Siberian fiber: for health and weight loss. Video

Siberian fiber: for health and weight loss. Video

Women dream of being slim and beautiful. For the sake of achieving the goal, they are on a strict diet, visit the fitness room, and some of them even go under the knife. Diets and surgeries leave their mark on health. Therefore, before taking this step, it is worth weighing the pros and cons, choosing the most gentle method of losing weight. Siberian fiber is a product that can help you lose weight without harming your body.

Useful properties of Siberian fiber

Fiber is a plant product found in vegetables, fruits, and cereals. Fiber performs a number of essential bodily functions. For example, it helps to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, normalizes bowel function, and prevents obesity.

It contains the following substances:

  • potassium
  • sodium
  • copper
  • calcium
  • selenium
  • vitamin B
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin K

At the pharmacy, you can buy Siberian fiber, which contains soluble plant fibers. Eating vegetables and fruits every day, it is quite difficult to replenish the body’s daily need for this product. That is why, to fill the deficit, it is necessary to take Siberian fiber.

The required daily intake of fiber is approximately 20-25 grams

What are the benefits of Siberian fiber? It does not contain any chemical additives, flavors and preservatives, that is, it is a completely natural product. Eating fiber, you bring the body a double benefit: your body is enriched with vitamins and minerals, you start the process of losing weight.

In addition, Siberian fiber performs the following functions:

  • removes toxins and harmful substances from the body
  • prevents the formation of gallstones
  • improves skin condition
  • normalizes hormonal levels
  • speeds up metabolism
  • promotes weight loss
  • blocks the appearance of certain diseases, even cancer

Often, Siberian fiber is recommended for those people who lack nutrients in their bodies. It can be added to any product, for example, salads, soups, juices. As a result, you will end up with a very aromatic and tasty dish.

At the pharmacy, you can buy Siberian fiber with the addition of fruits, berries, herbs and nuts

Also on sale you can see the following types of Siberian fiber:

  • product “Anti-Diabetes”, which also includes anti-diabetic tea
  • product “Women’s Herbs”, which is recommended for the prevention of female diseases
  • product “Light Weight”, designed to normalize weight and burn fat
  • product “Vitamin glade” containing blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries
  • product “Pine nuts”, restoring male strength and returning youth
  • product “Health Basket”, which normalizes bowel function, suppresses appetite and lowers blood cholesterol levels
  • product “Strong Vessels”, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels

There are other types of fiber, aimed specifically at the restoration and maintenance of certain organs, for example, “Healthy kidneys”, “Healthy liver”, “Healthy stomach”, etc. Before purchasing a product, read manufacturer reviews on the Internet.

How to lose weight with Siberian fiber

It is known that during weight loss, the body experiences stress, a person may even experience depression and apathy due to hunger, because he ceases to enjoy food. When applying a diet based on Siberian fiber, a person is always full, so he is happy with life. This product helps not only to normalize weight, but also to fix it, cleanse the body of toxins. Fiber should be consumed with water (a glass of water for 1 tablespoon). Once in the body, this plant product swells, filling the entire gastric space, as a result of which a feeling of satiety comes. Fiber should be consumed 3-4 times a day, a few minutes before meals. Thanks to fiber, you will burn at least 120 kcal. Experts recommend mixing Siberian fiber not with water, but with kefir, yogurt or juice. The volume of the portion eaten per day should not exceed the daily rate.

Otherwise, a person will experience constipation, flatulence.

Properties of Siberian fiber

You can also arrange a fiber fasting day, with which you can lose up to 2 kg per day. Eat fiber mixed with water for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Drink kefir and herbal tea throughout the day. In total, you should drink at least 3 liters of liquid per day.

Kefir and herbal tea can be replaced with natural juice without sugar

When using Siberian fiber, it should be borne in mind that it is not suitable for all people. For example, if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should eliminate it from your diet or consult your doctor before using.

This primarily applies to people with diseases such as:

  • ulcer
  • gastritis
  • dysbiosis
  • pancreatitis
  • colitis

During the diet, be sure to give up flour products, sweets, alcohol, pasta, potatoes, sauces

You can use:

  • fresh vegetables
  • fresh fruits
  • Nuts
  • salads dressed with olive oil
  • cereals

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