Signs on Red Hill
Bright Week ends on Sunday, which is commonly called Krasnaya Gorka. In 2023, this day falls on April 23rd. We talk about folk signs and what can and cannot be done on Krasnaya Gorka

Our ancestors associated this holiday with the beginning of this spring – after Great Lent and Easter, the time for worldly affairs is coming. The peasants were preparing for the start of the field work, and the young people, after a long break, began to play weddings – the ban on weddings was kept from Maslenitsa itself. We have collected the main folk signs on Krasnaya Gorka.

The history of folk signs on Krasnaya Gorka

Krasnaya Gorka is a Christian holiday with pagan roots. This day came to Orthodoxy as a kind of “youth day” – a holiday of youth and the long-awaited spring. It remained approximately in the same meaning, but with an addition. On this day, they now honored the memory of the holy Apostle Thomas – that same Thomas the Unbeliever. That is why another name for the holiday is Fomino Sunday.

In the first half of the day, the dead were commemorated on Krasnaya Gorka, and in the late afternoon the whole village gathered to take part in folk festivals. Everyone came, but first of all – young boys and girls, for them this holiday was something like a show. It was believed that the couples formed on Krasnaya Gorka would be especially strong. The name, by the way, is taken from this tradition. People usually gathered on a hill, where most of the festivities took place – hence the hill. And “red” means “beautiful” – because of the smart celebrants who on this day put on their best dresses.

Of course, many signs and rituals are associated with St. Thomas Sunday, and most of them are wedding ones.

Notes on marriage

The main sign is a long happy marriage for those couples who decide to get married on this day. A popular proverb says: “Whoever marries Krasnaya Gorka will never get married.”

In the old days, on this day, unmarried and unmarried young people put on their best clothes and participated in folk festivals with songs, dances, round dances and, most importantly, with matchmaking. It was believed that whoever met or wooed on Krasnaya Gorka would never part with his soul mate.

It was a bad omen for a boy or girl to stay at home that day and not join in the general fun – it was believed that such unlucky loners would either never marry at all, or their marriage would be short and unhappy.

In modern realities, this sign also works: at least you can go for a walk with friends, and at the maximum – go on a date. After all, the most important thing is not to stay at home on this day.

Signs for positive changes in life

Will take on Fomin’s day, not related to marriage, is also enough:

  • if you make a wish on this day and throw a coin into any body of water, it will surely come true;
  • to attract money into the house, you need to wash yourself, standing in front of the icon. Moreover, it is desirable that the oldest member of the family wash everyone who is younger than him, and only then wash himself;
  • to see a deceased relative in a dream is a good omen. This means that from heaven they look after you and protect you;
  • it is customary to wear red clothes to Krasnaya Gorka to attract good luck and wealth;
  • when eating on this day, do not throw away the half-eaten food – give leftovers to pets, and crumbs to birds. Throwing away food was considered a bad sign, promising grief and illness;
  • our ancestors on Fomino Sunday did this: they took consecrated dyed eggs with them, climbed a low hill and let them roll down. If the egg rolls smoothly and does not break, it is fortunate. But if on the contrary – wait for bad news.

Popular questions and answers

Is it possible to pray on Red Hill?

Yes, turning to God on this day, as, indeed, on any other, is only welcome. The power of prayer on Fomino Sunday is special. They believe that the requests made on this day are heard by the deceased relatives, who help to bring them to the Lord.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Krasnaya Gorka?

Yes, Fomino Sunday is also a day of remembrance for the dead. In the morning they put on mourning clothes and went to the cemetery to commemorate the dead loved ones. After that, they changed into holiday clothes and went to have fun.

Is it possible for married people to have fun on Krasnaya Gorka?

Yes, of course you can. This day is an occasion to get out of the house and celebrate the arrival of spring with friends, whether you are single or have a couple. In the second case, be sure to share this day with your spouse – this will only strengthen your marriage.

Why are weddings played on Krasnaya Gorka?

The custom of marrying relies, oddly enough, solely on rational reasons.

Firstly, Fomin Day marks the end of the Easter week, which was preceded by a long Lent. During this long period, marriage was not accepted and even sinful. Therefore, Krasnaya Gorka is the first day after a long break when the young could get married. During this time, a lot of people gathered, and the church did not have time to marry everyone. And so the sign appeared: you managed to get married on Krasnaya Gorka – it means that you are lucky people and your marriage will be just as successful.

Secondly, with the end of Bright Week, the peasants began sowing work. And the new young member of the family is a great help in the field and garden.

However, the matter was not limited to marriage alone. All the actions committed on this day with the prospect of turning into a wedding spoke of a happy marriage. Good signs were acquaintance with the betrothed and matchmaking.

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