- Okay, so what do we do then?
- Polyprenols? What’s it?
- And what exactly will help polyprenols in the prevention of various diseases?
- 1. Protection of liver cells
- 2. Protection against infections
- 3. Protection of nerve cells
- 4. Protection of cell membranes from oxidative stress
- 5. Supplying cells with energy
- 6. Substrate for the production of glycoproteins
- Is it possible to buy products with polyprenols from us?
If you have the flu or, say, gastritis at a clinic appointment, then the algorithm for further actions is clear: we take a sick leave, listen carefully to the doctor’s uncle (or aunt, if you’re lucky), take medications and treat ourselves diligently. All this, of course, takes a lot of effort, time, and, importantly, in this difficult coronavirus period, finances.
A logical question arises: is it possible to take some measures to reduce the very likelihood of developing the disease? Answer: you can! This is what is called prevention. Moreover, the cost of time, effort and finances for this prevention will always be less than the cost of a full-fledged treatment process. And in addition, you also need to remember that if the disease has already developed, then it has a considerable chance of messing up in your body somewhere else. And then you will also have to get rid of the consequences or, God forbid, complications.
In general, “it is always easier to prevent than to cure” – this statement of the cunning Greek Hippocrates has not been able to refute anyone for a good two and a half thousand years. Moreover, it is more relevant than ever, because today, in addition to the traditional dangers for humanity (for example, infections), our health is undermined by many purely anthropogenic factors associated with the development of civilization:
- pollution of water, air and soil in large metropolitan areas by industrial emissions;
- harmful food products (yes, fast food, soda, an abundance of sweets, etc.);
- disrupted sleep and wake cycles;
- office work with a minimum of physical activity;
- constant psychoemotional stress with periodic exacerbations to full-fledged stress;
- many environmental factors that cause allergic reactions, etc.
Okay, so what do we do then?
To protect yourself from all this by taking pharmacological drugs is a so-so idea. Medicines are created to fight specific diseases, and therefore they (medicines) have a very high concentration of active substances. And their uncontrolled use is likely to have the exact opposite effect, worsening your health.
That is why more and more researchers suggest using a healthy diet as a preventive measure, including those products that have biological activity. One class of such products is polyprenols.
Polyprenols? What’s it?
This is a fairly large group of complex isoprene alcohols, which are present in almost all living organisms on our planet. In our tissues, as well as in the tissues of other animals, they are also present, but in very small quantities. But in plants and, especially, in coniferous trees, there are quite a lot of them. It is polyprenols that allow, for example, Siberian fir trees and cedars to equally successfully tolerate both +40 °C in summer and crackling -40 °C in winter, without shedding needles.
And what exactly will help polyprenols in the prevention of various diseases?
Scientists have been interested in this class of compounds since the 30s of the last century, and research on their properties continues to this day. According to the scientific literature, the following beneficial effects have already been experimentally confirmed for polyprenols:
1. Protection of liver cells
The liver is the largest gland in the body. But, in addition to the production of various enzymes, it is also a “laboratory” for the neutralization of a variety of dangerous substances that have entered our body. Liver cells (hepatocytes) extract them from the blood and chemically neutralize them. Unfortunately, the work with toxins is not in vain for them – they are gradually damaged and begin to work worse and worse, eventually dying and being replaced by connective tissue.
Polyprenols can significantly slow down this degradation of hepatocytes, and prevent their death. Moreover, the hepatoprotective effect of polyprenols is so strong that many practitioners suggest using them as an alternative to traditional pharmacological drugs currently used to improve liver function.
2. Protection against infections
The second important positive effect that was found in polyprenols is their ability to stimulate the immune response to infection. Moreover, it manifests itself in both bacterial and viral (hello, COVID-19!) threats.
A number of studies have demonstrated that polyprenols are capable of:
- accelerate the synthesis of immunoglobulins (these are the notorious antibodies that fight specific types of viruses and other infectious agents);
- increase the production of interferons (this is a substance that does not have species specificity and acts on most pathogens);
- to potentiate the activity of the cellular link of immunity (these are monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes and other cells that are able to directly absorb and digest (phagocytize) infectious particles.
In addition, scientists have proven that taking polyprenols increases the effect of antibiotics. That is, if you are already being treated for a bacterial infection, simultaneous use of polyprenols will help you shorten the treatment period and reduce the overall pharmacological burden on the body.
3. Protection of nerve cells
The neuroprotective effect of polyprenols is most pronounced in conditions of oxygen starvation of the nervous tissue. It can be caused, for example, by disorders of the blood supply to the brain in cervical osteochondrosis. Also, polyprenols will be useful for increased intracranial pressure and any other vascular disorders in the central nervous system.
4. Protection of cell membranes from oxidative stress
The antioxidant effect, as a useful property of the product, can now be found on every second label, including toilet paper. Of course, in most cases, this is nothing more than beautiful words, because to have such an effect, the active substance of the product needs to penetrate into the blood and with it get directly to the membrane of a particular cell. However, oxidative stress is a medical and biological reality. Free radicals (and they are very different) can bind to certain components of cell membranes and thereby damage, and sometimes destroy them. And if there is no membrane, then there is no cell-it immediately dies. One of the ends of the molecular chain of polyprenol alcohol is able to attach such substances to itself, neutralizing their chemical aggressiveness.
5. Supplying cells with energy
Polyprenols accelerate the synthesis of coenzyme Q10 (aka ubiquinone). This compound is found in our mitochondria and plays an important role in their energy production. Accordingly, the greatest amount of ubiquinone is required in those cells that are constantly working intensively. These are, for example, liver cells or heart muscle tissue.
6. Substrate for the production of glycoproteins
Among other things, studies have shown that polyprenols are the precursors of another extremely important class of compounds for the human body – dolichols. Polyprenols are converted to them in the liver as a result of just one simple chemical reaction. Dolichols are the basis of the dolicholphosphate cycle, in which carbohydrates combine with proteins to form glycoproteins.
But the importance of glycoproteins for our body can not be overestimated. Here are just a few examples of what exactly are glycoproteins:
- all immune system immunoglobulins and interferons;
- many hormones, including those responsible for human reproductive function;
- various enzymes that provide reactions of carbohydrate, fat, protein and other types of metabolism;
- receptors of cells, with which they “communicate” with the external environment and adjust their metabolism;
- mediators involved in the transmission of nerve impulses;
- compounds that determine our blood type;
- substances necessary for the normal division of stem cells and many other vital components.
Accordingly, the lack of dolichols leads to a deficiency of glycoproteins. Previously, experiments were conducted on the introduction of dolichols directly into the human body. And it worked quite successfully. But the problem is that the result was achieved only in the laboratory. Dolichols can only be extracted from animal tissues, and this is extremely expensive. Moreover, it is much more important that they are extremely difficult to clean from impurities so that the use of the final product is safe for humans.
But for polyprenols, this problem is not worth it. It is relatively easy to isolate them from plant raw materials, as well as to purify them from all possible accompanying substances. And then we just have to let our body turn the polyprenols into useful dolichols.
Is it possible to buy products with polyprenols from us?
Yes, the domestic leader in the production of healthy food products with plant-derived polyprenols is VILAVI INT LTD. Its specialists have developed an original method for producing polyprenols from live needles. The basic product of the company is called SibXP® Complex, and the technology of its production even received an official patent of the Russian Federation. Up to 85% of its active formula is made up of polyprenols, and in addition to them, the Siberian fir cell juice and the CGNC coniferous complex are also included. The line of healthy food products created on the basis of the SibXP complex includes T8 Extra concentrate, T8 Blend drink with an original taste and T8 Splash spray.