Signs on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
We talk about the signs associated with an important holiday in the life of the people – the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which in 2022 is celebrated on August 28

On the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the end of the life path of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the ascension of her spirit to heaven are remembered. This day is one of the most important in Orthodoxy and Christianity in general. It is preceded by a strict fast, which begins two weeks before the Dormition.

The history of folk signs on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos in Our Country coincided with the end of the summer field work season. The church holiday was closely connected with the worldly holiday, and therefore many folk signs and beliefs belonged to it. We list the main ones, and also tell you what, as they believe, can and cannot be done on August 28.

What can be done on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • visit a church. The festive service is an obligatory element for all believers. On the night of the Assumption, an All-Night Vigil is held, before which you need to light a candle, praying for the well-being of all family members.
  • widely noted. The Feast of the Assumption not only ends the strict two-week fast, but also falls on the end of the harvest. The whole village gathered to break the fast and rejoice at the completion of an important stage of peasant life – they laid a common table, where everyone brought food consecrated in the church. Celebrating the feast of the Assumption today is unlikely, of course, to be as large-scale. But gathering with family and friends on this day is not forbidden at all.
  • Help those in need. Volunteering and charity are welcome on any day, regardless of the holiday, as long as they come from a pure heart and desire to help others. The mercy of the Mother of God should extend to all people, including those who are unlucky in life, so helping those in need for a believer is one of the most important parts of the holiday.
  • woo. The period after the Dormition was considered a wedding – the field work is over, the cold is coming, which means it’s time to think about your personal life. On this holiday, it was customary to marry – it was believed that the Mother of God herself would look after such couples from heaven, helping the young in life.

What not to do on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Work. The Dormition is one of the Twelve – the most important Orthodox holidays, and it is impossible to work – around the house, in the garden.
  • Walk barefoot in the dew. It is believed that these are the tears of the earth, grieving for the Mother of God who left her, and trampling them is a sin and a bad omen.
  • Quarrel and quarrel. The holiday should be spent peacefully, in quiet prayer, and in no case should you enter into conflicts, especially with relatives and friends.
  • get a haircut. This superstition concerns young girls of marriageable age – they believed that the more hair was cut, the later the girl would marry.
  • Wear uncomfortable shoes. It is believed that if you rub your feet on this day, then do not expect joys in life in the near future.

signs of the weather

According to the weather on this day, they predicted what autumn and winter would be like.

  • Sunny and warm on the Assumption – Indian summer will not be hot.
  • There is a rainbow in the sky – autumn will turn out to be warm and sunny.
  • You can see a lot of cobwebs – there will be little snow in winter.
  • It started to rain, which means that inclement weather will continue until the end of September.
  • Thunder and thunder – autumn will come early and bring a lot of rain.
  • There is fog in the yard – mushrooms will be born well.
  • The smell of wild flowers is clearly felt – for bad weather.

Popular questions and answers

Is it possible to eat meat for the Assumption?

The Feast of the Assumption is the first day after the two-week Assumption Fast, the period after which is called the Meat Eater. If the Assumption does not fall on the fast days of the week – Wednesday and Friday – you can break the fast as expected, with meat and milk. Otherwise, it is better to postpone the consumption of fast food for the next day.

Можно ли венчаться на Uspenie?

On the days of the twelfth holidays, to which the Assumption belongs, the Orthodox Church does not conduct wedding ceremonies.

Is it possible to use knives for Assumption?

There is an ancient ban on the use of sharp objects on a holiday. Now it is difficult to say what it is connected with, but it applies to all areas of life – from field work to kitchen work. They believe that it is impossible to “touch” the earth on this day – to harrow, dig, pierce, because the main breadwinner needs to rest. Particularly superstitious also avoid knives, scissors and forks. If necessary, cut, for example, bread, they prefer to break off pieces with their hands, and eat food exclusively with a spoon.

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