregular heartbeat, anxiety, dizziness, diarrhea, insomnia, headaches or irritability. There may also be more serious symptoms that require immediate medical attention, including vomiting, confusion and chest pain. “

When you consume too much of this drink, it strains your entire body, as caffeine is a powerful stimulant. It stimulates the pituitary gland to release hormones that increase the production of adrenaline – the so-called “fight hormone” or “flight”. It prepares your body to escape dangerous or stressful situations. And even if you are not in danger, your brain will be ready for it, your heart will beat faster, the world will seem hostile, and you will be in a state of perpetual rush and lack of time.

Once your body is overwhelmed with caffeine, you are not getting any of the benefits you originally hoped for from caffeine, such as increased energy and clearer thinking. Instead, you are concerned about urinary frequency, upset stomach, cramps, diarrhea, unwanted adrenaline rush, and increased anxiety. Agree, this is a completely opposite effect on your body.

If you think you need to quit your caffeine addiction, don’t quit completely. The best way to feel like you again is to gradually wean your caffeine.

“Sudden withdrawal from caffeine is stressful for the body. This can cause general weakness, depression, nausea, and headache. Gradually reduce your intake of coffee, soda, and energy drinks by replacing some of them with water. If you are a coffee lover, start drinking decaffeinated coffee or switch to decaf tea. You will also try other healthy drinks such as kombucha, coconut water and mate tea, ”recommends Dr. Lisa Samuels, founder of the Happy Home Foundation.

By the way, you can just drink hot water. This sounds crazy to the avid coffee lover. After all, water has no taste or aroma. But it is actually very pleasant and beneficial as it moisturizes and warms your body from the inside out. And water has no calories.

Many people fear that after quitting caffeine, their energy and performance levels will decrease. In fact, this is not the case. New sources of energy can be found. For example, coffee can be substituted for sports, a walk in the park, or simply sipping at the table. And, of course, a good sleep is better than all energy drinks.

Once you return to drinking a healthy amount of caffeine and break your caffeine addiction, you will feel like a whole new person, freer and more cheerful. You will have new plans and dreams. There is nothing wrong with loving coffee or tea, enjoying their taste and aroma, if it does not destroy your body and your plans. After all, there is a very thin line between pleasure and addiction.

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