
Shrimps are Crustaceans that belong to the Order of the Decapods. Widely distributed in the seas of the whole world, however, some species live in fresh waters. The average life expectancy of these sea creatures 2-6 years, it depends largely on the habitat. Adult sizes reach a length of 2-30 cm.

Distinguish between warm-blooded and cold-blooded shrimp. Warm-blooded are larger and have an exotic appearance. The largest are tiger prawns, which can reach a length of 36 centimeters. Their name comes from a special color – the presence of black stripes on the shell. Cold-blooded shrimp are smaller, but they are more beneficial to the body; their cost is usually cheaper than warm-blooded ones. These seafood have a short shelf life, therefore, immediately after being caught, they are subjected to heat treatment or frozen.

The shell of crustaceans contains astaxanthin, a substance that belongs to carotenoids. It is this that gives the shrimp a bright pink color. It is believed that the seafood of a brighter color is tastier and more qualitative. But do not immediately draw conclusions. Sometimes owners of fish farms artificially paint the inhabitants of their farms.

In our time, shrimp have ceased to be food that is available only to the elect. Whole prawns in their shells or their meat can be seen in any store, and the price for them is quite affordable.

Chemical composition

Shrimp, like other seafood, is rich in easily digestible protein. Its digestion occurs very quickly, which contributes to the absorption into the blood of a sufficient number of components of the product.

One hundred gram portion of crustaceans provides 47% of the daily protein intake. At the same time, they are low in fat and carbohydrates, many valuable vitamins, micro and macro elements.

Shrimps are a source of vitamin D. 100 grams (boiled) contain about 32% of the daily value of this important component. Vitamin D provides the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and also regulates their level in the blood.

If you compare shrimp and other products, then, for example, they contain iodine almost 100 times more than beef. So in 100 g of this crustacean contains the daily rate of this element and 2,5 norms of potassium. By eating 200 grams of seafood per day, you can easily replenish the daily human need for copper and cobalt.

Fresh shrimps are low-calorie: 100-73 kcal falls on their 107 g (it all depends on the species). This seafood calorie content is located on the same level with potatoes, low-fat fish, bananas. Culinary processing of shrimp increases their caloric content. Crustaceans in boiled form contain about 100 kcal, and fried or baked become even more high-calorie. Can be an alternative dish for allergies, as they are not allergenic product.

Table 1. “The chemical composition of shrimp”
CompositionContent in 100 grams
Proteins18.9 g
Fats2,2 g
Water77,2 g
Ash1,7 g
Calcium135 mg
potassium260 mg
Phosphorus220 mg
Sodium450 mg
Magnesium60 mg
Hardware2200 μg
Zinc2100 μg
Copper850 μg
Iodine110 μg
Manganese110 μg
Fluorine100 μg
Cobalt12 μg
Molybdenum10 μg
Selenium38 mcg
Vitamin A (beta-carotene)0,01 mg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)1,4 mg
Vitamin E (tocopherol)2.27
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0.06 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.11 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)13 μg
Vitamin PP (niacin)1 mg

Useful Properties

Benefits for the heart

They increase the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood, and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. Behind a serious cardiac pathology is precisely an excessive amount of “bad” cholesterol. B vitamins also have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system – they destroy the harmful homocysteine ​​molecules that impede blood flow and damage blood vessels. This type of crustacean is characterized by a high content of omega-6 and omega-3 acids, which help human vessels to remain elastic and healthy, prevent the possibility of heart attacks and reduce blood pressure.

Cancer Prevention

Selenium, which is part of the shrimp, prevents the formation of cancer cells, inhibits their growth, and also kills weakened cells, old, with a broken gene apparatus. This trace element is also able to enhance the activity of glutathione peroxidase, which is characterized by anti-carcinogenic properties. There is information that the fatty acids in shrimps normalize metabolic processes, reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.

Benefits for the nervous system

Fatty acids have a positive effect on the cognitive functions of the brain. The high content of omega-3 fatty acids helps prevent a decrease in the quality of mental activity, provide protection against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Scientists at Columbia Medical Center have shown that fatty acid compounds help reduce blood levels of beta-amyloid, an amyloid plaque protein that occurs in Alzheimer’s disease. With the regular presence in the diet of fatty acids, the risk of these terrible diseases is reduced by 30%. In addition, omega-6 and omega-3 acids elevate mood and help prevent depression. The magnesium included in shrimp has excellent anti-stress properties.

Antioxidant properties

Shrimp is an excellent antioxidant. The substance carotenoid that they contain, regularly entering the body, promotes the formation of new tissues and cells, prolonging their youth, and helps to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Antimicrobial properties

Chitin, which is in the shell of a crustacean, has antimicrobial properties and helps the healing of cuts and wounds. Also, thanks to this, it is used in the dentistry and food industry.

Bone benefits

The high content of shrimp vitamin D and calcium can strengthen the skeletal system. It is useful to use this seafood to patients suffering from osteoporosis and arthrosis of the joints. With its regular presence in food, the risk of developing muscle and bone dystrophy is reduced, ligaments and joints become elastic, and the skeleton becomes strong.

