Shungite: description, properties, application. Video
Shungite is a black stone similar to coal. It is one of the oldest rocks, with a geological age of about 2 billion years. Shungite got its name in 1887, when large deposits of this carbonaceous rock were first discovered on the shores of Lake Onega in the South Karelian village of Shunga.
Properties of black shungite
Shungite chemical composition
According to the generally accepted version, shungite rock is, in essence, petrified ancient oil. It is based on carbon compounds. Their percentage can be up to 30% of the total mass of the black stone. The remaining 70% is occupied by silicate minerals, which include quartz and mica.
In the old days in Russia, shungite was called a slate stone for its black color.
The chemical composition of shungite includes compounds Al2O3 (4,0%), SiO2 (57,0%), K2O (1,5%), FeO (2,5%), S (1,2%), MgO (1,2 , 2%) and TiO0,2 (XNUMX%).
This composition determines the main physical and chemical properties of the stone:
- adsorption activity of shungite
- electrical conductivity
- its bactericidal properties
- developed internal structure
If we consider other substances that are part of shungite, we can say that this rock contains almost all the elements of the periodic table.
The black stone contains no substances harmful to the environment and human health
Healing properties of black stone
The only shungite deposit is located in Karelia. The Karelian slate stone is endowed with many unique medicinal properties, which were known in ancient times. Shungite is the basis for a variety of cosmetics, as well as medicines, which are successfully used to heal the body.
There are many effective black stone treatments. With the help of shungite water and shungite applications, they successfully treat skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, upper respiratory tract, spine and joints, liver, mental disorders. In addition, shungite eliminates chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, relieves headaches, normalizes blood pressure, and raises the overall tone of the body.
An excellent result is obtained not only with water from natural sources, but also with homemade infusions on shungite
Shungite water has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and antimicrobial properties. It is widely used in the treatment of dyspepsia, anemia, allergies, gastritis, bronchial asthma, diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder, liver and kidneys, colds, and weakened immunity. However, it is important to remember that long-term use of water with the use of shungite can lead to a decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in the energy of the kidneys.
Another important property of this mineral is its unique ion exchange. Thanks to it, shungite is able to remove toxins. An unusual stone saturates the human body with many macro- and microelements. In this case, a certain “selectivity” is manifested: the body assimilates only those of them that it needs.
Shungite and products made from it protect from electromagnetic radiation of computers, TVs, microwave ovens, mobile phones and other electromagnetic sources
Shungite protects a person from the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation. In rooms where shungite materials are used, the level of radiation is reduced by hundreds of times. If you place a black stone close to the source of radiation of cellular frequencies, this will significantly weaken their harmful effects on the human body.
The magical properties of shungite
According to psychics, the slate stone is effective in its interaction with a person at an energetic level. It is assumed that shungite acts as a healer: it can eliminate negative energy, relieve fatigue, fill the body of its owner with harmonious and balanced energy.
It is often noted that wearing shungite jewelry concentrates energy that is useful for the body. Charms are also made of black stone, which bring peace and protect from dark forces. In some European countries, amulets are made from it that can bring luck and success in amorous affairs.
Various jewelry and talismans are made from a unique black stone – pendants, bracelets, beads, balls, pyramids, cubes, harmonizers, protective plates. In the production of jewelry, processed pieces of shungite are inserted into silver, gold and palladium frames.
There are no contraindications for wearing shungite products
This mineral is also used as a filler in medical shungite blankets, pillows, rugs, hats, and belts. It is also used in various cosmetics and medicinal preparations, as a filler for filters for water purification. Shungite for the filter can be bought in pharmacies or specialized stores. In addition, there are many online stores that offer various products from this miraculous mineral.
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