Signs of vitamin deficiency: how to recognize

In fact, the medical handbook states that avitaminosis – This is a complete lack of vitamins in the body. Agree, a person suffering from such an ailment is quite difficult to find today.

therefore it will be about hypovitaminosis – that is, a low level of some individual vitamins. There are many reasons for this state – first of all, the attitude towards one’s own diet.

Monotonous food, convenience foods, refined foods, strict diets, medication and more. All this deprives the body of vitamin support. Sometimes a deficiency of vitamins can be associated with a violation of their absorption in the intestine.

Do you think vegetables and fruits are the main source of vitamins? But no. Of these, we take mainly ascorbic and folic acid, as well as carotene. And this is provided that the set of fruits and vegetables is very diverse. Do not forget also that their usefulness decreases every day storage.

As for the rest of the vitamins, they can be found in meat, liver, eggs, milk, butter and vegetable oil, cereal bread and cereals. Cheese, tomatoes, cottage cheese, dried apricots and prunes contain potassium and calcium.

They are responsible for mental speed… So, if it becomes more difficult for you to concentrate, you forget what you were going to do a minute ago and hardly perceive new information, then the brain lacks these very elements.

Brain activity also spices up… Ginger and cumin stimulate attention, black pepper, paprika and turmeric – cerebral circulation.

It is useful to alternate coffee and tea with dried fruit compote, add rose hips and frozen black currants to it. But do not overdo it with vitamin C, keep in mind that its daily value is contained in 40 grams of black currant, 74 grams of oranges or one kiwi.

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