Sickness leave: leave for health problem

Sick leave: formalities for employed parents

You are a parent and you fall ill, as an employee of a company, you must provide one to your employer within 48 hours according to the date of his work stoppage. To do this, send sections 1 and 2 of the work stoppage notice to your Caisse d’Assurance Maladie. Part 3, for its part, must be sent by post to the employer.

Sick leave: compensation received

The health insurance fund pays daily benefits from the 4th day of sick leave, after the 3-day waiting period.

In the majority of cases, according to the agreements of the collective agreement of your company, it is possible that a salary maintenance is made on the basis of the days of absence notified by the work stoppage, from the 3 days of deficiency.

To receive daily allowances during sick leave, the employed parent must justify:

  • at least 200 hours of work during the 3 calendar months or 90 days preceding the stoppage of work, or have contributed on a salary at least equal to 1 times the amount of the hourly minimum wage during the 015 calendar months preceding the work stoppage.
  • in the event of seasonal or discontinuous activity, have worked at least 800 hours or have contributed on a salary at least equal to 2 times the amount of the hourly minimum wage, during the 12 calendar months or the 365 days preceding the work stoppage.

Special case :

When the work stoppage continues without interruption beyond 6 months, the salaried parent must provide proof of 12 months of registration, as a social insured on the date of his stoppage of work.

Calculation and amount of the daily allowance

The daily allowance paid during a sick leave is equal to 50% of the basic daily salary, calculated on the average of the gross salaries (= salaries subject to contributions) taken into account within the limit of 1,8 times the minimum wage monthly in force (i.e. 2 euros on January 601,68, 1), the 2014 months preceding the work stoppage, or the 3 months in the event of seasonal or discontinuous activity.

Also find out.

Sick leave: terms and duration

According to the doctor’s opinion, the salaried parent is authorized or not to be absent from his home during his work stoppage. In the event of authorized exits, it is compulsory to stay at home from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 14 p.m. to 16 p.m. except in the case of medical treatment or examinations. However, the doctor can authorize free outings, by simple exemption on the work stoppage.

Other obligations during sick leave: checks are sometimes organized by the medical service of its health insurance fund, not to leave his home and stay outside his department of residence without the prior consent of his health insurance fund.

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