Strong aphrodisiac

Shrimp are a strong aphrodisiac. The high content of selenium, iodine, protein, lysine and vitamins in them normalize the hormonal background, improve mood and give strength. Due to this, both men and women have increased sex drive.

Benefits for women

During pregnancy, every woman is concerned about nutrition. Nutritionists advise pregnant women to include seafood in their dishes, the beneficial properties of which contribute to the favorable development of the fetus. The rich mineral composition improves metabolism, providing a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, the appearance of nails and hair.

Shrimps are an indispensable source of trace elements not only during pregnancy, but also during menopause.

Benefits for men

Seafood is very useful for the body of a strong half of the population, and shrimp is no exception. In ancient Rome, crustaceans were part of dishes for patricians, they allowed them to stimulate their masculine strength due to the content of zinc and selenium. Fatty amino acids are involved in the biosynthesis of the main hormone in men – testosterone. After dinner, where the menu included shrimps and related products, such as vegetables, rice and white wine, a romantic continuation is guaranteed.

Use shrimp

In cooking

Shrimps are accessible to almost everyone and at the same time an exquisite table decoration. What dishes can you add them to? Of course, salads – in them, tender, cold and almost melting in the mouth crustacean meat, along with spices, fully reveals its unique delicacy taste. They can also be added to main dishes. Some shrimp gourmets cook soups. And, of course, just ordinary shrimp without any ingredients are widespread.

The recipes of different culinary specialists differ among themselves by the variety of additives of flavoring seasonings and the duration of cooking. What is the secret of cooking shrimp? How to cook them so that the meat is fully prepared and tasty?

An important role in the preparation is the proper defrosting of the product. There are rules that will allow you to save more useful substances in it:

  • You can not thaw shrimp at room temperature, in a microwave or throw frozen in water. Optimal preparation of the cooking product is a gradual defrosting and defrosting in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  • A less “correct”, but also an effective way of defrosting is to place the seafood in a colander and leave it for 15 minutes in cold water. Then you need to change the water and shrimp still withstand 20 minutes.
  • After defrosting, seafood must be rinsed in running water. Before being thrown into boiling water, it is necessary to dry it on a paper napkin.

Let’s move on to the recipe itself. First, boil water. Its quantity is determined in the ratio for 1 part of shrimp – 2-2,5 parts of water.

Water needs to be salted and spices are added to it. The most common – parsley, peas black pepper, dill. Sometimes a bay leaf is added, but it must be remembered that it will add excessive rigidity to the shrimp. But it all depends on your preferences.

After boiling water, you can put shrimp in it. Make sure that the dish does not “run away”, as the crustaceans may foam slightly during cooking and rise to the surface. Tender and soft shrimp meat is cooked very quickly – as soon as the shrimp boil and float, after 1,5-2 minutes they can be removed with a slotted spoon or drained. The cooking time for larger seafood is slightly longer – about 2-3 minutes. It is very important not to overcook – otherwise the meat will become a “rubber-like” consistency and instead of enjoying it, you will only need to chew on elastic hooks. The meat of properly cooked shrimp is very tender and almost melts in your mouth. As soon as the seafood is taken out of the water, it must be cooled and cleaned. If desired, before serving, you can sprinkle a little greens.

It is important to know how to properly clean the shrimp to eat it. First, be sure to release it from the shell. To do this, take it in your hands up belly and tear the head. Then it is necessary to take the shrimp by the top with one hand and the tail with the other, slowly pull the back and the shell will slide off the body. After that, you can enjoy the taste of crustacean.

In the legs may be caviar, which is eaten by some gourmets. It is not less tasty than the shrimp itself.

When cleaning shrimp, be sure to remove the “vein”, which is an organ of digestion. It may contain grains of sand, and the taste is sometimes bitter. Of course, we expect very different sensations, savoring shrimp.

Shrimp, regardless of their type, can be cooked not only in water. For example, many seafood in Italy is cooked in cream or milk in unpeeled form. In Japan and China, in order to eliminate the specific “fish spirit” for cooking shrimp, use green tea. Its leaves are added to water just before boiling. In this case, the shrimp need to cook a little longer. And as a result, the meat will not be tasteless and “rubber”, but, on the contrary, with an additional twist. In Russia, many cook shrimp in vodka or beer. The most common ingredients that are added to the liquid when cooking crustaceans are bay leaf, salt, black pepper, lime, lemon, vegetable oil, cloves, garlic, tarragon and dill.

All the above tips can be used for gas or electric stoves. You can also cook shrimp in the microwave. But in this case there is no consensus on the required time for preparation. Some believe that these seafood in a microwave oven need to withstand 12 minutes, and it should be turned on at full capacity. Others are of the opinion that just two minutes is enough for such a procedure. Still others stick to the golden mean, they cook seafood on the average power of 5-7 minutes. But almost everyone agrees that in the microwave, frozen shrimps can be cooked without water, because the melted ice is enough.

