Signs for Apple Spas
“ Healthy Food Near Me tells readers about folk omens for the Apple Savior and shares tips on how best to spend this holiday

The second of the three Spas is celebrated annually on August 19. It falls on the Dormition Fast, one of the strictest in Orthodoxy. What folk signs are associated with this holiday, what can and cannot be done on Apple Savior – in our material.

The history of folk omens at Apple Spas

One of the August harvest holidays – Apple Savior – like many other primordially folk celebrations, has pre-Christian roots. However, after the arrival of Christianity in Our Country, this day was “churched”. On August 19, Orthodoxy celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord, an important event for believers: on this day, the followers of Christ learned that he is the Son of God.

What can you do on Apple Spas

  • Arrive on the eve of the holiday. On August 19, you can’t do household chores, but meeting the Savior in an untidy house was considered a bad omen. Therefore, it was necessary to put things in order 1-2 days before the holiday.
  • Sanctify the fruits. And not necessarily apples – although they, of course, in the first place. On this day, fruits and vegetables grown in their own gardens are brought, consecrated, and only after that they are eaten.
  • Taste apples. Of course, without this, nowhere – even the name of the holiday hints. Moreover, in some regions of Our Country, apples were not eaten at all before the Apple Savior – this was considered a sin. On this day, you can taste an apple after consecration. Before eating the first fruit of the day, they made a wish. They believed that if it is sincere, coming from a pure heart, then it will definitely come true.
  • Foretell the future. By the taste of the first apple eaten on the Second Spas, they judged their future. If it is sour, there are difficulties and obstacles ahead, if it is sweet, happiness and joy.
  • Treat your neighbors. In each of the Spas, it is customary to show one’s generosity. Moreover, both in relation to the guests who were on the threshold, and in relation to the poor – in the old days, beggars were treated to consecrated fruits on this day.
  • Soften post. Those who fast on August 19 are given some relief – on the Second Spas, you can eat fish and a little red wine. Otherwise, the table should be lean. And even the traditional apple pastry for this day should be cooked on lean dough.
  • Perform a house cleansing ritual. This custom is one of those that have survived from pagan times, but have changed thanks to Orthodoxy that came to Our Country. The Church does not approve of such rituals, but many continue to perform them. You will need an apple and a wax candle. The fruit must be cut in half, cut out of both halves of the core. Insert a burning wax candle into one half and go around the whole house with it, reading prayers and turning to the Lord with a request to protect from troubles and grant peace and harmony to the family. After completing the ritual, the wax that has leaked from the candle must be transferred to the other half, the two parts of the apple are connected, tightly tied with a rope. The apple should have been taken away from the house and buried. And only after that the housewives began to prepare festive dishes.

What not to do on Apple Spas

  • Work. At home, in the field, in the garden, washing, cleaning, sewing – all these household chores on the Second Spas, as on many other Orthodox holidays, are prohibited. This is a truly popular taboo – the church is calm about its violation. An exception is made only for cooking, this can and should be done at Apple Spas – neither the church will condemn, nor the neighbors.
  • Kill insects. There is a sign that two flies that land on your hand that day promise good luck for the whole next year. The main thing is not to drive them away, but to let them fly away when they themselves want to. It is also impossible to kill other insects – mosquitoes, midges, bugs. This is considered bad luck.
  • Noisily celebrate and indulge in gluttony. The holiday falls almost on the equator of the Dormition Fast, cheerful feasts during this important period are unacceptable for a believer. You should not eat meat and lean on alcohol.

weather signs

  • What kind of weather is on Apple Savior, this will be the same on Pokrov.
  • It is dry this day – there will be little rain in autumn.
  • Clear and sunny – to severe frosts in winter.
  • Cloudy and damp – to a dank autumn.
  • If the leaves on the trees are already yellow that day, the autumn cold will come from day to day.

Popular questions and answers

Is it possible to get married on this day?

Marriage can be concluded in the registry office, but the wedding on the Apple Savior will not take place – it is forbidden to conduct this ceremony in fasting.

Do I need to attend the service on this day?

In Orthodox churches on August 19, a festive morning service is held in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Believers try to visit it without fail.

Why is Apple Spas called “the first autumn”?

Our ancestors knew: August has come – get ready for autumn. Spas were its first harbingers, and the countdown began just from Apple – it was he who was called the “first autumn”. It should not be confused with the Osenins, which fall on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and are celebrated on September 21st.

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