Signs of menopause in women
The kindest creature – my own mother, suddenly became unrecognizable. She plagues everyone with endless nagging, every now and then “dies” and is constantly dissatisfied with herself. Where to look for the reason? In the body.
Signs of menopause in women
Climax is a stage through which sooner or later every woman, and sometimes a man, goes through. And not always in adulthood. The restructuring of the hormonal system can begin at the age of 30. If such cases have occurred in a family on the female side, you should think about the birth of children early. But what happens to the body at the “transitional” moment? And how can we help not to aggravate physical problems with moral ones?
Mom every now and then does not get enough sleep, complains of stuffiness, drafts, migraines and back pain. But these are not whims and not suspiciousness: the symptoms of menopause can be very diverse. Most often, the so-called hot flashes occur when a feeling of heat, chills and increased heartbeat occurs throughout the body. The thing is that during menopause, the level of estrogen in the blood drops, the body tries to regulate the formation of these hormones by the ovaries, but they are already working “idle”. It turns out that the vessels either narrow or expand, the body temperature changes, and the person experiences hot flashes and chills.
What to do?
First of all, mom should give up coffee, alcohol and spicy foods, and instead devote more time to sports. It is scientifically proven that active women are less likely to suffer from hot flashes than their peers who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, sporting heroism is useless. Daily walks, swimming in the pool, badminton, and just squats in the morning will already play for the good of mom. For your part, take care of her peace of mind: stress intensifies the manifestations of menopause.
Read on: she is not happy with her own appearance.
It is better to switch to proper nutrition at once with the whole family.
Mom complains that she looks bad and says that she is overweight. Indeed, her favorite dress does not fit at the waist. However, the food has nothing to do with it. This body has increased body fat by 4-5 kg to compensate for the lack of estrogen. The fact is that fat contains the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen. By the way, this is why overweight women survive menopause more easily. But, if the excess weight during the year reaches 10 kg or more, you need to consult a doctor and urgently engage in weight loss. Obesity is the door to dozens of unpleasant diseases, it is better to avoid them.
What to do?
Try to convince your mom to adjust her diet. And support her yourself – it is very difficult to fight overweight and unhealthy diet alone. However, the whole family will benefit from healthy food. First of all, give up fast food and semi-finished products, including sausages, sausages, curds. Include fish (preferably seafood), high-quality lean meat and poultry in the diet. Stew, boil, bake, but do not fry food. Eat cereals, vegetables and fruits more often. Drink plain, still water, compotes, and teas. And try to reduce your sugar and salt intake.
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An active lifestyle will keep your mom in a great mood.
She is tormented by migraines and hypertension, and even if she falls slightly, she immediately gets a severe bruise, or even a fracture. These are the consequences of osteoporosis. An ailment that often accompanies menopause. Estrogens stimulate the activity of osteoblasts, cells that form bone tissue, and inhibit osteoclasts, cells that break down calcium. A decrease in estrogen levels provokes the growth of osteoclasts. And considering that over the years the body begins to absorb less calcium, the problem of fragility of bones is not surprising. At times, the rate of bone destruction can be as high as 1% per week.
What to do
Begin work on calcium replenishment. For example, include fermented milk products in the diet – a natural source of calcium. However, this is not enough. To compensate for the deficiency, the mother needs to start taking calcium-containing drugs. And in order for the absorption of calcium to become complete, the body needs vitamin D. The easiest way is to immediately choose a drug in the pharmacy that combines these two elements.
The risk of hypertension can be minimized by avoiding salt. Moreover, it can be successfully replaced with spices and dried seaweed.