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Carson Clark, Jenny Hamilton and Kristen Choi participated in clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer. Each of them told about the side effects they experienced after taking the vaccine. What were they complaining about?

  1. After administration of the vaccine, there may be a mild reaction, which is a response of the immune system to the administration of the preparation. Kristen Choi developed a fever and tiredness after the COVID-19 vaccine
  2. Jenny Hamilton also complained of general weakness and a slight fever. Symptoms passed after two days
  3. Carson Clark felt pain at the injection site and weakness after both the first and second doses of the experimental vaccine.
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Kristen Choi is afraid that people will drop out because of symptoms after vaccination

Kristen Choi, associate professor of the School of Nursing at the University of California, Los Angeles, volunteered for clinical trials for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer. In August, she received two doses of an experimental vaccine.

In an interview published in JAMA International Medicine, she told about how she felt after receiving the vaccines. While after the first dose she did not feel any disturbing effects, after the second injection she developed headache, nausea and a fever of approx. 40ºC. The disturbing symptoms disappeared after 24 hours.

It is worth noting that the study was randomized, so Kristen did not know whether she was given a placebo or the correct vaccination. After the second dose of the preparation, the woman felt pain in her arm quite quickly, much stronger than with the first dose. Then there was a feeling of bewilderment, a headache and chills. «I went to bed early and fell asleep. Around midnight, I woke up feeling less well. She had a fever, nausea, dizziness and I could barely lift my arm in pain »she recalls.

In the morning the woman called the nurse and reported her symptoms. She was asked to continue monitoring her health and alerted the research team if anything changed. During the day her symptoms decreased.


According to data from Phase I clinical trials, side effects are common in adults 18 to 55 years of age. In total, 75 percent. people who received the vaccine felt tired, 68 percent. had headaches, 33 percent reported chills, 25 percent muscle aches, and 17 percent. complained of a fever.

Choi, who is a nurse, was aware that the reaction to the vaccine was triggered by the immune system, but was nevertheless concerned. When she shared the news of her malaise with her friends, they asked if it was possible that the vaccine was causing the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. According to the woman, it is important to educate people who have doubts about vaccination that you cannot get sick from the vaccine.

Worth knowing

Administration of the vaccine causes the immune system to react to produce antibodies and immune cells. In some vaccinated people, the reaction of the immune system can be seen in the form of a so-called post-vaccination reactions. This is usually an expected response.

Post-vaccination adverse reactions are reactions that last longer and are more severe. Serious adverse reactions from the vaccine are very rare.

See more: Reaction to vaccination

According to Choi, it is important to speak out about the symptoms that can occur after vaccination, but not to discourage someone from vaccinating, just to reassure and show that it is a natural reaction of the body and there is no need to worry.

See also: Which COVID-19 vaccine would doctors choose?

Jenny Hamilton has a chronic illness. Without hesitating, she applied to participate in the tests

Jenny Hamilton, 57, is a former police officer and currently works as a security guard in the film industry. Jenny, like Kristen, was involved in the research into the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer. Even though she herself suffers from asthma and Hashimoto’s disease, she did not hesitate a moment when she volunteered to participate in the study.

After the first dose (Hamilton did not know if he was receiving a placebo or an experimental vaccine), the woman developed mild vaccine symptoms. She felt tired, had a slight fever for about three days. Three weeks later, she came for a second injection. After its administration, mild side effects appeared again. «I was really tired. I didn’t even have the strength to get up and cook myself a meal. I was asleep most of the day. I also had a slight fever »recalls Hamilton.

Besides, she did not experience any side effects. One month after the second injection, the woman donated blood for testing. The next survey is scheduled for March. Blood tests are to show how the woman’s immune system has responded to the vaccine given. For the next two years, Jenny will fill a special diary in which she will report her well-being, worrying symptoms and suspicions of coronavirus infection.

Carson Clark took part in the research for his mother

Carson Clark is another participant in clinical trials of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine developed by Pfizer. He volunteered for research for his mother. «My mother has diabetes. Among my family members there are those who have lung problems, which increases the risk of complications from COVID-19, so I decided that since I am healthy, I can do it »- he explained.

Carson received the first dose of the vaccine in early September, the second three weeks later. Before the injection was given, he had blood tests done to see if he had COVID-19.

«In the days that I got the injections, my hand felt quite sore. The next day I felt a general exhaustion » Clark was saying. He also said he was calm as he had previously been briefed on possible side effects which included, among other things, fatigue, chills, loss of appetite, muscle pain and sweating.

As a reminder, the vaccine developed by Pfizer has been conditionally approved for use in the UK. On Tuesday (9.12/90), XNUMX-year-old Margaret Keenan from Enniskillen in Northern Ireland received the first vaccine.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Unanticipated side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. Great Britain stops immunization of people prone to severe allergic reactions
  2. A vaccine against COVID-19 for all comers. Do healers need to vaccinate?
  3. Will we not have to wear masks thanks to the vaccine?

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