Sigmoidoscopy – endoscopic examination of the large intestine. Indications, course and possible complications of the examination

Sigmoidoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the large intestine. Thanks to it, it is possible to diagnose changes such as polyps, ulcers, nodules and deformities that are located in the rectum, sigmoid colon and in the replacement part. Thanks to sigmoidoscopy, it is possible to identify the causes of past bleeding and vascular changes.

Importantly, during the test, samples may be taken, which can then be further analyzed. Sigmoidoscopy it is better tolerated by our body than the more popular colonoscopy. The test is performed using a short, thin endoscope called a fibersigmoidoscope. Sigmoidoscopy is a test that is performed on people of all ages. Children are also subjected to it. In such a situation, it is easier to administer anesthesia. The presence of a parent during the examination may encourage the child and facilitate the procedure. For anyone, this type of research is not pleasant, and especially for the youngest.

When should sigmoidoscopy be performed?

There are several situations in which we should perform sigmoidoscopyso that I can continue to sleep well. One of them is prolonged diarrhea that occurs for unclear reasons. Another situation worth doing sigmoidoscopythere is a appearance of blood in the stools. When the rhythm of bowel movements changes in a person with the current normal rhythm, the stools are pencil-shaped or accompanied by a feeling of incomplete bowel movements, endoscopic examination is also recommended. If the bowel movement is involuntary or there is pain during defecation, it is worth knowing that these are the next signals that should prompt us to test. Also, abnormalities in the rectal infusion or recurrence of ulcerative colitis are reasons for treatment endoscopic examination of the large intestine.

How should you prepare for the test?

Sigmoidoscopy is an examination that is performed on an empty stomach. Therefore, the day before, the patient is not allowed to eat solid food. In the evening, on the day before the examination or in the morning on the day of the examination, a rectal enema is used to cleanse the intestines. Additionally, the physician may advise the patient to follow an appropriate cleansing diet or laxatives. A thorough bowel cleansing is essential prior to exercise sigmoidoscopeotherwise the test may not be performed. There are also patients who are tested in an antibiotic cover. However, the doctor decides about such a thing.

What does the examination look like?

Sigmoidoscopy is an examination in which local anesthesia is used. It also happens that the patient is given a sedative. In time sigmoidoscope the examined person is lying on the left side. The doctor inserts a flexible apparatus through the anus into the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this, you can observe the image of the intestinal walls on the monitor. In the case of taking a sample, the material is sent to the laboratory for histopathological examination. Sigmoidoscopy usually only takes a few minutes. It is very important to notify your doctor immediately if pain occurs during the examination.

Contraindications for sigmoidoscopy

Sigmoidoscopy It is not performed in a few cases, including, among others, the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, circulatory failure or blood coagulation disorders. The examination should be abandoned if we have unstable coronary artery disease, peritonitis, acute distension of the colon, respiratory failure or acute inflammation of the large intestine. In case of any doubts, it is worth contacting your doctor and informing him about your concerns.

Possible complications after the examination

After sigmoidoscope complications may arise, so you should monitor your body. Among other things, there may be slight bleeding which usually stops quite quickly. Heavy and prolonged bleeding is relatively rare, but if it does occur, it may be necessary to repeat endoscopy and electrical coagulation. In some exceptional circumstances it may be necessary surgery. What is important, surgical treatment requires a perforation of the colon. Such a situation occurs less than once in a thousand tests performed.

What do sigmoidoscopy results look like?

Sigmoidoscopy belongs to this type of research, the results of which we do not have to wait long for. After completing the activities related to the examination, the doctor can inform the patient about the result. Additionally, the examined person receives a written, detailed protocol of the conducted procedure sigmoidoscope. If an endoscopic specimen was taken during the examination, it is necessary to wait a few days for its histopathological analysis. The doctor also informs the patient about this situation. If any abnormalities are found, such as the presence of blood or polyps, your doctor may order you to undergo another test, such as a full colonoscopy.

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