Signs of a man’s love and how to understand if he just enjoys?

Hello, dear readers, or rather, readers! Relationships are vital for every person, it is in them that we mostly realize and manifest our feminine or masculine essence, we feel significant and loved. But it happens that feelings are not always sincere, they hide behind them in order to realize their need for some kind of benefit. And today, dear women, I will tell you about how you can determine if a man does not love but uses.


The law of nature is that there must be balance in everything. Therefore, in order for relations between people to develop, and attachment to appear, which eventually develops into deeper feelings of love, respect, and so on, it is necessary to tirelessly maintain a balance between the processes of “taking” and “giving”. It looks something like this: a man gives something to a woman, she accepts it with gratitude and returns it in return, only a little more, in response, again receiving, and so on in a circle.

Signs of a man’s love and how to understand if he just enjoys?

But it happens that one of the partners does not want to take part in the exchange and close relationships, he chooses a position from which he only claims to satisfy his needs, sometimes even agreeing to give something for the sake of appearance in return, adjusting and playing so as not to lose the necessary source.

So, how to understand that the chosen one is not sincere?

1. Sex

Let’s start with sex, because if your feelings and desires are not important and are not taken into account, then the meetings will take place only at a convenient time for him, moreover, most often the partner will not care whether you enjoyed it or not, he will realize his .


Your life story will not worry him at all, the maximum you can count on is the duty: “How are you?”. When talking, observe how he behaves. Are you sure he usually listens to you carefully?


If you notice that some needs are ignored and you have to make concessions and sacrifices, just to make him feel good.

4. Closeness

Doesn’t let you into your life. Yes, you spend a lot of time together, everything seems to be fine, but there is a feeling that you have no place in his life. Even being at his house, you do not understand what you can do and what not. Or vice versa, you get there as a housekeeper.


Signs of a man’s love and how to understand if he just enjoys?

A man in love or in love appreciates the time spent with his beloved. Everyone’s priorities may be different, and often the girl is not in the first place, especially among businessmen, but if you meet once a week, because there are too many things to do and worries, and you don’t get into this list of plans, you should think about it.


How do your fights usually go? The psychology of interpersonal relationships is such that it is impossible without strife, because different people with different values ​​​​are trying to be together. And it is the behavior during the conflict that is a signal of whether you are valuable to your chosen one, or your feelings do not bother him at all.

Think about whether he is worried if he hurt you, or does he not care about this fact? Is he making an effort to get things right? Does he allow himself to be insulted and humiliated? Does he hear you? Do you know how to find compromises, or is the outcome always only with one-sided benefits?

7. Understanding

Of course, only parents of their children can love, but in a love relationship it is important to be able to accept another. Think about it, is your loved one trying to completely remake you and adjust to your tastes so that he is comfortable and comfortable? Or is he ready to come to terms with some nuances, because he truly appreciates other qualities and is next to you because you are who you are?


Does it force you to do something, knowing that you absolutely do not like it? For example, you do not like stilettos and dresses, but in a different outfit he criticizes you and does not want to see you? And happy if you manage to make him give in, realizing how uncomfortable you are? This is a strong argument that he only wants you to fit his far-fetched picture, ignoring you and your needs.

9. Common acquaintances

He does not introduce his close friends, parents and other significant people from his environment. And even if he introduces you, then you will not spend time together, most often he will go to meetings without you.

10. Are you ready to make sacrifices for you?

Signs of a man’s love and how to understand if he just enjoys?

No, not to die, but, for example, to come to terms with the fact that you do not want to give up your career in order to always be at your side if necessary, or that you will have to give your pet to your parents because you are allergic to wool.


A person who is only interested in his own benefit will not plan something joint. Think you are making plans for life together? Discussing how you will spend your vacation next weekend?


Do you know which women he has previously chosen? No, you should not ask him about the past, but is there something in common in his stories that connects previous chosen ones with you? Maybe he used to have mostly older women both in age and status, who satisfied his material needs? Or quiet housewives who have no right to argue and sacrifice themselves?

Suddenly, girls never really stayed with him, and you are another proof of his unsurpassedness, on which you can put a tick? This is a very important point by which you can determine whether a person is capable of intimacy, or whether he is used to using people.

13. What feelings are predominant?

Is there a place for tenderness, care? Or is it mostly just excitement between the two of you? Or are you provoked to pity, for the purpose of manipulation? And then you stop what you’re doing to finish your cute term paper, take his mom’s medicine across town because he’s suddenly got a headache? With sincerity and love, there is a place for completely different feelings, even anger, but if the chosen one does not give you the right to show any of them, then this issue should be carefully clarified.

14. Non-verbal

Don’t forget about non-verbal signs of sincerity. After all, if the words disagree with facial expressions and gestures, they blatantly lie to you. It is by bodily manifestations that you can notice how important your partner is. I wrote about this in the article “Non-verbal signs of communication between a man and a woman — how to distinguish them and why is it beneficial for us to know about them?”.


Signs of a man’s love and how to understand if he just enjoys?

  1. First of all, listen to your feelings, have you begun to doubt, because initially you do not trust men, having a negative experience in the past, or are you embarrassed by the behavior of yours? Answer yourself honestly the question, what prompted you to look for this article, in case you didn’t stumble upon it by chance? If situations flashed through your head that arouse suspicion, write them out, at least in order to clarify them for yourself, sort them out, so to speak. Large balls need to be unwound, then it may turn out that there is no problem either.
  2. Now think about how exactly he can benefit from you? What are you able to give him that he stays with you? After all, if suspicions arise, it is necessary to understand what is the reason. Maybe he is just comfortable around, because you organize the whole life in which he does not want to be included at all? Or do you not have to give all your best in order to maintain a relationship, to give you gifts? Maybe you help him financially, while, so to speak, he has unexpectedly difficult times?
  3. Before deciding what to do, you should honestly admit to yourself whether this state of affairs satisfies you or not. Sometimes it happens that it is enough for a woman to get attention and sex without getting involved very deeply, but, for some reason, she demands more, if only because all her friends are married, but she alone is not.
  4. If you are not satisfied, try to start by honestly talking with your chosen one about what confuses you. Maybe you are a little mistaken in your conclusions, and he will be able to answer exciting questions. As a last resort, he will be aware that something does not suit you, and you want to change the existing habit a little.


And finally, do not forget to pay attention to what your chosen one says. If he is not responsible for his words, making promises and not fulfilling, then he does not care that in this case you will not be able to rely on him, and, accordingly, what seriousness of intentions then we are talking about. But if, due to its development, it is not realized, then the choice is yours, suddenly you will be able to come to terms with it. And that’s all for today, dear readers. Take care and appreciate yourself!

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