Signs and symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy
Cystitis during pregnancy occurs more often than usual, since the urinary system of women works for two. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that pathogenic microorganisms can infect not only the bladder, but also neighboring organs – the kidneys and uterus. Inaction or self-medication results in premature birth or infection of the fetus. You can avoid trouble by early recognition of the disease.
Causes and signs of cystitis during pregnancy
Inflammation of the bladder, or cystitis, affects every tenth pregnant woman. The disease affects more women than men, as they have a short urethra located near the anus.
With cystitis during pregnancy, the urine is cloudy, with impurities of flakes and blood
In pregnant women, the tendency to ailment is explained by large-scale hormonal changes in the body, suppression of the immune system. Women with a history of chronic cystitis are especially susceptible to inflammation.
It is noteworthy that a frequently recurring disease has a blurred clinical picture. But the symptoms of acute cystitis during pregnancy are quite obvious:
· Pain in the lower abdomen;
· Burning and cramps during urination;
• changes in the color of urine, the presence of blood;
• false urge to urinate;
· Increased body temperature;
• deterioration in general health;
· Frequent urination in small portions.
Stagnation in the small pelvis caused by the pressure of the growing uterus can lead to cystitis in pregnant women. The disease develops as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, chronic constipation, abuse of spicy and smoked food.
The development of cystitis is facilitated by insufficient or excessive hygiene, wearing synthetic tight underwear. The most common cause of bladder inflammation is infectious diseases.
How to eliminate cystitis in pregnant women?
There are dozens of varieties of cystitis, so only a doctor can identify the cause and choose an adequate treatment for it. A gynecologist diagnoses an ailment based on the patient’s complaints, an anamnesis and a general examination. He necessarily prescribes a biochemical and general blood test, OAM, bacteriological culture of urine, takes smears on the flora from the vagina. If necessary, the doctor recommends an ultrasound scan.
Based on the analyzes and the general condition of the patient, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Combined herbal drops containing centaury extract, rosemary, lovage are also recommended. In a hospital setting, instillations can be carried out – the infusion of drugs through a catheter.
During the treatment period, it is necessary to drink as much water as possible, weak tea, compote, exclude salty and spicy dishes from the diet.
One of the symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy is cramps when urinating
Important! Herbs help to alleviate the condition with cystitis. Pregnant women can drink decoctions of birch leaves, black currants, lingonberries
So, the development of cystitis in pregnant women is promoted by suppressed immunity, hormonal changes, stagnation in the small pelvis. It is necessary to treat the disease with antibiotics under the supervision of a doctor.