Siberian larch: photo and description

Everyone knows from school years that coniferous trees are distinguished by the fact that they retain the green color of their needles both in winter and in summer. But among the conifers there are also such trees that every year in the fall shed their needles in order to come to life and turn green again in the spring.

In Our Country, the most famous tree with such a seasonal behavior of needles is Siberian larch. But in the world there are other coniferous tree species that regularly get rid of needles in a similar way – taxodium, kaempfera (false larch), metasequoia.

Siberian larch: photo and description

Description of Siberian larch

The larch of this species is a unique tree species in many respects. It is so unpretentious that it can grow in almost any conditions: from swampy lowlands to mountain slopes with rocky soil. Its thick bark is able to completely protect the tree from scorching fire, and the wood is so successful in resisting moisture that ships and building materials are made from it, which can be preserved in a humid environment for many hundreds of years. But even the most detailed description of Siberian larch will not be as clear as with the proposed photo. It is especially important to understand how tender and unlike mature trees very young seedlings can be.

What does Siberian larch look like?

Siberian larch is a majestic tree, which at a young age has a pyramidal crown shape with a diameter reaching 10-15 m. Over the years, the crown becomes more rounded.

The bark of young trees is smooth and has an attractive light yellow tint. With age, grooves and cracks appear on it, it darkens and reaches a thickness of 25 cm. The bark reliably protects larch trees from the most severe frosts, and also successfully resists forest fires. The wood has a reddish-brown hue with a light beige sapwood of a small thickness. In terms of strength, it is second only to oak and is very resistant to moisture and any decay processes.

Siberian larch: photo and description

Among other characteristics of Siberian larch, one can note a pleasant slightly citrus aroma that comes from a very young, just blossoming needles. The needles themselves are medium in length (up to 4-5 cm), rather soft to the touch. In the spring and summer, the needles are characterized by a light green tint, with a slight bluish bloom, and in the fall it turns yellow, which gives the larch trees a special charm.

Attention! Among the features of the Siberian larch, one can notice the sparseness of the crown, so there is a lot of light in the shade of these trees and a variety of plants can grow.

Larch branches often grow to the sides at an angle of almost 90 °, then making a smooth upward bend. Young annual shoots are yellow-green in color, quite long with a spiral arrangement of needles. Perennial shoots on larch trees are much shorter, have a grayish tint, and the needles on them grow in bunches of 30-50 pieces. Each shoot lives about 10-12 years.

The buds on the trees are broadly conical, resinous, and covered with scales. The color is brown with a yellowish or reddish tint.

Where does Siberian larch grow?

In Our Country, larch is the most common tree. It occupies up to 40% of the area of ​​the entire forest zone in our country. The area of ​​distribution of Siberian larch practically coincides with the borders, only in the south it slightly extends into the territory of Kazakhstan, China, and Mongolia.

It forms the most extensive pure and mixed forests throughout Siberia and the Far East, and also enters the Altai and Tien Shan mountains up to a height of 2500 m.

This species is also found in the European territory of Our Country, mainly in its northeastern part. Larch loves to grow in company with pines, spruces, firs, cedars.

Dimensions of Siberian larch

In height, many Siberian larch trees reach from 20 to 40 m. But the trunk is especially impressive, which can increase in width from the top to the ground and be at the very base of the tree from 100 to 180 cm.

The root system of Siberian larch

The root system of this larch is well developed. The main rod is usually rod and goes into the ground to a great depth. In addition, larch is able to develop many adventitious roots. Together, they make trees able to withstand any winds.

When Siberian larch blooms

Flowering in larch, depending on the area of ​​u1,5buXNUMXbgrowth, falls on the period from April to May and lasts about XNUMX weeks. Around the same time, new needles appear. Blooming Siberian larch is not so much a spectacular sight as an interesting one. Male flowers have the appearance of almost invisible yellowish spikelets. They are located most often on annual young shoots. But the female cones grow vertically upwards and have an attractive reddish-pinkish tint.

Siberian larch: photo and description

They are evenly distributed along the crown of the tree. During flowering, even small gusts of wind raise light clouds of flower pollen from male cones above the trees. They fall on female cones, and self-pollination occurs.

