Gardeners love original plants. Tamarix shrub will be a wonderful decoration of the territory. It is also known by other names: tamarisk, comb, bead. The culture is distinguished by its original appearance and beautiful flowering. It is only necessary to create optimal conditions, follow the rules of care, so that in a couple of years a tree 2-5 m high will form.

What does tamarix look like?

A detailed description of the tamarix shrub will distinguish it from other trees. The main distribution area is the Mediterranean and Central Asian countries. In the Crimea you can find wild bushes. In the desert, the comb grows up to 8 m in height, and its diameter is 1 m. The bush is called a beaded bush because in spring small buds resembling beads appear on it. At this time, the shrub is very beautiful and elegant.

Shrub tamariks (tamarisk, bead, comb): photo and description of varieties

According to the description, the tamarix shrub (pictured) is presented as a small tree. It has scaly leaves arranged alternately and miniature shoots. The bush blooms with pink or purple inflorescences.

According to the description, tamarix is ​​​​a resistant plant that does not require much effort to care for. He likes the light, but in the shade the bush can grow normally. The tree adapts to any type of soil, calmly withstands elevated temperatures and dry periods. Tamarix shrub can be trimmed and used to form hedges.

Features of flowering

Tamarix bush (pictured) is original during flowering. This is especially noticeable when the buds have formed. The inflorescences are formed by round buds resembling beads. After the flowers bloom, the plant loses its attractiveness a little. The flowers are small, white or pinkish in color. If you move a little away from the tree, it will resemble a misty cloud.

Shrub tamariks (tamarisk, bead, comb): photo and description of varieties

The tamarix plant (shown in the photo) blooms in spring and summer. This may happen intermittently. The flowers form racemose or paniculate inflorescences. The length of the flower is 1,5-5 mm. Bracts may be ovoid or linear in shape. The stamens are filamentous.

After pollination, small fruits are formed on the bush in the form of pyramidal boxes with seeds. Seeds are equipped with tufts. After opening the box, the seed material is distributed by wind over long distances.

The advantage of tamarix is ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbundemanding to soils. The tree can grow not only on dry soil, but also on saline lands. Tamariks are planted even in infertile soils. If the plant is used for decorative purposes, it is planted on sandstones with a lime reaction.

Tamariks normally tolerate the conditions of the city, even if the air is heavily polluted due to transport and industrial enterprises. Shrubs love light, so they are planted in areas where there is a lot of bright sun. A slight shadow negatively affects their condition, and strong shading can destroy a tree.

Important! Tamariks are harmful to high humidity and stagnant air. They do well in open areas.

The plant responds normally to transplantation, so they can be transferred to another site even in adulthood.

Shrub tamariks (tamarisk, bead, comb): photo and description of varieties

In order for the shrub to bloom beautifully, it must be cut. This procedure is easily tolerated by the plant. It is desirable to cut the crown with the advent of spring, but before the buds appear. Old branches are cut into a ring, after 4 weeks new shoots appear. After sanitary pruning, tamarix will again delight with its splendor.

Important! The bush needs anti-aging pruning. They are performed on a strong branch, located closer to the base.

During the growing season, you can find cold-damaged branches and stems that are cut to healthy wood.

Pruning is also performed after flowering is completed. The crown should have a neat appearance, and for this, elongated stems and fading inflorescences are removed. The shrub during pruning must be stable, the branches can be fixed to the supports. Tamarix quickly acquires a dense crown, so it should be thinned out regularly.

Shrub tamariks (tamarisk, bead, comb): photo and description of varieties

The bush is resistant to pests and diseases. They only appear when another infected plant is placed nearby. To remove insects, spray with insecticides.

In rainy weather, tamarix can suffer from fungal diseases. Damaged stems and branches are removed, and the bush and the ground around it are sprayed with a fungicide solution. It is necessary to constantly monitor the appearance of the plant, because due to diseases and pests, its flowering worsens and its decorative effect decreases.