Sometimes ice-cream-boiled shrimps are not cooked at all, because they have already been cooked after fishing. You can just wait until they are completely free of ice, sprinkle them with lemon juice, sprinkle with finely chopped greens on top and serve. Sometimes shrimps are “heated” for a couple. All of the listed cooking methods are correct and valid.

For losing weight

Shrimps are low-calorie, they contain almost no sugar and fat, but due to the high protein content they perfectly satisfy hunger. Therefore, this seafood is one of the most preferred types of food. The high content of vitamin B12 contributes to the synthesis of hemoglobin and has a positive effect on the nervous system, which is important during weight loss.

There is a special shrimp diet, with which you can not only improve your figure, but also improve the condition of your skin and hair. With this diet, you need to eat about 350 grams of boiled shrimp meat per day. If you really want fried food, then only cooked in vegetable oil and no more than 100 grams. Vegetables can be consumed with this crustacean, with the exception of potatoes, legumes and corn. Greens can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Green apples, citrus fruits and wild berries are allowed. From liquids, water, citrus juices, pineapple, apple, pomegranate, as well as skim milk are allowed.

The duration of such a diet is 7-10 days. It is not suitable for people suffering from liver pathology or chronic allergies. It is advisable to discuss the need for such a diet with a doctor if you have problems with the thyroid gland.

In cosmetology

When eating marine crustaceans, the condition of hair, nails and skin improves due to the presence of vitamin A. They are used for cosmetic purposes not only as food. The chitosan contained in the shell allows you to slow down the aging process, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and normalize immune reactions. It is used for cosmetic correction, because it does not leave scars on the skin.

Chitosan has other excellent qualities: on the skin it creates a protective layer, protecting it from moisture loss. Also prevents from the aggressive effects of environmental factors and is well absorbed by the body.

On the basis of chitosan there is a whole series of various cosmetics: creams, lotions, masks, powders. Scientists are developing technologies that plan to use chitosan nanoparticles in new skin care products.

Selection rules

The best option is to buy shrimp immediately in the harbor after unloading the ship. But in such a place, unfortunately, few live. The bulk of people choose this seafood in the markets or in stores where they are chilled, canned or frozen.

The most useful ones are fresh-frozen shrimps, because in this form, the ingredients in it are maximized. But more often on our shelves you can find frozen boiled seafood. It is best to buy it, frozen block.

In order to fully enjoy the benefits and taste of shrimp, it is necessary to carefully examine their appearance. They should definitely smell a little sea and look fresh. What else to look for when choosing?

  • On the freshness of the shrimp says its elasticity and low humidity. Too dry shell indicates old age.
  • There should be no spots on the marine crustaceans. Black rings or spots on the paws indicate that they are spoiled or of old age. When cooking, such individuals will turn into porridge. Yellow spots indicate that the sellers tried to hide the presence of black spots with a chemical solution.
  • White stripes on seafood indicate that it is frozen.
  • There is nothing to worry about if the shrimp has a green head – it’s just that it ate a long time for plankton. The head of a brown color indicates that it is a female and it is in position – such shrimps are much more useful.
  • If the marine crustaceans are brown or yellow, then this is evidence that they are stale on the shelf. Do not buy bright or almost red with orange tint, because they, most likely, are simply tinted with the purpose of giving a presentation.
  • Shrimp in the form of a frozen lump happens if it is thawed and frozen again.

When making a purchase, be sure to pay attention to the shelf life, in the opposite case there is a risk of acquiring damaged goods. Shrimp after purchase is better to cook immediately. But if it becomes necessary to store them, then it is better to do it in the freezer.

Additional facts

Shrimp lovers will be interested to learn about some interesting additional facts about them:

  • Many types of shrimp are hermaphroditic – during their life they can change the sex from male to female.
  • As they grow, their old shell, which has become uncomfortable, is changed to a more spacious one.
  • Can easily accumulate toxic substances.
  • Growing “royal” shrimp occurs mainly on farms. For this, growth promoters and antibiotics are used. They have very few nutrients.
  • One type of shrimp – the so-called “shooting.” With their claws, they can make a click so loud that a nearby fish dies from it.

Harm and contraindications

Shrimp is a safe product, you can even give it to children. Contraindicated can be unless in the presence of a person allergic to seafood. But they do not need to be abused, as well as many other food products.

The ecological situation in the world is not encouraging. Therefore, there is no certainty that the shrimp lying on the table grew in absolutely healthy conditions. In addition, they are not only marine, but also river, while they are very different in composition and useful properties. Some fishermen and suppliers feed shrimp with antibiotics and various additives that have a negative effect on the body when consumed.

Sea crustaceans well absorb various toxic substances and accumulate them. Cadmium, mercury, lead and other heavy metals can be found in them, which are extremely dangerous for the human body. Due to the dishonesty of carriers and suppliers of the goods, in case of non-compliance with the rules of transportation and storage, sometimes seafood that is useful in itself can become dangerous and provoke poisoning.

Shrimp is an amazing, tasty and nutritious product. Do not abuse them, follow the rules of choice and they will bring you only benefit.

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