Shoulder joint – everything you need to know about it. Construction, injuries and ankle care

The shoulder joint belongs to the so-called spherical joints, which means that its range of motion is very wide. Unfortunately, the shoulder joint, like other joints, can undergo various injuries, fractures and overloads. In the following article you will learn how the shoulder joint is built, what injuries are most often associated with it and how to care for the shoulder joint.

How is the shoulder joint built?

The shoulder joint is a piece of the human body that connects the upper limb with the torso. As we mentioned at the beginning, the shoulder joint is a spherical joint that allows rotational movements. The shoulder joint consists of the spherical head of the humerus and the shallow acetabulum of the scapula. Unfortunately, the shoulder joint is exposed to more frequent injuries and contusions due to its structure. This is due primarily to the fact that it is not the shoulder that connects to the bones of the chest directly, but through the scapula. This therefore places a heavy strain on the shoulder joint.

The ligaments and synovial bursae of the shoulder joint

The shoulder joint is equipped with a ligament that strengthens the joint capsule. In the shoulder joint, we can distinguish the coro-brachial ligament, which has a flat shape and is very strong. It is thanks to him that the adduction movements are inhibited, and the lifting of the arm is carried out without the head of the humerus sliding off the acetabulum. In the shoulder joint there are also labrum-brachial ligaments – lower, upper and middle.

Smooth shifting of the joint elements is possible thanks to the so-called synovial bursae, which are filled with a special fluid. In the area of ​​the shoulder joint, we can distinguish the bursa of the long head of the biceps brachii, the subcapular bursa of the subscapular muscle, the subaccapular bursa, and the bursa of the brachiocephalic muscle.

Shoulder joint pain – what can it show?

Shoulder pain can have many different causes. Most often it is associated with stretching or tearing one of its parts. In such cases, we can deal with the injury of muscles, tendons or ligaments. Shoulder joint injuries most often occur as a result of an impact or accident, and also by carrying heavy objects. One of the most common injuries of this joint is dislocation. They are also caused by the specific structure of the shoulder joint, which allows the humerus to move very easily. Depending on the severity of the injury, the joint may self-adjust or you will need the help of a professional surgeon.

Shoulder joint – what injuries can happen?

The shoulder joint can undergo various injuries. One of the most common is damage to the rotator cuff. Most often, such an injury is characterized by pain in the shoulder area, and even restriction of its movements. There can be many reasons for such an injury, but it is usually caused by multiple micro-injuries or simply overstrain. The cone can not only be weakened, but also broken.

Another common trauma is the sub-shoulder conflict, which can even lead to inflammation of the sub-shoulder bursa. It is characterized primarily by pain after training or other physical exertion, and is caused by an imbalance between the muscles of the rotator cuff and the deltoid muscle.

Patients often see a doctor also with shoulder instability. The most common causes of such an injury are movements with a large range, but not only. Shoulder instability occurs most often as a result of a previous shoulder dislocation, especially in very young people. The patient then feels pain, uncertainty in terms of movement, and even restriction of certain movements.

How to care for the shoulder joint?

Athletes and people who constantly perform some physical effort know that bones and joints should be looked after so that they remain in good condition for as long as possible. First of all, you should focus on regular, properly selected exercises. Of course, these must not be exercises that strain the shoulder joint, but those that will actually strengthen the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint. Movement within the joint is not only an excellent training for muscles, but also a change in pressure inside the joint, and thus providing it with important nutrients.

Daily prophylaxis is very important, and paying attention to how we sit and how we carry things. First of all, you should maintain a proper position when working at the computer. The wrist muscles should not be tense and the elbows should always be resting on the desk. It is also definitely worth not carrying a bag on one shoulder, especially a heavy one. You should choose solutions that will ensure even weight distribution. A backpack will be perfect.

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