Signs that death is just around the corner. 12 signals sent by the human body

The last moments in the world of a family member are a cruel time, especially when we see that a loved one is suffering and realizes that death is fast approaching. In this difficult period, it is worth knowing how to help a loved one depart with dignity and end your life in the most comfortable conditions. Learn the signs that show death is imminent.

  1. Before death occurs, the body sends signals that the end is near
  2. The skin changes, there is great weakness, life processes slow down
  3. We present 12 signals that herald the impending end of life
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Death is an inevitable element of our lives. None of us know when it will happen and how we will break away from our loved ones. The situation is quite different in the case of people of well-deserved age or those who struggle with serious diseases such as cancer.

If this situation is close to you, find out what signs suggest that death is just around the corner. Such knowledge will allow you to prepare for this indescribably difficult moment, but also to provide your loved one with decent conditions and to surround the dying person with closeness and appropriate care.

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Further part under the video.

The most common symptoms of impending death

Recognizing the approaching end of life is not easy, but the constant presence with the sick person and observation of their behavior will help us to see that the last moments in this world may be drawing to an end. Check out the most common symptoms of impending death.

  1. Breathing problems – fainting breathing or shortness of breath that increases in intensity are the most common signs of impending death. The patient may also develop apnea, after which the person begins to breathe again. At the very end comes the death rattle, that is, wheezing, heavy breathing.
  2. Changes in appearance, deterioration of the skin condition. The first element of an appearance that can change is the face. In the case of a patient, it becomes more elongated, facial features appear clearly sharpened, and a slightly gray color develops around the mouth. Skin changes, such as bruising of the fingers and bluish-red discoloration (so-called precipitation spots or postmortem spots), caused by problems with proper blood circulation, are also unnoticeable symptoms. 
  3. Pain. None of us want to see a loved one suffer. Unfortunately, most incurable diseases (including cancer) are associated with pain. In such a case, care should be taken to ensure that a loved one can benefit from medication to relieve any pain. 
  4. A clear decrease in appetite. Lack of appetite and thirst is a natural element that indicates impending death. This is due to the fact that the body no longer needs a certain amount of energy, i.e. kcal, provided in food. However, this does not change the fact that a decrease in appetite and the related weight loss is a difficult moment for the patient’s family, who can see how the body and appearance of a relative are changing rapidly. 
  5. Stomach discomfort. The weakness of the body, combined with a lack of appetite and medications, cause ailments such as nausea, vomiting or constipation. What can be done in such a situation to help the suffering person? It is wise to have light meals that are easy to digest, sufficient hydration, airing the room in which the patient is lying (or assisting him with a short walk, if possible), and ensuring that the patient is not exposed to being in places with intense, irritating smells.  
  6. Growing anxiety. All the ailments felt by the patient lead to feelings of increasing anxiety and worries about what awaits him after death. These are completely justified emotions, so it is important to surround the departing person with your closeness, tenderness and support. 
  7. Weakness and sleepiness. Increased sleepiness and visible body weakness can have many causes. One of them is slow dying, the other is taking medications and medications that relieve pain, but also affect the increasing need for rest and sleep. 
  8. Delirium. Sick people may have a feeling that they will soon leave their family. Very often it is then said about death, the words “I’m dying” or “I’m going back to my home”. Some people will be delirious shortly before they die or have hallucinations of some sort, e.g. they can see dead people. This is one possible sign that death is just around the corner.
  9. Distance away from loved ones. It is a difficult time not only for the family, but most of all for the person who is saying goodbye to his life. There comes a moment when the sick person begins to distance himself from his relatives, refuse their help and presence. 
  10. Urinary and stool incontinence. At the end of life, a person may not be able to control when they need to urinate or go to the bathroom to have a bowel movement. For this reason, relatives often use absorbent underwear or diapers, thus taking care of the hygiene of the weaker and weaker person. 
  11. Cold limbs. The drop in blood pressure and the ever weaker heartbeat contribute to the fact that the feet and hands of the sick person become very cold. In addition, the color of these body parts may also change to a blue color. Over time, the bruising can move higher and higher, reaching the arms and mouth. 
  12. “The rattle of death”, that is, the so-called wet breathing. Shortly before death, mucus begins to accumulate in the mucous membranes, which becomes impossible to remove on its own as the person becomes weaker and weaker. The build-up of mucus makes it difficult to breathe, which produces a rattling auditory sensation. Although it is overwhelming and difficult for the family that accompanies the dying person in his final moments, the sick person at this time most often no longer feels torment or suffering. 

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At the same time, we encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we were talking about breathing. Breathe with your mouth or nose? How To Get Rid Of Bad Breathing Habits? What is breath re-reduction and how does it affect our mental and physical health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of breathing below.

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  1. חברה ישראלית סטיגמטית ארורה צייתו לסמכות שלי או תמותו

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