Shoulder girdle pain – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, home management

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Pain in the shoulder girdle is a condition that is related to the radiation of pain from the cervical roots or the shoulder plexus, it can also be the result of degenerative-inflammatory changes in the shoulder joints or the surrounding tissues. Pains can be felt unilaterally or bilaterally. Pains of a permanent nature are then felt, which may increase after the movement overload of the shoulder joint or as a result of cold and moisture.

What are shoulder girdle pains?

Pain in the shoulder girdle is related to the defective structure of the tendons, muscles, joints and joint capsules that are involved in shoulder movements. They can show up rapidly for no apparent reason, and can be the result of degenerative inflammation or neurological diseases. Pain in the shoulder girdle in patients leads to significantly reduced motor activity and rarely turns into a chronic condition. They are one of the most common (apart from knee and back pain) musculoskeletal pain. Every year, this disease affects 5%. up to 47 percent of the population.

Shoulder girdle pains – causes

The most common causes of shoulder girdle pains are:

  1. Muscle instability and weakness: the muscles responsible for the correct position of the head of the humerus and shoulder blade may weaken, which in turn disrupts the correct movement of the shoulder. Muscle weakness may occur due to poorly chosen physical activity or after a stroke;
  2. inflammation (local): usually occurs in tendons and joint capsules due to their overload, degenerative changes, tendon damage or autoimmune ailments;
  3. restriction of mobility: ligaments and joint capsules can severely impair the functioning of the shoulder girdle, especially the lifting of the arms. This may be due to an ongoing inflammation in the joint, e.g.
  4. excessive mobility: it happens that the ligaments and joint capsules are loose, so the movements made in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle may therefore be excessive and lead to shoulder instability. The reasons for this can be repeated injuries or congenital instability in many directions. Too much mobility can result in the shoulder being dislocated or subluxated.

Shoulder girdle pain – symptoms

What constitutes the shoulder girdle joint?

  1. scapulo-costal joint,
  2. shoulder joint,
  3. shoulder-clavicular joint,
  4. sternoclavicular joint.

Symptoms accompanying this condition may differ from one another. In severe cases, pain is radiated to the arm, elbow, upper cervical spine and head. In addition, the patient experiences reduced mobility of the shoulder and upper limb, as well as general muscle weakness. As a result, patients have problems dressing independently and carrying out basic housework. It is not uncommon for sleep problems to occur.

The most common muscle groups that cause pain are: the muscles involved in increasing the movement of the arm; the muscles of the rotator cuff, i.e. responsible for the proper positioning of the shoulder joint; muscles associated with the correct positioning of the shoulder blade. The pain is usually located in the area of ​​the subacromial bursa. Sometimes the source of pain may come from joint capsules.

Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder girdle pain

Patients complaining of pain in the shoulder girdle very often visit the doctor. Although this condition is not life-threatening (except for those projected from distant organs of the body), it is difficult to treat. Relief of symptoms is observed in only half of the patients. In diagnostics, it is necessary to confirm that the pain is caused by the elements of the shoulder girdle. In addition, a specific anatomical structure must be identified as a source of pain in order to be treated.

In the treatment of shoulder girdle pain, injection corticosteroids are used; physical therapy; manual therapy and surgery.

Home pre-treatment procedures in case of shoulder girdle pains

With a significant intensification of the symptoms described, you can use:

  1. one of the best known painkillers (e.g. Paracetamol) at one time,
  2. correct body position while lying down (preferably on a hard surface),
  3. massage of the shoulder muscles to relax them,
  4. correct position of the head in relation to the cervical vertebrae; maintain adequate mobility in this regard,
  5. rubbing with anti-inflammatory ointments,
  6. hot water bottles and compresses that have a warming effect on the shoulder area (order today Compress for the neck, nape, shoulder Visiomed KINECARE VM-GB6),
  7. rubbing salicylic or ant alcohol into the sore area (strengthens the neck muscles and relaxes),

It is also important to eliminate coexisting foci of inflammation that may extend the duration of inflammation in the tissues surrounding the joints and in the intervertebral joints themselves. If you do not see any improvement, or even intensify the pain and aggravate the impairment of mobility, consult a doctor.

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