Siberian cat
Siberian cats have a very interesting history of origin. It is believed that they appeared in Our Country in the XNUMXth century, when there was an active development of Siberia.
Name of the breedSiberian cat
Country of originOur Country
The time of the birth of the breedXVI century
A typeSemi-longhair cat
The weight6 – 10 kg, cats are much larger than cats
Height (height at the withers)30 cm for cats, 40 cm for cats
Lifespan15 – 20 years
Price of kittens20 – 25 thousand rubles
Most popular nicknamesYenisei, Chester, Pulcherya, Taiga, Agafya, Yermak

History of origin

The progenitors of this breed are Bukhara cats, which were brought with them by Asian traders. Local settlers willingly acquired them to cope with rodents. The Bukhara people quickly assimilated with the local taiga cats, adapted to the harsh conditions of the north, grew a warm coat and learned to hunt well. Later, thanks to merchants, Siberian cats spread throughout the country. They could be found both in palaces and in the shack of a simple peasant. It is believed that the Siberian cat is the hero of many folk tales and epics.

The breed received official recognition only at the end of the 1987th century: in 1992 it was first registered at the Kotofey felinological club, and in XNUMX it was registered at the World Organization of Cat Lovers and the standard was approved. Since then, Siberian cats have been actively participating in various exhibitions and international competitions, and often win prizes.

Breed description

Siberian cats are large breeds. They have a strong muscular body, a powerful neck and chest, strong paws with massive pubescent pads and a long wide tail. The head of the cat is large and round, with well-defined cheekbones and medium in size, but wide ears with small tassels at the ends. The eyes are large, oval in shape, often green or blue.

Although the Siberian cat belongs to the semi-longhair breeds, it has an impressive thick coat with a very dense undercoat and coarse, water-repellent guard hair, which reliably protects the animal from cold and overheating. In winter, the coat becomes even longer: the animal has fluffy “panties” and a “collar”. The most amazing thing is that the Siberian cat is considered hypoallergenic (especially females), so you can safely start a pet without fear of allergy attacks. The color of the breed is the most diverse: white, cream, black spotted (marble) and brindle, blue, tortoiseshell, silver chinchilla, red (from red to brick), bicolor and tricolor. Only Burmese, as well as chocolate or cinnamon colors are considered undesirable. Cats with white hair and colorpoint stand out in a separate subspecies – Neva Masquerade.



The Siberian cat is smart and quick-witted, and they also have a well-developed hunting instinct. This breed is distinguished by strong attachment to the owner, friendliness and sociability. Although many owners note the wayward nature of their pets: proud and independent. Also, Siberians are often compared to guard dogs: they are wary of strangers, do not like loud sounds and can selflessly defend their territory. At the same time, representatives of the breed get along well with children, although they require a respectful attitude towards themselves and will not allow them to be pulled by the tail or squeezed unnecessarily. Rarely and reluctantly get along with other animals, they can often fight with them. In general, the Siberian cat is considered calm and balanced, although it loves to play and fool around.

Care and maintenance

It is best to get a Siberian cat if you live in a private house so that the animal can walk and satisfy its hunting instincts. They are great for pest control. If you live in an apartment, don’t forget to regularly walk your pet on a leash or harness. It is also desirable to install a special corner in the house where the cat can play and move actively. Get a roomy couch in advance, otherwise you will have to clean the furniture from wool later.

You need to take care of the Siberian cat regularly and carefully, especially during the molting period. 2 – 3 times a week carefully comb her hair with a special comb with long teeth and go through with a slicker. In order for the cat to calmly endure the procedure, start accustoming the kitten to combing from an early age. You need to bathe the animal once every 3 months with a special shampoo, and then dry it thoroughly. Nails can be trimmed or a tall scratching post can be purchased. The latter can be made independently by wrapping a piece of pipe or a board with a dense jute cloth. Remember to regularly clean your pet’s ears with a moistened cotton swab.

As for the diet, Siberian cats can be fed both specialized food (it is imperative to alternate dry food with canned food) and natural food. Meat can be given raw, scalded or boiled, while offal and fish can only be given boiled. Add eggs and dairy products to your diet once a week. On the recommendation of a veterinarian, vitamins and minerals can be added to food. The main thing is not to overfeed, but malnutrition is also dangerous for the pet.

Education and training

Siberian cats are extremely smart, and therefore easy to train and train. But first, it is worth teaching the kitten to use the tray (some cats prefer the toilet) and the scratching post. Forbid the animal to climb on the dining table and steal food.

The Siberian cat perfectly distinguishes the intonations of the owner and is able to remember several commands, for example, to bring small objects upon request. The main rule: no negativity during training. Even a stern voice can upset or offend the pet, and it will be impossible to continue training. Turn everything into a game, and don’t forget to praise the animal after each success. It is also worth remembering that this breed is characterized by slow maturation, and finally the character, psyche and thinking of a cat will develop only by the age of three. Therefore, do not expect great success at an early age.

Health and disease

The Siberian cat is distinguished by good health and longevity. But with age or due to improper care, they may have problems with the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Occasionally there is an allergy, for example, to dust or pollen.

Do not forget about the regular vaccination of your pet and the prevention of helminths – this will save your pet from many common diseases and complications.

Popular questions and answers

Answered our questions about Siberian cats leading veterinary cardiologist of the European Veterinary Center EVC from Moscow Leonid Krasheninnikov.

Can a Siberian cat get along with a dog?

Yes, communication should not be difficult. Siberian cats are capricious and independent, and their habits often resemble those of a dog. They are not afraid of dogs and often perceive them as equals.

Can a Siberian cat get along with other cats?

This breed gets along well with cats. But the first acquaintance should take place in the presence of the owner. Usually they are calm and good-natured, but when a conflict situation arises, they can stand up for themselves.

How do Siberian cats treat children?

This breed loves company. Therefore, it gets along well with both adults and children. They play with children willingly, but do not let themselves be offended.

Is it possible to take a Siberian cat out of town, to the country?

Owners should be careful about free-range cats. This breed loves open space and has a strong hunting instinct. The first walks are best done on a harness and leash. And before you go out of town, you must definitely carry out a comprehensive vaccination, process from fleas and ticks.

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