Signs on Nut Spas
The Dormition Fast is over, summer is ending, which means the last Savior is coming – the third in a row. ” Healthy Food Near Me” talks about folk signs on Orekhovy Spas, which are worth paying attention to August 29, 2022

Walnut Spas is one of the last summer holidays, it is celebrated annually on August 29th. During the day, the peasants completed the field work, consecrated bread and nuts in the church, and in the evening they arranged a festive dinner. We talk about folk signs and traditions of this day.

The history of folk signs on Nut Spas

The last of the three Spasov is many-sided, he has many names. Walnut, Khlebny, Third, Canvas … Each name arose at different times and is associated with important events for the life of an Orthodox person. This holiday has both a more sublime, ecclesiastical, and quite everyday, folk side. Signs on Nut Savior will tell you how best to spend this day, what can and cannot be done.

What can you do on Nut Spas

  • Engage in sowing. “The Third Savior has stored up bread” – this is how our ancestors used to say. They knew that at this time it was time to finish harvesting wheat and start planting winter crops, so they spent part of the holiday in the field.
  • Bake pies and bread. From the flour from the new harvest, they prepared pastries – not necessarily lean, because the Third Spas was celebrated after the Dormition Fast.
  • Visit a church. Believers went to the temple for the morning service, after which they consecrated the baked bread from the new grain.
  • Buy a linen or canvas product. This Savior is called Kholshchov in honor of the transfer to Constantinople of the Image of Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands. According to legend, on the towel with which Christ wiped his face, his face was imprinted, and the canvas itself could heal the sick. On this day, fairs were held in Our Country, where merchants offered to buy linen products.
  • Collect nuts. It is believed that nuts ripen by the Third Savior, and it is from August 29 that they can be harvested. A simple divination was built on nuts. You choose your fruit, make a wish and break the shell. If the nut is ripe, everything will be fulfilled. If rotten or empty – the desire is not destined to come true.
  • Host a celebratory dinner. Fresh pastries were placed on the table, to which the nuts collected that day were added. The presence of alcoholic beverages was allowed – most often it was a tincture of walnuts.
  • Wash in the bath. Moreover, it was necessary to take a steam bath with hazel brooms – they, as it was believed, could protect from the evil eye.

What not to do on Nut Spas

  • Work around the house. This ban, perhaps, is more domestic – after all, in Orekhovy Spas, the whole family was busy working on the street: someone collected grain, someone – nuts.
  • Swear, swear and wish evil. However, it is worth abstaining from this on any other day of the year.
  • Overeat. Although the Dormition Fast is behind us and meat, milk and alcohol appeared on the festive table, one should know when to stop and not allow oneself to indulge in gluttony.

“Nut” signs

  • A rich harvest of nuts this year – for a rich harvest of wheat next.
  • When collecting nuts, I caught a wormy one – unfortunately.
  • Eat the first nut on this day yourself, give the second to someone else – then no evil eye and spoilage will be terrible.
  • The first nut picked that day could predict how the next year would go. If the fruit turns out to be ripe and tasty – to joys and success, if green – wait for significant news, if rotten – there will be trouble, if empty – problems.

weather signs

  • It is rainy on this day and lightning is sparkling – it will be a warm autumn.
  • Cranes fly south – wait for frosts on Pokrov.
  • Sunny and warm on Orekhovy Spas – there will be an early Indian summer.

Popular questions and answers

Is it possible to pick nuts in the forest on this day?

You can pick nuts, but our ancestors were afraid to go into the forest. It is believed that on this day no one is protected from the dark forces that can dwell in the thicket. Therefore, if they went into the forest, they always took a talisman with them.

Is it possible to do charity work on this day?

Yes, just like any other day. Good deeds should not depend on the calendar.

Is it possible to get married in Orekhovy Spas?

Yes. You can sign at the registry office on any day, regardless of whether it is a church holiday. It is also allowed to get married on the Nut Spas, unlike the previous two Spas, which fell during the period of the Dormition Fast – weddings are prohibited during fasts.

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