Sigmund Freud on love

Laconically and ironically, sublimely and penetratingly – about those questions to which, by his own admission, the father of psychoanalysis could not find an answer.

Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanity.


He who loves many knows women, he who loves one knows love.


A person recovers by giving free rein to his sexuality.


We are never more defenseless in the face of suffering than when we love.


The husband is almost always only a substitute for the beloved man, and not this man himself.


Why don’t we fall in love with someone new every month? Because when we part, we would have to lose a particle of the heart.

People are more moral than they think, and much more immoral than they can imagine.

Love, at its core, is as much animal now as it was from time immemorial.


The unconscious does not know the word “no”. It can do nothing but desire.


If one could not find in the other what should be corrected, then the two of them would be terribly bored.


Touch signifies the beginning of any possession, any attempt to subjugate a person or object.


Ideal, eternal, hatred-free love exists only between the addict and the drug.


When an old lady gets a dog and an old bachelor collects figurines, the former compensates for the absence of married life, while the latter creates the illusion of numerous love victories. All collectors are a kind of Don Juan.

A real masochist will always turn his cheek where there is an opportunity to get hit.


We choose each other not by chance – we meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.

In the course of the development of culture, so much of the divine and holy was extracted from the sexual that the impoverished remnant began to be despised.


A person loves what his “I” lacks to achieve the ideal.


In order not to get sick, we need to start loving.


It is terrible when two loving hearts cannot find either a worthy form or time for tender words. They seem to cherish tenderness in case of unexpected trouble, when the situation itself will force them to do so. Don’t skimp on tenderness. The more you spend it, the more it is mutually replenished. If tenderness is forgotten, then the spiritual connection is gradually lost and the relationship of the spouses in this case is like a rusty castle. It seems that there is a lock, but how will you open it if it is all rusty?


Chemistry is two-thirds anticipation. Life, apparently, too.

Sexual deviation can only be considered a complete lack of sex


A woman should soften, not weaken a man.


Cruelty and sexual desire are closely related.


The unconscious of one person can react to the unconscious of another without any participation of consciousness … Everyone in his unconscious has a tool that allows him to interpret the messages of the unconscious of other people.


The great question that I still can’t answer despite my thirty years of research into the female soul is, “What does a woman want?”


People in general are insincere in sexual matters. They do not openly show their sexuality, but hide it by wearing a thick coat made of a material called “lie”, as if the weather is bad in the world of sexual relations.

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