“Siberian fiber” for weight loss. Video

“Siberian fiber” for weight loss. Video

The best and most effective diet is proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general. One of the essential ingredients for a healthy diet is fiber. Nutritionists have calculated that the diet of a modern city dweller includes only 10% of foods rich in fiber, and this is not enough. In this case, dietary supplements come to the rescue, such as – “Siberian fiber”.

Fiber is found in dietary fiber in fruits and vegetables. It is not assimilated by the body, but it has a very important function, absorbing excess fat, cholesterol and toxins and promoting colon motility. Once in the stomach, dietary fiber absorbs moisture and significantly increases in volume. Thus, the stomach fills up and the person eats less. That is why most modern diets involve eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables – foods rich in fiber.

Ideally, a person should get 25 grams of fiber from their diet daily. For example, one apple contains 3 g of dietary fiber

The drug “Siberian fiber”

“Siberian fiber” is a biologically active food supplement that can provide the body with the required amount of dietary fiber. This drug is a complex of various herbal products obtained from cereals, fruits and berries, supplemented with vitamins and minerals of natural, not synthetic origin.

The formula of the drug is based on the shell of wheat, rye and oat grains. To this base, the manufacturer adds other beneficial substances to achieve various effects.

In this case, only natural ingredients are used:

  • berries
  • fruit
  • herbs
  • Nuts

Types of “Siberian fiber”

The drug “Siberian fiber” has many formulations aimed at improving various organs and systems of the body.

To normalize weight, several complexes are produced:

  • “A light weight”
  • “Lady Perfection”
  • “Lady Slim”
  • “Stop Appetite”
  • “Thin waist”

Each of the complexes has its own composition and its own characteristics. Thus, the fiber of the “Thin waist” preparation is impregnated with tea for weight loss, which is prepared from natural herbs of Altai. This drug has a mild laxative effect.

The drug Stop Appetite has a lot of positive reviews, as it has the highest fiber content and effectively dulls the feeling of hunger.

For greater efficiency, it is worth trying various complexes of “Siberian fiber”, combining and combining them

The positive effect of the drug

The drug “Siberian fiber” with regular use has a complex effect on the body.

Gradually happens:

  • weight normalization
  • improving bowel function
  • normalization of blood sugar levels
  • lowering cholesterol levels
  • improve skin condition
  • replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals

Read more: nutrition for women after childbirth

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