Over 60 lung cancer patients from Lublin do not receive the necessary medications. Appropriate treatment is critical to their survival. However, the National Health Fund does not have the money to finance the funds.

The Alivia Foundation, which supports oncological patients, informed about the case. The Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin forwarded her correspondence with the regional branch of the National Health Fund.

The facility has been reporting for almost a year that it needs more money to provide the necessary treatment. What is associated with entering new drugs on the reimbursement list.

Each time, the National Health Fund informed that there were insufficient funds to change the provisions of the contract to a higher amount. Meanwhile, over 60 patients are waiting for treatment. According to the Alivia Foundation, signals about similar problems are also coming from Warsaw and Szczecin.

An unheard of scandal

– This is a breach of the principle of access to guaranteed benefits. We have been saying for a long time that there is a shortage of funds for treatment, and the Minister of Health played down our reports. Reimbursement decisions were issued in advance, seeking applause for their policy. Who will be responsible for the premature departure of these sick people? – wonders Bartosz Poliński, president of the Alivia foundation.

Poliński emphasizes that “the scale of this pathological phenomenon is unknown”. He describes the situation as an “extraordinary scandal”.

In order for the National Health Fund to receive additional funds, an amendment to the financial plan for 2019 is needed. It can be done by the minister of health and the minister of finance. Activation of funds from contributions and the supplementary fund would allow for obtaining PLN 2,5 billion. The Foundation asked the government to make the necessary changes and invites you to sign the petition on its website.

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