Signs and symbols in geometry

Below is a table with the basic mathematical symbols and signs that are used in geometry from grade 7 and up.

» data-order=»Signs and symbols in geometry«>Signs and symbols in geometrySigns and symbols in geometry» data-order=»Signs and symbols in geometry«>Signs and symbols in geometrySigns and symbols in geometry» data-order=»Signs and symbols in geometry«>Signs and symbols in geometrySigns and symbols in geometry



anglea figure consisting of two rays and a vertex» data-order=»Signs and symbols in geometry«>Signs and symbols in geometrySigns and symbols in geometrysharp cornerangle from 0 to 90 degrees«>Signs and symbols in geometrySigns and symbols in geometryright angleangle equal to 90 degrees«>Signs and symbols in geometrySigns and symbols in geometryobtuse angleangle from 90 to 180 degrees«>Signs and symbols in geometrySigns and symbols in geometryunfolded cornerangle equal to 180 degreesdegree45°
minutesecond«>Signs and symbols in geometrylineendless line without beginning or end
line segmentsegment on a straight line between points A and B
beaman infinite line that starts at point A but has no end
arcarc formed between points A and B
perpendicularity||parallelismnon-intersecting straight lines (lines)intersectionset of identical elements belonging to both sets A and B∈ / ∉the element is/is not an element of the given setcongruencyequivalence of geometric shapes and sizes~similaritysame shape but different sizesΔtriangletriangle figure|xy|distancedistance between points X and Yπconstant “pi”radianangle unitPost navigation
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