Seeds on trees ripen in one season closer to autumn. But they are not formed annually, but with an interval of about once every 2-3 years.

Important! In larches growing in harsh northern conditions, seeds are formed even less often – after 6-7 years. Mature cones turn brown and in the same autumn, small seeds with wings leave the tree. And old empty cones can continue to be on trees for several more years.

The larch of this species blooms and forms seeds at the age of 15-20 years. And if it grows in cramped or unfavorable conditions, then even later, after 30-40 years.

How long does Siberian larch live

Siberian larch lives on average for about 500-700 years, although in favorable conditions its life expectancy can be up to 1000 years. It is a fast growing tree. Already in the first few years of life it can grow up to 100 cm, in the future, the annual growth can be up to 50 cm. But after 40 years, the growth rate of the tree slows down. It, as a rule, reaches its present size and begins to grow more in breadth.

Siberian larch in landscape design

Unlike other species, this larch is unlikely to be suitable for small areas. It grows very quickly and reaches an impressive size in adulthood.

But from it you can create compositions in the form of a hedge in combination with other conifers in large gardens and parks.

A Siberian guest will also look good as a single solitaire tree, around which you can set up a flower bed of relatively light-loving flowers and shrubs, since the crown of the tree is quite transparent.

Useful properties of Siberian larch

Larch is able to significantly improve both the air in which it grows, due to the produced phytoncides, and the soil, forming colonies of fungi that decompose organic matter. In addition, almost all parts of the tree have healing properties: from cones with seeds to bark.

Medicinal properties of Siberian larch oleoresin

Gum (or resin) of Siberian larch has long been famous for its healing properties. It is collected during the active growing season of the tree, making notches on the trunk. Up to 16% essential oil and rosin are obtained from resin.

Attention! The essential oil has a rich composition and helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract and central nervous system, reduces fermentation in the intestines, enhances bile secretion and eliminates inflammation.

In addition to resin as such, in folk medicine, decoctions from young twigs and extracts from the wood of this type of larch are used. They are effective against any viruses, including well eliminate all flu symptoms. They have anti-edema effects, restore capillary resistance, and have a beneficial effect on liver function.

In general, larch resin can work wonders in healing:

  • gingivitis and tonsillitis;
  • inflammation and open wounds;
  • poisoning and problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rheumatism, gout and other neuralgic diseases;
  • diseases associated with the respiratory system.

Siberian larch: photo and description

Recently, chewing sulfur made from the resin of Siberian larch can be found on sale. This natural product, having all the properties of ordinary chewing gum, also has an antiseptic and antitoxic effect on the oral cavity and the entire body. It is useful to chew for the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, it can relieve toothache and even reduce the craving for smoking.

With the undoubted benefits of using chewing gum from the resin of Siberian larch, it can be harmful only in rare cases of an allergic reaction to the aroma of coniferous trees.

The benefits of Siberian larch cones

Cones are often used to obtain healing honey. In this case, they are harvested while still quite green (young) around the end of April or May. Honey is an effective help in any exhaustion: physical or mental, in the treatment of asthma and gastrointestinal diseases.

Siberian larch: photo and description

In addition, for a variety of medicinal purposes, seeds are used that are formed after the flowering of Siberian larch, they are mined in the fall from mature cones. They contain up to 18% fatty drying oil.

Medicinal properties of Siberian larch needles

Larch needles have always been famous for their high content of ascorbic acid, so it was widely used as an antiscorbutic. It also contains essential oils.

It can be collected from trees throughout the summer, but the most favorable period is the period from late June to early August. It is at this time that the needles accumulate the maximum amount of biologically active substances.

Decoctions and infusions of larch needles can be a real help in vitamin deficiency and hypertension. It is an excellent expectorant, antihelminthic and wound healing agent. In combination with young kidneys, a decoction of needles in milk helps with flatulence, kidney stones and chronic bronchitis. Fresh raw materials have the best effect, and when harvesting needles, drying is carried out at a temperature not higher than + 25 ° C.

