Since the resin contains turpentine, which has antiseptic properties and promotes the production of phagocytes responsible for the effectiveness of the human immune system, the intake of cedar resin helps to simultaneously cleanse and strengthen human immunity.
The gum activates all body systems and promotes increased production of phagocytes. The body is cleansed at the cellular level: toxins are removed, tissue cells are renewed. There is a surge of energy, vivacity and increased ability to work.
Thanks to cleaning, the liver heals, and the walls of the blood vessels become more elastic. The patients received relief from colitis, ulcers and gastritis. The general health of patients with hepatitis improved. Almost everyone has seen an improvement in intestinal microflora and metabolism.
After cleaning, many women noted an improvement not only in their well-being, but also in their appearance: the condition of their skin, hair and nails improved markedly.
Siberian cleansing involves taking a drug that contains 10% cedar resin. This is the so-called turpentine balm. The drug is taken on schedule, gradually increasing the dose.
If a person’s weight is less than 80 kg, then one drop of resin is enough for the first intake. Every day, the amount of the drug taken should be increased by one drop, gradually bringing to 40 drops. And then they also reduce the dose for another 40 days. Total cleaning lasts 79 days.
During this period, a person weighing up to 80 kg manages to take about 200 ml of a 10% resin solution. Anyone weighing more than 80 kg drinks 300 ml, and people whose weight exceeds 100 kg consume 400 ml of the resin preparation for the entire course.
You will need an insulin syringe or pipette to determine the amount of drug needed per dose. If a syringe is used, then it must be borne in mind that 1 drop will correspond to 5 drops from the syringe. For those who weigh more than 80 kg – the norm is 10 drops, and for those who weigh more than 100 kg – 15 drops.
It is better to take sap half an hour before breakfast. The drug can be taken with water.
For prophylaxis, a 5 or 10% solution of resin is taken one teaspoon per day. This has nothing to do with full-fledged cleansing, but the immunity undoubtedly increases. For cleaning, you can also use a 15% solution of cedar resin, in which case the cleaning will be stronger. This method is not for everyone.
One of the conditions for cleaning cedar resin is the rejection of meat. When cellular metabolism occurs especially quickly, it is very important to saturate the body with healthy food of plant origin. Everyone can be a vegetarian for two and a half months to improve their health.
During cleaning, it is necessary to consume as much purified or mineral water as possible, about 30 ml per 1 kg of human weight. But drinks such as coffee, tea and soda are better not to use or at least reduce their intake. The substances that they contain can negatively affect the processes occurring in the body during cleansing.
During cleansing, chronic diseases, as well as latent diseases, can “wake up”. If this happens, then it will be a clear sign of successful cleaning processes.
If a person feels very bad, then the cleaning can be stopped for a while, and after a while it can be resumed. But then you have to start over. Successful cleanings most often happen with a second attempt. This is due to the partial adaptation of the body to the influence of turpentine.
Cleaning with resin has only one contraindication – allergies. To identify it, you need to conduct a test by applying a drop of balm to the forearm. With almost instant redness of the skin, it is better to take the drug with caution.