Signs on Radonitsa
” Healthy Food Near Me” tells about the main folk signs on Radonitsa: what can and cannot be done on April 25, 2023, which of the customs are encouraged and which are condemned by the church

On the ninth day after Easter, the Orthodox celebrate Radonitsa – the day of commemoration of the dead, one of the eight Parental days of the year. In 2023, the holiday falls on April 25th.

Radonitsa has long gone hand in hand with many beliefs and signs. Many of them came to modern Christianity from ancient pagan times. We tell you what signs on Radonitsa exist, where they came from and whether they should be followed today.

The history of folk signs on Radonitsa

Radonitsa is the day when one should share the joy of the resurrection of Christ with the departed loved ones. This holiday is common among the descendants of the Eastern Slavs, to this day it is celebrated not only in Our Country, but also in Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Moldova, Poland, etc.

Radonitsa has pre-Christian roots. Memorial days have existed in Our Country for a long time, one of them – the day of the spring feast for the dead – became the progenitor of the modern Radonitsa and was tied to Easter. Many signs of this day, which have nothing to do with Orthodoxy, have changed and become an integral part of the holiday, intricately intertwined with Christian traditions.

What can and cannot be done on Radonitsa

The most important component of the holiday is a prayer for the dead, commemoration of the souls of deceased loved ones. Therefore, on Parents’ Day, believers must go to church. Festive services begin the night before and move into the all-night liturgies. In the evening, it is customary to submit memorial notes with the names of deceased relatives, who will be mentioned by the priest during the morning service.

After visiting the church on this day, they went to the cemetery. It is customary to commemorate the deceased at his grave with a prayer, it is also not forbidden to put the burial places in order. But a memorial meal in a cemetery is not worth arranging. This custom, like the tradition of leaving food for the dead on the graves, is pre-Christian and has nothing to do with Orthodox teaching. Moreover, one should not drink alcohol at the cemetery – on this day it is better to refuse it altogether. The best way to remember the deceased is to pray for him, but not to drink.

It is better to give food brought to the cemetery for the deceased to those in need – alms and all possible help to your neighbor are welcome on Radonitsa, it does not matter if you give money or a piece of bread to the one who asks.

A memorial meal is already arranged at home – a quiet, modest feast with simple dishes. Traditionally, kutia, pancakes and favorite dishes of the deceased are cooked on this day. During lunch, they share memories of a deceased loved one, tell stories about him, thereby preserving the memory of a person.

Although it is not obvious, Radonitsa is a fun holiday. On this day, it is not customary to mourn and grieve because of the death of relatives. On the contrary, it is intended to remind that after repose, although earthly life ends, eternal life begins.

household signs

On this day, it is not forbidden to engage in worldly affairs, if they do not go to the detriment of the celebration of Radonitsa.

  • On Parent’s Day, household chores are allowed – cleaning, cooking, sewing, if their performance does not interfere with visiting the church and cemetery.
  • On Radonitsa it is not customary to work in the garden and in any way “disturb” the earth.
  • There is an ancient sign associated with kindling a bath – in the old days they heated it, but did not wash it so that the spirit of a deceased ancestor could fly into it. Such a rite of inviting the dead has nothing to do with church teaching and is condemned in Orthodoxy.
  • You can’t swear and quarrel, the day should be spent quietly, in prayer and household chores.

weather signs

Radonitsa usually falls in the second half of spring, so weather signs are directly related to what the summer will be like and whether it is worth waiting for a good harvest.

  • Frosts on the night of Radonitsa – the harvest will not be rich.
  • In the morning the sky is crimson – to the wind and rain.
  • Meet the rooks on this day – the summer will be warm and sunny.
  • New Moon on Radonitsa – to a good harvest.
  • The day turned out to be rainy – to the good news.
  • To wash yourself with rainwater on Radonitsa – to find beauty and health for many years.

Popular questions and answers

Is it possible to get married on Radonitsa?

It is impossible, although this prohibition is not directly related to the Radonitsa holiday. Parents’ Day always falls on Tuesday – on this day of the week, wedding ceremonies are not held according to the canons of the Orthodox Church.

What if the child was born on Radonitsa?

According to beliefs, such a child will inherit the character traits of the deceased who is commemorated on this day.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Radonitsa?

There is no direct prohibition, however, it will most likely be difficult to organize a baptism on this day, since the priests will be busy with matters related to the holiday.

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