Signs that the body is demanding vitamin E. These are non-obvious and easy to ignore

Vitamin E is known as the “vitamin of youth and fertility”. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Therefore, its deficiencies can have a negative impact on our general well-being. Unfortunately, it is very easy to ignore the first symptoms that indicate vitamin E deficiency in our body. See what should get your special attention.

  1. Vitamin E is called the “vitamin of youth and fertility”
  2. This powerful antioxidant has a positive effect, among others on our blood clotting, immune system, adequate cholesterol level and fertility
  3. Deficiencies of this vitamin manifest themselves in a very non-obvious way. Therefore, it is easy to ignore the first signals that our body sends
  4. When we lack vitamin E, we may experience muscle and vision weakness, as well as hand tremors and problems with walking
  5. To check if we need to supplement this vitamin, we should do research in this regard
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Properties of vitamin E.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It helps to fight free radicals, thanks to which the youth and vitality of cells is prolonged. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on our skin. It delays the aging process and supports its regeneration.

To nie koniec jej zalet. Jak już wspomnieliśmy, witamina E łączona jest z płodnością. To dlatego, że u kobiet wspiera owulację, zaś u mężczyzn produkcję nasienia.

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Vitamin E also has a positive effect on blood circulation. It supports its clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots. What’s more, it also supports the efficiency of our muscles and eyesight. It is also able to lower the level of “bad” cholesterol.

As you can see, it is not without reason that vitamin E is one of the key vitamins for our body.

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency

U zdrowych osób normy witaminy E w surowicy krwi wahają się w zakresie 5,5-17 mg/l. Zanim zdecydujemy się na suplementację, powinniśmy wykonać badania, które pokażą, czy jest to niezbędne. Zazwyczaj jest to konieczne, gdy jej poziom spadnie poniżej 4 mg/l.

  1. Vitamin E – Swanson brand dietary supplement – available HERE

Testing is sometimes the only way to find out if you have a vitamin E deficiency. It is because very often we ignore the first symptoms that may indicate it. Some of them are presented below.

  1. Muscle weakness. Our nervous system needs this vitamin. When it does not have enough of it, oxidative stress occurs. As a consequence, this is what causes muscle weakness.
  2. Tingling and numbness in the extremities. This is called peripheral neuropathy. The cause of its formation is damage to the nerve fibers. When they occur, the nerves cannot conduct the nerve impulses properly.
  3. Problems with coordination and walking. Sometimes a vitamin E deficiency causes the breakdown of Purkinje cells, the neurons that are crucial for, among other things, movement control.
  4. Decreased vision. Vitamin E deficiency leads to the weakening of the visual receptors, which are found, among others, in the retina. This is why we can see worse.
  5. Weakening of immunity. If we lack vitamin E, we may face various types of infections more often. This is because it is involved in the growth processes of T-type immune cells. They help fight infection.

Vitamin E deficiency can also accompany some chronic diseases, including celiac disease or chronic pancreatitis.

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