Today, “damask” is understood as a glass tetrahedral vessel for strong alcohol with a volume of about 1,23 liters with a low neck. And several centuries ago it was the most popular unit of measurement for liquids (mainly alcoholic), introduced into Russian use with the light suggestion of Peter the Great.
History of damask
Until the beginning of the XNUMXth century, simple and understandable measures were used in Russia to indicate the volume of alcohol: a barrel, a mug, a bucket. But everything changed after the trip of Peter the Great to Europe. Fascinated by Western culture, the ruler began to actively introduce foreign inventions in his homeland.
Along with ships, shaving beards and celebrating the New Year, a new measure of volume was introduced on Russian soil – shtof (stof), which in German meant “a large mug”. Approximately at the same time, a vessel of the same name appeared, usually blown out of green glass and closed with a glass or wooden stopper. By the beginning of the 2,5th century, it became so popular that about XNUMX million shtofs of various types were cast annually in the Russian Empire: transparent, matte, colored. Precious carafes with inlay and engraving were also made to order.
In 1818, the so-called damask shops appeared, where, in addition to small-piece goods, they sold vodka in 4-sided vessels sealed with a cork. True, they did not last long – until 1860, when they were replaced by taverns. Shtofs were produced for some more time, until standard vodka bottles came into use.
Types of damask
In the measuring system, in addition to the main “ten-rubber” damask, equal to 1/10 of a bucket or 10 cups (a little more than 1,2 l), there was an “octagon” in use, which was 1/8 of a bucket or 2 wine bottles (about 1,5 l).
As for the vessels for alcohol, their range included 3 options:
Classic “damask” = 1,23 l
“Half-damask”, containing about 0,6 liters
“Damask”, which was a quarter of the whole or 0,3 l
Interesting Facts
The design of modern vodka boxes dates back to the time of bottles.
Each of them holds 20 bottles, arranged 4 wide and 5 long.
Such containers today do not seem particularly practical and ergonomic: the boxes take up a lot of space, and it is inconvenient to store them. And everything is explained simply.
Initially, in Russia, vodka was supplied in buckets, until they came up with a wooden container designed for 20 half-bottles (or 1 bucket).
The vessels have changed over time, but the shipping boxes have remained.
Today, damasks are often presented as an elegant gift to men.
Such containers are made of crystal, ceramics, porcelain, glass and even silver. Often they are decorated with engraving, painting, rhinestones, precious stones.
They use expensive vessels for storing brandy, cognac, whiskey, elite vodka.
Relevance: 24.08.2019
Tags: Encyclopedia