Shoulder strain in adults
As practice shows, stretching of the shoulder muscles is often combined with other injuries, such as dislocations, fractures, etc. Therefore, such a thorough examination is carried out to exclude other pathologies.

Everyone at least once, but faced with injuries. It is not always possible to lay straws, because no one is safe from injuries. A simple example: a trip on public transport, where conditions for safety seem to be created – you can hold on to the handrails. But a sharp deceleration and the body moves forward, and the hand firmly holds on to the handrail. As a result, a stretching of the muscles of the shoulder, more precisely, the ligaments of the shoulder joint, is formed. Trauma symptoms may appear after a while, and the circumstances of its occurrence are remembered only after.

Sprain of the shoulder joint is common not only among athletes, but also in everyday life. Moreover, adults and children are at risk.

What is stretch

The shoulder joint is held by ligaments that connect the clavicle to two bone processes on the shoulder blade: in front – the acromion, behind – the coracoid process. Clavicular-acromial sprains are more often recorded, but with serious and severe injuries, several ligaments can be damaged.

A ligament is a dense, connective tissue made up of fibers. In clinical practice, it is customary to distinguish several degrees of stretching:

  • I – the ligament remains intact, but microdamages are noted in its fibers;
  • II – partial rupture of the ligament;
  • III – complete rupture of the ligament, and if in the first two cases the treatment can be conservative, then in the latter it is exclusively surgical.

Causes of shoulder strain in adults

This is a common injury that has an indirect mechanism of occurrence. Stretching often occurs when the technique of performing exercises is violated, both in professional athletes and in people who neglect safety precautions or begin to pull themselves up without prior warm-up. A serious load on the “cold” muscles and ligaments is one of the reasons for the development of an injury.

When pulling up, you need to remember about safety precautions. If the shoulder blades are in the wrong position, then this creates conditions for stretching and even rupture of the ligaments of the shoulder joint.

Another possible option is falling on an outstretched arm, or sharp jerky movements under various life circumstances.

Shoulder sprain symptoms in adults

At the time of injury, there is a sharp pain, you can hear a crunch or other sounds. In the future, the situation can go according to two scenarios, depending on the degree of complexity of the injury.

Pain after an injury increases within a few days, swelling is formed. They already come to the doctor with complaints not only of severe pain, but also of limited mobility. Although it persists, it causes increased pain.

Another version of events is more common. During the injury, there is pain, but after it quickly passes. After 1 to 2 weeks, symptoms begin to appear. It all starts with the appearance of pain in the evening, it is impossible to sleep on the side of the injured shoulder and it is difficult to find a comfortable position, the symptoms increase day by day.

Later, others join – restriction of mobility. Women note that it is impossible to raise your hand above your head and blow-drying turns into torture. Gradually, the limitation of mobility progresses. The pain appears when you try to put your hand behind your back, for example, to fasten a bra or put on a coat.

If the injury is serious, then a hematoma, bruising is formed.

Treatment of shoulder sprains in adults

Treatment is complex and is determined by the patient’s condition. With I and II degrees of stretching, treatment is carried out in a conservative way at home, under the guidance of a doctor.

First of all, rest and immobilization of the joint for 14 (not less!) Days in mild cases and more than 21 days in severe cases are recommended. After all, injuries of ligaments and muscles heal much longer than bones. If you are concerned about pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended to help relieve pain.

When a hematoma is detected, a puncture of the joint is recommended in order to evacuate the blood that has accumulated in the joint, as well as the introduction of novocaine. An anesthetic is administered to prevent complications. After all, a hematoma can decalcify, which threatens to restrict mobility. And the treatment of these complications is exclusively surgical.

In difficult cases, when a ligament rupture has occurred, the only treatment option is surgery followed by a period of rehabilitation.


If the above symptoms appear, you should visit a doctor. After all, they can indicate more serious injuries, and not just sprains – for example, fractures, dislocations, and others. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help to avoid serious complications.