The benefits of Siberian larch bark

The larch bark of this species also has a rich composition:

  • from 8 to 10% tannins;
  • gum;
  • flavonol;
  • catechins;
  • organic acids;
  • anthocyanins;
  • glycoside coniferin.

It is harvested using cut down trees and thoroughly steamed or boiled before drying to kill small parasites that may live in it. After thorough drying, the larch bark is stored in the refrigerator. Under such conditions, the bark has a fairly long shelf life – up to several years.

Siberian larch: photo and description

A decoction of larch bark is used for:

  • kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the heart and circulatory system;
  • painful and excessively heavy menstruation;
  • intestinal infections;
  • radiculitis;
  • headaches and toothaches.

Healing properties of larch sponge

It is the Siberian larch trees that often choose the tinder fungus as their permanent habitat. The fruit body of this fungus has enjoyed well-deserved popularity since ancient times. It is collected during the entire growing season, from spring to autumn, and dried at not too high temperatures.

Used as a sedative, hemostatic and sweat-removing agent for tuberculosis and other lung diseases. It is also used for neurasthenia, diabetes and Graves’ disease.

The use of Siberian larch

In addition to being used in medicine, larch is widely used in other economic sectors.

  1. A permanent red-brown dye is obtained from the bark of the tree.
  2. Wood has increased strength and special resistance to atmospheric influences, especially to humidity. Therefore, piles, poles and sleepers, as well as wooden sea vessels are made from it.

    Siberian larch: photo and description

  3. Due to the release of healing phytoncides, larch wood is used to build baths and create a variety of bath utensils.
  4. Gum is used as rosin in the paint and varnish industry.

Planting and caring for Siberian larch (Larixsibirica)

Larch is an extremely unpretentious tree, so planting and caring for it are not particularly difficult.

There is an opinion that in a garden, larches behave differently than in natural conditions, they become capricious and unpredictable. But this applies, first of all, to varietal varieties bred with the help of a person. And such a species as Siberian larch differs from other conifers in many advantages when planting and caring for it:

  • even young seedlings are resistant to winter temperature changes, severe frosts and spring or autumn frosts;
  • trees are able to survive even in areas with high groundwater levels, where most conifers die from root rot;
  • seedlings are undemanding to the acidity of substrates;
  • show resistance to strong winds and drafts;
  • young trees are less affected by rodents and fungal diseases compared to other conifers;
  • grows rapidly (after 5 years it can grow up to 60-100 cm per year).

Seedling and planting preparation

However, the larch of this species is very photophilous. Even small seedlings will feel good only with an abundance of light. Therefore, the site for its landing should be chosen spacious and unshaded.

It grows and develops best on soddy-podzolic soils, but larch trees are picky in this regard and can survive almost anywhere. Only pure sand may not be suitable, because even sandy soil contains a certain amount of nutrients.

Attention! It tolerates the neighborhood of any trees, except for birch and elm, which are some competition to its roots.

Like most conifers, larches are quite sensitive to transplantation. They do not tolerate the exposure of the roots, therefore, at the age of 2-3 years older, they transplant trees, only completely preserving the earthen ball on the roots. In this case, even a tree under the age of 15-20 years can be transplanted. The fungal mycorrhiza present on the roots also plays an important role. The older the seedling, the more developed it is, so it is very important not to damage it when planting.

Siberian larch: photo and description

The best period for planting larch is the autumn months, after all the needles have fallen. But it is also allowed to plant seedlings in early spring, before the buds open. If several trees are being prepared for planting, then the distance between them during planting should be at least 3-4 m.

Rules of landing

Plant larch in the standard way. First, a hole is dug large enough to fit the root system of the prepared seedling. You should not plant a 2-3 year old small tree in a pit measuring 50×50 cm.

The root seedling with the ground is placed in the recess and the soil is filled from all sides. Lightly tamp and be sure to water. The root neck of the seedling (the place where the trunk passes into the roots) should be exactly at the level of the soil.

Siberian larch: photo and description

Watering and top dressing

The only thing that this larch endures with great difficulty is the summer heat combined with drought. And if mature trees do not need additional watering, then newly planted young larch must be watered regularly, especially at high ambient temperatures.

