😉 Greetings to everyone who wandered into this site! It will be useful for lovely ladies and adorable young ladies to know the signs of a male gigolo, so as not to fall for his bait. At the end of the article there is a video on this topic.
By becoming a gigolo, a man violates the natural laws of being. After all, it was nature who commanded him to be a breadwinner, and the woman assigned the role of the keeper of the family hearth. However, some men do not bother about this and do not disdain by any means on the way to enrichment.
Everyone wants to live beautifully without worrying about their daily bread. Life is one and time is fleeting. Is it right to carry it out in poverty and daily problems? Apparently, this is how gigolo explain their dishonest behavior.
Unfortunately, in modern society, marriage scams are becoming more common. Even educated and experienced women fall for the bait of cunning and charming gentlemen. Blinded by the passion and beautiful courtship of the gigolos, they completely lose their heads and shower the young lovers with money.
However, if you think soberly, then it is not so difficult to recognize a marriage swindler. Here are the main criteria.
Signs of a gigolo
You can meet Alphonse anywhere – in a cafe, in a supermarket and on the street. But most of the masters of seduction prefer to hunt rich ladies in places, so to speak, of their mass gatherings – at expensive resorts, elite exhibitions or auctions.
It is there that the fraudster can assess the viability of a potential victim and understand whether he is worth spending time on it. Recently, the world wide web is teeming with gigolos. After all, the Internet is a very convenient way to hide your identity and intentions.
Questions about a woman’s financial condition
The first thing a marriage swindler will do is try to get as much information as possible about a woman’s property and capital. Of course, he will not ask about it head-on, but will take an interest delicately, under the guise of care.
You should not immediately tell an unfamiliar person about your financial condition, list real estate, devote to business affairs. If he somehow found out about this, you should “scare” the gentleman by talking about the fact that your business has deteriorated lately, for example, you got into debt, took out a mortgage, or went bankrupt.
Upon hearing this, the gigolo will most likely stop communicating with you.
The swindler will ask about you very actively, but he is reluctant to talk about himself. He may constantly change his phone number, or he may not want to give it at all. He “muddies up” about his past, family and work, or, on the contrary, writes touching and colorful stories about how hard his life was, how wonderful and kind he is.
At the same time, the gentleman is in no hurry to introduce you to his friends. He is afraid to be photographed and show someone your joint photos. He does not need publicity. Alphonse prefers to steal quietly.
Marriage guest performers
There are quite a few foreigners among the gigolos. It is very difficult to collect information about them, and sometimes, there is simply no such opportunity. Often times, men of other nationalities seduce wealthy women in resorts. Softened by the southern sun, naive ladies lose their vigilance and plunge into sweet illusions.
Intrusive requests to invite him to visit you
A decent man will not constantly hint about this if the woman does not invite herself. But the gigolo has his own goal – to look around the home of a rich lady, to appreciate its sophistication and wealth.
Perhaps he is just a petty swindler and a thief who does not count on a long-term relationship, let alone marriage. He is only interested in a one-time jackpot.
Who pays?
On first dates, the gigolo can pay at the restaurant himself, if he is not completely a beggar. But later he will gladly shift the responsibility for financial calculations to his rich companion, because he is so poor and unhappy, how can he pay him every day?
Alphonse never rejects gifts from a woman, no matter how much they cost. It will be embarrassing for a normal man to accept too expensive gifts from a woman, albeit not a poor one. He will certainly want to look more wealthy than she.
No marriage contract!
When interacting with a potential groom, do not forget to reflect on the importance of marriage contracts. A normal man takes this topic calmly, because he does not mind sharing money with his beloved woman before marriage, and even after it.
But for the gigolo, the union, based on a marriage contract, loses all meaning. This document proves that the lady is not going to part with her capital in favor of a slippery groom, so such a relationship is not profitable for the gentleman.
Marriage swindler
What else are the signs of a male gigolo expressed? If nature has not endowed a man with a pretty face and a model figure, then it will be very difficult to become a gigalo. However, cases of marriage scams are common not only in the highest circles of society, but also in the lives of ordinary citizens.
Among gigolos there are many not only handsome boys, but also able-bodied men in their prime, and lonely uncles of respectable age. Do not think that gigolos are sheer losers or lazy people. Most of them are quite capable of making money, but their life convictions take them away from this “difficult” path.
Marriage swindlers are always caring and gentle. They know how to get into the trust of women, tell them only what they want to hear. Alphonse will not criticize his victim. Its goal is to create the illusion of happiness and harmony in a woman.
Looking into his sweet and understanding eyes, the lady thinks: “Well, finally I met a real man who loves me!” A woman is held captive by deception, her mind is not able to adequately assess the situation, and she is already ready to make the cunning man rich from head to toe.
Insight comes too late. A mercantile man will not even think about returning the benefits gained by hypocrisy and greed. And the saddest thing in such a situation is that it is almost impossible to bring the gentleman to criminal responsibility. After all, women share their wealth of their own free will, which means that they themselves are to blame.
As mentioned above, you don’t have to be super handsome to benefit financially from a gullible woman. Often, ordinary pensioners rewrite their apartments to “loving” husbands, although they have their own children and grandchildren. Moreover, their spouses can be both younger than their old women and their peers.
It happens that women simply allow their unemployed husbands or roommates to sit on their necks. If anything, this relationship model is unhealthy and unnatural. You need to think seriously and change your life.
Here is additional and very interesting information on the topic “Swindler: signs of a male gigolo”
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