Varieties and types of tamarix

In the natural habitat, there are over 70 species of tamarix. But not all are used for cultivation. Choose only plants with high frost resistance.

branchy (Tamarix ramosissima)

This is a popular variety of tamarix. In nature, it is found in Iran, Mongolia, Moldova. The tree chooses riverbanks, pebbly banks and terraces of river banks. It can reach 2 meters in height.

Shrub tamariks (tamarisk, bead, comb): photo and description of varieties

Graceful branches have a light bluish or pale green color, and annual shoots are distinguished by a pale red tint. The leaves are awl-shaped and curved at the tips. The length of lush inflorescences, formed from pink flowers, is 50 mm.

The bush does not need a special composition of the soil, because it grows well on any land. It can adapt to urban conditions in a short time. If freezing has occurred, then tamarix is ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbquite simply restored. To prevent the plant from freezing in regions with cold winters, it is recommended to cover it.

Tamarix laxa

The bush grows in the northwestern territory of China, in the northern part of Iran, in Mongolia. Pink tamarix (pictured) is a small shrub. In height, it usually does not grow more than 5 meters.

Shrub tamariks (tamarisk, bead, comb): photo and description of varieties

The branches are gray or green in color. The leaves are oval-rhombic or ovoid in shape. Upper panicles include lush racemose inflorescences. Flowering lasts about 8 weeks.

Important! This variety is drought and frost resistant, it does not require special soil. Shrubs grow well in saline areas.

Dioecious (Tamarix dioica)

The tamarisk tree of this variety is distinguished by bisexual, smallish flowers, the length of which reaches 5 mm. Their inflorescences have a light red tone.

Shrub tamariks (tamarisk, bead, comb): photo and description of varieties

This type of plant is considered thermophilic, it grows in Asia. The shrub can be grown at home in the open field. With proper care, the plant will delight with beautiful flowering and unpretentiousness.

Four-starred (Tamarix tetrandra)

In its natural environment, the bush can be seen in Greece, the Crimea, Asia Minor. In Our Country, it also exists, but only in the southeast of the European part. The plant is large, its height can be 5-10 meters. Red-brown branches have a curved shape.

Shrub tamariks (tamarisk, bead, comb): photo and description of varieties

The green leaves are ovate-lanceolate. Lateral shoots contain inflorescences in the form of brushes. As you can see in the photo, tamarix flowers can have shades from pink to white. Bushes tolerate drought well and live up to 75 years.

Graceful (Tamarix gracilis)

In nature, the plant can be seen in China, Ukraine, Siberia. It reaches four meters in height. Thick branches have dust spots. The bark is greenish-gray or chestnut-brown. The foliage on the shoots is tiled.

Shrub tamariks (tamarisk, bead, comb): photo and description of varieties

Spring inflorescences reach a length of 50 mm. They are beautiful because of the bright pink flowers. Summer flower brushes are formed as part of large paniculate inflorescences.

The graceful appearance of the plant shows high resistance to frost, therefore it is often used to decorate landscape design.

Meyer (Tamarix meyeri)

Shrubs do not tolerate frost well, so Meyer’s tamarix is ​​u3bu4bchosen for areas with warmer winters. The bark has a reddish tone, the height of the plant is XNUMX-XNUMX m.

Shrub tamariks (tamarisk, bead, comb): photo and description of varieties

The leaves of the bush are scaly, the color is green-blue. The inflorescences are long (up to 10 cm), brush-shaped, formed by small pink flowers.

How to choose the right variety

Winter-hardy plant species are especially in demand. They are great for mid lane. All of the plants listed above can be used in the landscape design of the local area. The acquisition of a low-hardy species will lead to a waste of money and time. The bush may not die in the first winter, but it will need special care.


Tamarix shrub is a beautiful culture with excellent survival. Tolerates drought well. The plant is suitable for growing even in large, gassed cities. Tamarix does not require special attention and complex care. It is necessary to choose the right place for landing and provide protection from waterlogging.

Bead bush, or Tamarix

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