The ground around the stem should always contain moisture, but not be oversaturated with it.

To delay the evaporation of moisture, provide the seedling with additional nutrients, and also delay the development of weeds, mulching the root zone of the tree is used. For these purposes, you can use coniferous litter, and pine bark, and nut shells, and peat, and straw, and just humus. The layer of mulch should not be thinner than 5 cm, otherwise it will not be able to retard the growth of weeds.

Fertilizers for larch seedlings in the first year after planting are not used.

Advice! Taking into account the need of larch in symbiosis with mushrooms, it is recommended to water young seedlings with water in which mushrooms collected in the forest were washed or soaked: boletus, boletus, mushrooms.

You can also pour water under larch seedlings along with cleanings, wormy hats and mushroom legs.

In the second year after planting in spring, seedlings can be fed with complex fertilizer for conifers. In subsequent years of life, from the moment pollen and seeds are formed, larch trees can be fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, dissolving them in water for irrigation at the rate of 50 g per 10 l of water.


Young shoots of Siberian larch under the age of 5 years are very sensitive to various touches and, moreover, to pruning. Trees develop and grow quite quickly and by themselves form a regular and beautiful crown shape in an open bright place. Therefore, they need additional pruning.

Only accidentally damaged or dry branches should be removed.

Preparation for winter

The larch of this species is a very frost-resistant tree. Even burns from too bright spring sun, to which young branches of other conifers are prone, are not terrible for her. Since larch is freed from needle-leaves for the entire winter period. A fast-growing powerful root system provides additional protection from strong winds.

Therefore, even young trees do not require any special shelters for the winter.

Reproduction of Siberian larch

All types of larch are traditionally propagated in two ways: vegetative (cuttings and layering) and generative (seeds).

Cuttings take root with great difficulty even after treatment with root stimulants. The easiest way to propagate larch is by rooting branches descending to the ground. But this method is best suited for weeping or creeping species.

Therefore, most often the larch of this species is propagated using seeds. Freshly harvested seeds have the best germination, especially if they are left in the open ground under snow for germination since autumn.

To germinate seeds of Siberian larch at home in spring, they need preliminary stratification in the cold for several months. If the seeds are stored for more than a year, then germination can be no more than 10-15%.

Before sowing, they must be soaked for several days in cold water. Seeds germinate at room temperature within 1-2 months.

Siberian larch: photo and description

Important! Trees that have reached the age of two are planted in a permanent place.

Diseases and pests

Like all conifers, although to a lesser extent, larch of this species is susceptible to fungal diseases at a young age. Monthly preventive treatment with biofungicides is necessary: ​​phytosporin, EM preparations.

Of the pests, the deciduous mining moth, spider web leafworm, sawfly and mealybug are especially dangerous. Affected shoots must be removed, and the trees are treated with one of the mineral oil-based insecticides.


Despite the fact that Siberian larch is almost the most common tree in Our Country, its healing properties are still far from being used to their full potential. But if it is possible to plant this fast-growing tree near your home, then you can use its valuable healing properties without even resorting to pharmaceutical preparations.

Siberian larch reviews

Veronica, 27 years old, Rostov-on-Don
For a long time she was tormented by unsolvable problems in the female part. Hormonal preparations almost did not help. By chance, a friend advised me to use dietary supplements from larch in the form of capsules. There composition is completely natural. In addition to treatment, she also drank resin from the same Siberian larch. Didn’t even need to use the full course. Tests showed that my problem was gone. Yes, and on my own feelings I feel that everything is more or less in order.
Elizaveta, 34 years old, St. Petersburg
After the birth of the child, wreaths appeared on my legs and began to noticeably bother me. Since I was not used to using chemical medicines, I immediately began to look for something from herbal preparations. Quite quickly I found and ordered a larch balm. For a full course, it took, however, 4 bottles. But it tastes pleasant, sweetish with a strong coniferous smell. Yes, and the veins are almost completely gone, at least they don’t bother me with pain anymore.
SIBERIAN LARCH || Useful properties and application

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