Signs and symbols in algebra

Below is a table with the main mathematical symbols and signs that are used in algebra grade 7 and above.

» data-order=»Signs and symbols in algebra«>Signs and symbols in algebraSigns and symbols in algebra

знак» style=»min-width:auto; width:auto;»>Символ /


NameMeaning / descriptionExample
unknown variable to be foundequivalencelogical equivalence or equivalent~approximately equal toapproximate equality (weak)15 to 14
approximately equal toapproximate equalityαproportionallyproportionality of valuesinfinitylack of boundaries or quantitative measure
much lessA is much smaller than B»a lot moreA is much bigger than B()round bracketsthe expression in parentheses is considered first[]square bracketsthe expression in parentheses is considered first{}bracesvarious applications
bottom square bracketsupper square bracketsexclamation markfactorialloglogarithmsingle vertical barabsolute value (modulus)function composition(a, b)open interval[a, b]closed intervalΔdeltachange/differenceΔdiscriminantΣsigmathe sum of all values ​​in the selected range∑∑sigmadouble sigma
capital letter «pi»product of factors in the selected range«>Signs and symbols in algebra
Euler constant – Mascheroni«>Signs and symbols in algebraSigns and symbols in algebra
golden ratiogolden ratio constant
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