Side plank (Side Plank) is an effective isometric exercise for the stomach and the muscular system, which can be included in any exercise both women and men. The side plank is one of the variants of the exercise “plank”, only done it on the side. In this article we will talk about the benefits and efficacy side bar, how to perform this exercise and how to complicate or simplify the side bar.
Sidebar: technology and implementation features
The side plank is one of the best exercises to strengthen the muscle corset. Why is it important to strengthen the muscles of the corset? These muscles depends on the health of your musculoskeletal system. Strong muscular corset stabilizes the spine, supports your back, improves posture and is the prevention of lower back pain. However, the side plank helps to strengthen not only abdominal muscles but also the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. This isometric exercise is an excellent indicator of the strength of the stabilization muscles.
See also: PLANK – a detailed review of the activity
The technique of lateral
1. Lie on your right side. Press your forearms into the floor, elbow is straight under the shoulder joint. Tighten your stomach and pull your body. Free hand lying on his side, or stretched along the body, or raised straight up (choose a comfortable position to maintain balance).
2. Lift your hips up, leaning into the floor with your forearms and toes. Distribute body weight so that the main load fell on the muscular system and not of the forearm. Your body should be straight and tight, the belly is tucked up.
3. Hold the position 15-60 seconds and lower to the floor. You can repeat the exercise in several approaches, or to perform the side plank on the other side. Use a mirror to ensure proper form of the exercise.
On that note:
- The body is completely straight and forms a line from head to toe
- The case does not fall forward or backward
- Look forward, neck free, shoulders do not stretch to the ears
- Between the forearm and the shoulder supporting arms formed a right angle
- Knees pulled up, legs straight and tense
- Back straight and not slouching, without sagging at the waist
- The pelvis stretches as high up as possible, the body does not SAG
- Hips and shoulders are in one line
When performing the side plank is very important to redistribute the body weight so that the main burden had not arms and shoulders, and a muscular corset. It is important to maintain correct body position throughout exercise, strain your stomach and carry weight on the upper body rather than legs and arms. Improper execution of side plank is threatened by the emergence of back pain and lower back and elbows due to excessive pressure on them.
Option side planks for beginners
Side plank – a very difficult exercise, for which you must have strong muscles in your upper body. If you are still difficult to implement the classic version of the side plank, you can start with a simplified version. In this case, you need to rely on the floor with feet and knees. The body maintains a straight line, elbows are exactly below the shoulders, the body does not fall forward or back.
Once you can hold side plank on knees within 45-60 seconds, can switch to the classic version of the side plank. Start with 15 seconds and gradually increase the time you exercise to 60 seconds. You can perform the exercise in several approaches.
Option side bar for advanced
But if you are already an experienced student then can move on to more advanced versions of the side plank. Lift your hips up, hold for a few seconds and slowly lower down, taking care not to touch the floor. Perform 12 to 15 repetitions. You can hold the dumbbell on the side to complicate the exercise.
Photos a big thank you to youtube channel: PaleoHacks.
Following the side bar?
Stomach muscles have a complex structure. The rectus abdominis, which consists of six cubes needed to bend the spine in different directions. It is also called a muscle press. The transverse abdominis is a deep muscle, which stabilizes your body during static exercise (e.g., during the execution of the same strap). Internal and external oblique muscles work to rotate, rotate and stabilize the body.
While the side straps are utilized all of these abdominal muscles. As you can see these muscles are inextricably linked to the functioning of the spine, which is why it is so important to perform classic and side trims on a regular basis. Strong muscular corset is the key to a straight back and a healthy spine.
However, when you perform the side plank involves not only the abdominal muscles but also the deltoids (the shoulder muscles), which assume a significant part of the load. No less part in this exercise, you will take the muscles of the legs, particularly the gluteal muscles, the adductor muscles of the thighs, quadriceps and hamstrings. Side plank makes you work your entire body from head to toe.
7 benefits of performing side planks
- Side plank is a great exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles, arms, legs and buttocks.
- This exercise helps to work out the area of the waist and sides.
- With a side bar you can strengthen the muscles and spine.
- Regular side straps helps to improve posture.
- It also helps to develop the balance due to the load of the stabilization muscles.
- It’s low impact exercise that is safe for joints.
- Side plank is suitable for both beginners and advanced due to the large number of different modifications.
Video how to properly perform the side plank:
Side plank: 10 various modifications
Once you’ve mastered the classic version of the side plank, you can move on to more advanced versions of this exercise. If you decided to complicate the exercise, first make sure that you are doing it technically correctly. Otherwise, the side plank not only be ineffective but harmful exercise. Because of the strong impact on the spine strap may injure your back if improperly performed.
Select 3-4 modifications of exercises from below and perform them according to the following scheme: 30 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest, repeat 2 times on each side. The time and number of approaches can be adjusted independently. Thus, you will get a great 10-minute set for the abdomen and whole body.
For gifs thank you youtube channels: FitnessType and PaleoHacks.
1. Static side plank with raised leg
2. Leg lift in side plank
3. Twisting to the side plank on forearms
4. Side plank on hand
5. Twisting to the side plank on hand
6. Touch elbow to knee in side plank
7. Pulling the knee in side plank
8. Side plank on the elbows with the pivot
9. Side plank on hands with a turn
10. Side plank with the additional inventory
With the TRX loops:
How to perform the side plank:
- For beginners:15-20 seconds in 2 sets on each side
- For intermediate level: 30-40 seconds 2-3 sets on each side
- Advanced level: 50-60 seconds in 3 sets on each side
How else can you perform the side plank:
You can perform the side plank on the principle of TABATA. What does it mean? Start your timer and perform each exercise for 20 seconds 8 approaches between sets rest for 10 seconds. Total, you will get high quality intense set at 4 minutes, 4 short approach on each side.
All about TABATA training: what is it + exercises
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Stomach, Back and waist