Side lunges with barbell
  • Muscle group: Quadriceps
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Thighs, Calves, lower back
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Rod
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner
Боковые выпады со штангой Боковые выпады со штангой
Боковые выпады со штангой Боковые выпады со штангой

Side lunges with a barbell — technique exercises:

  1. Become straight. The bar on the shoulders. Feet wide apart, toes out to the sides. This will be your initial position.
  2. Scroll down, bending one knee and placing it to the side, as shown in the figure. The other leg should be almost straight. Follow the breath during this movement.
  3. On the exhale, return to starting position, pushing off the floor feet and straining muscles of the bent leg.
  4. Complete the required number of repetitions and do the exercise with the other leg.

Variations: you can also perform this exercise using dumbbells.

squat exercises for legs exercises for quadriceps exercises with a barbell
  • Muscle group: Quadriceps
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Thighs, Calves, lower back
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Rod
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner

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