Diagnostics begins with a survey and clarification of complaints and the circumstances that led to this. After proceeding to some diagnostic tests and examination. Radiography is needed to rule out bone changes. However, this method of examination is not informative in relation to the ligamentous apparatus, therefore CT is recommended, and preferably MRI. These examination methods will help to exclude hemarthrosis – the accumulation of blood in the joint cavity, which can have a number of adverse consequences. And also to see the disintegration of the shoulder muscles, inflammatory changes, etc.

Modern treatments

Due to immobilization, the joint and muscles of the shoulder do not work, and in the absence of a load, atrophic processes begin to form quickly. Therefore, modern methods of treatment are aimed at their prevention through the methods of exercise therapy and physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy exercises are recommended no later than the fifth day after the injury. Depending on the situation and the patient’s condition, the doctor develops a set of exercises that put a load on the muscles, for example, the PNF technique. Its essence is that with the help of healthy, uninjured muscles, you can activate the work of damaged ones and create the correct stereotype of movements.

In addition to exercises aimed at working the muscles, those that are aimed at the work of the joint and its ligamentous apparatus are also selected. It is important to note that all selected exercises can be performed even with immobilization of the limbs, because they have a small amplitude. An exercise therapy doctor may recommend isometric muscle tension exercises – movements without load.

Prevention of shoulder muscle strain in adults at home

It is important to follow all the rules and perform exercises under the supervision of a specialist who will help to avoid injuries and sprains.

Any training should begin with a warm-up, which will prepare the muscles, ligaments for training. Even if you have to carry heavy bags, it is recommended to warm up the muscles.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the prevention of possible complications, which boils down to timely diagnosis and treatment of the injury.

Popular questions and answers

Sprain of the shoulder muscles and ligaments of the joint is a common problem that is underestimated. And timely treatment and rehabilitation will help to avoid complications. Answered our most important questions traumatologist Maxim Kolinsky и physiotherapist, rehabilitologist Irina Yudina.

How to provide first aid for sprained shoulder muscles?
First aid rules for all injuries have a similar algorithm. And first of all, it begins with the immobilization of the damaged area. But with shoulder injuries, there are features. It is important to give the injured hand a physiological position:

● kerchief bandage, where the arm is in a bent position;

● for physiological abduction, a small rolled towel is placed in the armpit.

The injured limb must be at rest. To reduce swelling and a mild analgesic effect, apply cold for 10-15 minutes. With severe pain, you can take painkillers, after which you need to go to the nearest emergency room, where further treatment will be carried out.

When to See a Doctor for a Shoulder Sprain?
Ideally, you should visit a doctor even when the pain has gone. As practice shows, the symptoms return, but time is lost.

Warning symptoms can include:

● persistence of pain for several days;

● limitation of mobility, which becomes pronounced day by day;

● severe swelling;

● hematoma formation.

The sooner the diagnosis is made and the treatment is started, the less the likelihood of complications, and the rehabilitation will be faster and easier.

What complications can occur with a shoulder muscle strain?
Among the most common complications include decalcified synovitis (accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity), bursitis (inflammation of the articular bag). This causes serious mobility restrictions, chronic pain syndrome and, in general, spoils the quality of life.

Another possible complication is the splitting of a section of cartilage that borders the glenoid cavity of the scapula. More often this happens with serious falls or strong jerky movements. And these chips give restrictions on movement. The best way to look for such changes is with an MRI.

How long does it take to recover from a shoulder strain?
Everything is individual and depends on a number of factors: the age of the patient, the type of injury, the clinical picture and related changes.

In the process of rehabilitation, kinesio taping has proven itself well, which makes it possible to refuse to wear a scarf bandage and normalize lymph flow. And this is an important condition when working with edema and hematomas.

The tapes protect the ligaments from further injury and ensure the safe operation of the joint: there are movements, but they are protected. This means of treatment and rehabilitation has significant advantages over others. For example, orthoses or a scarf bandage completely restrict movement, kinesio taping does not.

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