Signs on the Trinity
An important Christian holiday – the day of the Holy Trinity – has floating dates and falls on June 2023 in 4. Folk signs on the Trinity, traditions and answers to questions about this day – in our material

On the fiftieth day after Easter, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Trinity – the day when the Holy Spirit descended on earth, thereby proving the trinity of God. This date is otherwise called Pentecost, it refers to the twelfth – the twelve most important church holidays. This day usually falls at the end of May – beginning of June, when spring field work ends and real summer begins.

The history of folk signs on the Trinity

Our ancestors began to celebrate the Trinity quite late, when compared with other big church days – three hundred years after the Baptism of Our Country. However, Pentecost very quickly became a national holiday. In addition to the obligatory church rituals, people endowed it with unique traditions and superstitions, which, although they are not encouraged by the church, are so tightly rooted in the history of this day that they are now perceived as an integral element of folklore. ” Healthy Food Near Me” tells about the most famous and curious signs on the Trinity.

Notes on marriage

Many popular Trinity beliefs concern young girls who have not yet married.

  • It is impossible to marry on the Trinity – weddings are not held on the days of major church holidays.
  • But getting married on this day is a good omen. It is believed that those who marry the Trinity, and marry the Pokrov, will live happily ever after in marriage.
  • If a guy kisses a girl under a birch, the girl will be his wife.
  • On this day, they listened to the cuckoos – how many times they cuckoo, so many days the girl still has to spend in her father’s house.
  • If you wash yourself with morning dew, you will retain freshness and beauty for a long time.

signs of the weather

Pentecost was considered the day when spring finally gives way to summer. In this regard, our ancestors noticed several weather signs.

  • Rain on Trinity is a good omen, promising a bountiful harvest of bread and mushrooms.
  • Get caught in the rain – to goodness and the fulfillment of dreams.
  • Whoever sees the rainbow will gain health and wealth next year.
  • Rainy Pentecost – to a warm summer.

Do’s and Don’ts for Trinity

For each Slavic holiday, there are a number of signs and superstitions dedicated to what can and cannot be done. The Trinity has its own folk rules.

One of the most important traditions observed on this day is going to church. Two services are held on Trinity – the morning Divine Liturgy and Great Vespers. On Pentecost, it is not customary to ask God for something, but only sincerely thank for what is already available.

Welcome on this day and family meals. Trinity does not fall on a fast week, so you can put everything on the table, including meat and dairy products. However, it is better to refuse alcohol, and in food it is worth knowing the measure – gluttony, after all, is a sin. If someone comes to visit on this day, they should be received hospitably and with all honors.

Before dinner, they always laid on the table new tablecloth – a symbol of renewal and prosperity. They prepared simple but hearty dishes – pancakes, pies, chicken, gingerbread, jelly. But traditionally, a festive one was always put on the table. loaf – the crown of the whole meal. When kneading the dough, they put a coin – whoever got a piece with it, success and wealth awaited him ahead.

Home decorated with greenery: freshly cut branches, mowed grass, flowers. They were placed near the icons and in vases throughout the house. It was believed that on this day, nature itself protects everyone who is under this roof from evil and unkind.

It was impossible on a holiday to sew, knit and do needlework. were also disapproving of work in the field.

On major church holidays it is impossible quarrel, swear, think about the unclean. On a bright day, all thoughts should be occupied with good reflections. Classes are welcome charitycoming from a pure heart.

Popular questions and answers

Can I swim on Trinity?

Bathing superstition dates back to pagan times. Our ancestors believed that all evil spirits, especially underwater and forest ones, are activated on this day. Since then, there has been a sign – you can not swim in the Trinity in water bodies, whether it be a lake, river or sea. Otherwise, mermaids and mavkas will drag you under water or tickle you to death. By the way, they were also afraid to go into the forest – after all, goblin and witches live there, lying in wait for careless travelers.

Is it possible to go to the Trinity in the cemetery?

The church does not approve of trips to the cemetery on Trinity Day. Priests recommend on Sunday to turn all thoughts to the Lord, to visit the temple, without being distracted by worldly affairs. And to commemorate the dead, there is Trinity parental Saturday – the day before the holiday.

Is it possible to do household chores on the Trinity?

Our ancestors had an unequivocal answer to this question – no, it’s not worth it. Firstly, Sunday, and on Sunday it is a sin to carry out laundry and cleaning. Secondly, this is a holiday, and even from the list of the twelfth. Therefore, on the day of the Holy Trinity, they tried to postpone household chores. The house was prepared for the holiday in advance, and on Sunday the only exception was made for cooking.

What is birch curling and how to do it?

One of the symbols of the Trinity is a birch, for this holiday it is like a tree for Christmas. Houses and temples are decorated with branches, it is decorated with ribbons and scarves, the birch becomes a full-fledged participant in various rituals. One of them is curling. This tradition was especially interesting for young unmarried girls. Even before the holiday, on the Thursday preceding Trinity, the girls ran to the edge of the forest. There, each of them chose a tree for herself, from which she carefully braided one of the branches into a ring so as not to break it. If the branch has already broken in the process, the girl will not see marriage in the foreseeable future.

They returned to Trinity to the birch trees, the ring was neatly untwisted. If the leaves are still green on the branch, they will soon be called to marry. If the branch is damaged during the braiding process, and the leaves have dried up, do not wait for the wedding in the next year.

Why are temples decorated with greenery?

This old tradition has a deep symbolic meaning. The green branch – birch branches are most often used – means the soul. As with the advent of spring, bare trees bloom and become covered with green foliage, so after the touch of the grace of the Holy Spirit, the heart and soul of a person bloom.

Why is birch decorated on Trinity?

Birch often appears in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, as a plant that gives special strength. And no wonder – this fragile tree can survive in the most extreme conditions, and it was this feature that our ancestors noticed. And since birch becomes a full-fledged element of celebration on Trinity, a tradition arose to decorate a tree, while making a wish. It is believed that a birch tree will give part of its strength to a person who ties a knot.

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